List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Gerwazy Kidon Sold gogreen 6/19/2010 $ 3 248 000
Seran Gómez Bought Xokolateros 6/4/2010 $ 2 750 000
Marcus Colding Sold KK Mladost Sarajevo 11/15/2009 $ 2 700 000
Miguel Goicoerroeta Sold Dandrius 2/26/2009 $ 2 550 000
Sven-Knudt Auerbach Sold Celtics 2022 9/6/2009 $ 2 500 000
Gerwazy Kidon Bought kolainiai 7/20/2009 $ 2 400 000
Sven-Knudt Auerbach Bought FKC 2/26/2009 $ 2 350 000
Seran Gómez Sold Marseilleveyre 6/19/2010 $ 2 208 400
Massimo Bananoia Sold Armata Leone di Lernia 6/19/2010 $ 2 079 000
David Funes Sold asd monterotondo 6/19/2010 $ 1 983 500
David Funes Bought GlamTeam 9/11/2009 $ 1 950 000
Lu Zhihao Bought everbleach 6/30/2008 $ 1 836 000
Ronaldo Luís Ferrugem Bought Tuya - Mia B.C. 4/14/2009 $ 1 700 000
Guido Montani Sold Best Dream Team 12/29/2008 $ 1 581 000
Walter Giorgio Cannas Sold Titan Warriors 6/22/2009 $ 1 530 000
Marcus Colding Bought Ich Roque 6/18/2009 $ 1 500 000
Ronaldo Luís Ferrugem Sold KawSooo 6/16/2009 $ 1 500 000
Hugo Pateau Sold colle aperto cantin 8/10/2008 $ 1 500 000
Guido Montani Bought S.S. Orip Orap 8/19/2008 $ 1 350 000
Matthé van Berkel Bought 龙之队 4/16/2010 $ 1 300 000
Taylor Humphreys Bought Saint Jesuit Prep 6/22/2009 $ 1 300 000
Walter Giorgio Cannas Bought Free Agent 10/22/2008 $ 1 300 000
Lu Zhihao Sold Golden State Montarioso 10/5/2008 $ 1 268 800
Salvador Peña Sold TeamBallo 6/12/2008 $ 1 255 851
Massimo Bananoia Bought Tour de Forst 11/19/2009 $ 1 200 000
Taylor Humphreys Sold Payro 6/19/2010 $ 1 131 200
Fernando Cobas Bought Free Agent 10/9/2008 $ 1 104 300
Renato Lobo Bought GergoAndras 4/2/2008 $ 1 092 500
Renato Lobo Sold Field Runners 6/4/2010 $ 1 000 000
Fernando Cobas Sold bc ilves 4/13/2009 $ 918 000
Matthé van Berkel Sold Napoli Lions 6/4/2010 $ 832 400
Rex Weston Bought KillGill 9/8/2008 $ 780 400
Julien Vilatte Sold U.C. Fiches 4/7/2008 $ 683 400
Leon Titus Bought TurnUp 6/4/2008 $ 671 300
Victoriano Puelma Sold ΑΣ.ΤΡΙΚΑΛΑ 2000 B.C 11/24/2008 $ 662 600
Victoriano Puelma Bought Free Agent 4/10/2008 $ 660 000
Leon Titus Sold Ornitorinchi 9/7/2008 $ 647 400
José Ceresol Bought Pitagoras Team 9/8/2008 $ 600 000
Pedro Uriszar Bought ASK75 9/4/2008 $ 600 000
Maher Er-Rihani Sold Cunit Ninis 9/2/2008 $ 586 200
Manuel Collette Sold Trail Blazzers978 5/23/2008 $ 570 000
Jérôme Lepage Sold sbg flash1FA 9/7/2008 $ 552 300
Sikko Stravers Bought Stomil Olsztyn 10/27/2009 $ 512 900
Miguel Goicoerroeta Bought Free Agent 11/29/2007 $ 510 000
Rex Weston Sold korkmaz 11/21/2008 $ 500 000
Giuseppe De Simone Bought Tupkashti_sarca 8/30/2008 $ 500 000
Mathieu Coinon Sold Gladomes 11/15/2009 $ 433 100
Nicolas Simonot Sold West Spartans 6/7/2008 $ 433 100
Hernán Federico Moriconi Sold TPAKTOP 5/29/2008 $ 424 600
Jorge Mateos Cabeza Sold Unreal Madrid 10/27/2009 $ 400 000
Elijah Barrett Bought Oklahoma Force 5/20/2008 $ 400 000
Sikko Stravers Sold Près dArène Rockets 4/15/2010 $ 371 500
Jérôme Lepage Bought CVRP 5/24/2008 $ 330 000
Guang Shuobin Sold Dortmund Kangaroos 4/12/2008 $ 306 000
Pedro Uriszar Sold PolskiGazŁupkowy Łebień 11/24/2008 $ 300 000
José Ceresol Sold ronron 12/22/2008 $ 281 000
Rémy Goutte Sold SAM MASSAGNO 11/26/2009 $ 255 300
Nicolas Kervella Sold cuqinho 11/26/2007 $ 221 000
Giuseppe De Simone Sold gladiaattorit oy 3/26/2009 $ 216 600
Timo Rääsk Sold 火焰山 3/15/2008 $ 216 600
Jorge Mateos Cabeza Bought Crystal Lake Executioners 12/11/2008 $ 200 000
Salvador Peña Bought THE CHANPION 2/15/2008 $ 200 000
Olivier Duvinage Sold Bayern Füzes KK 3/29/2008 $ 180 000
Štef Kacil Bought Ruti 1/20/2009 $ 160 000
Hernán Federico Moriconi Bought kreolteam 2/6/2008 $ 156 100
Timo Rääsk Bought Raisakotkad BC 11/6/2007 $ 139 700
William Bonneville Sold Gladiators° 2/19/2008 $ 135 300
Anthony Onillon Sold El 236 6/7/2008 $ 130 000
Yanisse Guerry Sold LA Lakers 24 & 8 12/17/2007 $ 102 000
Nicolas Soreau Sold Loginibasket 6/4/2010 $ 100 000
Gandolfo Ardustra Bought Tacco Team 1/15/2009 $ 100 000
Anthony Camier Sold BC Undercats 2/27/2010 $ 92 300
Elijah Barrett Sold mesina_toons 9/2/2008 $ 89 400
Thomas Vinatier Sold Saloum United 1/17/2009 $ 75 000
Paolo Pizzolante Bought Pssycho 12/6/2007 $ 75 000
Olivier Duvinage Bought Les Vandales 2/1/2008 $ 66 000
Rémy Goutte Bought Indiana | Pacers 6/5/2009 $ 40 000
Jean-Baptiste Cousseau Sold mambo 13 11/5/2007 $ 36 000
Simon Lavalley Sold Club de la lucha 2/9/2008 $ 35 000
Paolo Pizzolante Sold SK Puikas 3/29/2008 $ 34 000
Loïc Thébault Sold Brugal Pacers 1/17/2009 $ 24 000
Jérôme Lepaul Sold AS Oullins 6/21/2009 $ 20 000
Josian Chaumette Sold c.a.nacional 7/3/2008 $ 10 000
Štef Kacil Sold Philly Process 11/22/2009 $ 9 000
Tristan Descarpentries Sold BALTIMORE,STINGS 7/2/2009 $ 7 500
Diego Santillán Bought Caza y Pesca 11/15/2007 $ 3 000
Benoît Savidan Sold BC Red Star mts 11/5/2007 $ 2 000
Romain Lagarde Sold Galician Scallops 2/4/2008 $ 1 000
Total Sales: $ 38 929 351
Total Purchases: $ 29 837 200
Transfer Balance: $ 9 092 151