List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Darius Cramer Bought 6four 3/23/2021 $ 50 000
Stéphane Armand Bought Alameda Bay Stars 7/22/2021 $ 200 000
Shawn Kewell Sold Aprilia Basket 11/21/2021 $ 50 000
Kong Jui Seng Bought Back With Difference 1/8/2014 $ 24 000
Franklin Galino Sold BC Afganistanas 6/21/2024 $ 203 700
Dmitrijus Dobilis Bought BC InterasFCC 11/19/2014 $ 23 000
Adomas Trainis Bought BC Opa Ikrito 1/8/2014 $ 5 000
Franklin Galino Bought BC Tambo 2/13/2023 $ 80 000
Savieri Chiluba Bought BC Vuosaari 1/8/2014 $ 76 600
Olivier Le Texier Bought Bence All Star 11/19/2018 $ 200 000
Liu Renming Sold Berkinson Club 1/16/2023 $ 78 200
János Tiefenbach Sold BIC TEAM 11/22/2019 $ 422 700
Alessandro Palazzolo Bought Big House 11/11/2014 $ 65 600
Waldemar Bentkowski Sold Bolesna Brača 3/14/2024 $ 100 000
Romas Lesickas Bought Cáceres Ciudad del Baloncesto 9/28/2021 $ 300 000
Damián Parra Sold Carieristas 8/3/2022 $ 200 000
Hubert Kusmierczak Sold CB Underdogs 5/19/2023 $ 364 200
Dávid Palicz Sold Centuriones Junior 10/14/2021 $ 300 000
Ziya Fani Sold Colt 45s 8/12/2015 $ 32 000
Wiesław Rojowski Bought Crnilaaa 1/14/2014 $ 15 000
Mujo Viljić Sold Dallas a tuttiD86 10/22/2014 $ 229 600
Trent Fallon Sold Danton 11/18/2015 $ 5 000
Yrjö Frost Bought Dinposchiani 3/12/2024 $ 1 000
Stéphane Armand Sold Dribbling Souls 10/8/2023 $ 275 000
Butvidas Babicas Sold Dublin Bears 7/29/2015 $ 11 600
Mahir Lubura Bought europino12 11/12/2016 $ 374 000
Danilo De Dominici Sold Franca Shoemakers Revival 10/14/2021 $ 204 000
Zygfryd Łagowski Bought Free Agent 12/8/2023 $ 95 470
Kevin Cuneen Bought Free Agent 2/18/2023 $ 56 410
Liu Renming Bought Free Agent 4/20/2022 $ 132 600
Allen Bartram Bought Free Agent 10/28/2021 $ 94 800
Matteo Collura Bought Free Agent 10/14/2021 $ 89 200
Atilla Önsal Bought Free Agent 6/2/2021 $ 172 200
Damián Parra Bought Free Agent 5/13/2021 $ 98 510
Eugenio Groni Bought Free Agent 11/5/2020 $ 99 850
György Gyula Bought Free Agent 1/11/2020 $ 95 540
Frants Räst Bought Free Agent 5/17/2019 $ 77 410
Vincent Couture Bought Free Agent 8/31/2018 $ 50 670
Stanisław Dwojak Bought Free Agent 5/29/2018 $ 39 850
Niccolò Bertaccini Bought Free Agent 10/4/2017 $ 52 200
Alexander Hopson Bought Free Agent 5/11/2017 $ 51 630
Joven Tan, Jr. Bought Free Agent 3/8/2017 $ 255 000
Juan Combis Bought Free Agent 11/25/2016 $ 60 530
Bruno Beleza Bought Free Agent 8/5/2016 $ 59 500
Sergi Faidella Bought Free Agent 8/3/2016 $ 286 300
Dule Velinović Bought Gamadasi 7/29/2022 $ 400 000
Dušan Šestić Bought Gandza Team 11/26/2019 $ 300 000
José Luirink Bought Ghost Peppers 9/9/2014 $ 156 100
Allen Bartram Sold Gibiskus 2/15/2023 $ 208 000
Christophe Castelain Bought gillette sensor team 11/14/2023 $ 238 900
Olaf Keup Bought Göttingen Magic 1/10/2019 $ 208 100
Alexander Hopson Sold gregari lituani 9/6/2019 $ 350 000
Wally Charlton Sold Hadders Heros 12/7/2023 $ 125 000
Juha Kiiskilä Bought Hemet Hooligans 6/30/2020 $ 832 400
Dan Potter Sold Hercules Sao Fernando 3/26/2014 $ 27 600
Bruno Beleza Sold Horneros BC 9/28/2017 $ 33 000
Juan Combis Sold HUNTAZAS C.B. 7/15/2017 $ 118 400
Juha Kiiskilä Sold INCREDIBULLS 2/15/2023 $ 115 200
Evan Gemeniano Sold IRAKLIS BC5A8 8/6/2016 $ 125 000
Eugenio Groni Sold Jailhouse Monsters II 10/16/2021 $ 52 100
Víctor Selva Bought jajajajajaja 10/5/2023 $ 395 000
Pauls Vigups Bought Joniskio cavaliers 3/6/2014 $ 230 100
Christopher Pacey Sold joseuge72 6/27/2019 $ 153 000
Olivier Le Texier Sold Juuru Eagles 1/16/2019 $ 55 000
Ireneusz Woźniak Sold Kiki BC 9/6/2019 $ 155 555
Hiva Pious Sold killkillkill 9/11/2014 $ 31 000
Dušan Šestić Sold KKS Lubań 3/24/2021 $ 402 700
Thodoros Pouliadis Sold Köln Pistons 5/15/2019 $ 104 100
Hassan Sadler Bought Koopasaurus 5/15/2017 $ 198 000
János Tiefenbach Bought Lähdeniityn Leijonat 9/16/2019 $ 477 600
Romas Lesickas Sold lamar篮球队 2/4/2023 $ 234 800
Ireneusz Woźniak Bought Lefki 1/12/2019 $ 180 000
Savieri Chiluba Sold Les Armateurs Grecs de Monaco 2/12/2015 $ 165 800
Milutin Brdović Sold Les Moelleux 11/22/2014 $ 75 000
Mahir Lubura Sold Les Ouistitis Arvernes 2/6/2019 $ 79 800
Juris Kadilinas Bought Lightning Storms 1/3/2025 $ 102 000
Adomas Trainis Sold Lionheartz 5/19/2017 $ 75 000
Ernestas Blynas Bought Lucas_Drink_Team 3/18/2019 $ 613 900
Thodoros Pouliadis Bought Luckystrikers 12/16/2017 $ 279 800
Bronislav Sigov Bought Ludwigsburg 5/9/2015 $ 81 600
Ravid Karny Sold Maccabi Big Karmiel 9/11/2014 $ 5 500
Yiorgos Charoulidis Bought Marpisaikos B.C. 4/9/2018 $ 199 000
Marco Vinicio Guerra Bought mastro basket 5/18/2023 $ 500 000
Hubert Kusmierczak Bought Matrix Mighty Dunkers 11/19/2021 $ 500 000
Ziya Fani Bought Meister Bozz 1/8/2014 $ 16 000
Fernando Díaz Bought Menomonee Falls 6/25/2019 $ 110 600
Frants Räst Sold Meteor Basket 8/23/2019 $ 35 000
Dmitrijus Dobilis Sold MKS 998 2/18/2016 $ 40 000
Eryk Pietrusiak Bought MKS Podlasie Sokołów Podlaski 4/15/2021 $ 222 222
Waldemar Bentkowski Bought Nab SSA 2/4/2023 $ 300 000
Andrius Krikštopaitis Bought Neradnicki kk 4/21/2020 $ 257 600
Christopher Pacey Bought neve hof b.c 4/20/2017 $ 746 500
Sergi Faidella Sold NPC Campden 12/1/2018 $ 200 000
Romain Caugant Bought ORLANDO★MAGIC 8/14/2019 $ 300 000
Klemen Pucko Bought ostrów-stal 10/13/2021 $ 5 000
David Zehmeister Bought Pie-O-Mikel 8/20/2019 $ 162 500
Butvidas Babicas Bought Pigiai 1/15/2014 $ 2 000
Wiesław Rojowski Sold PIRDAL 12/13/2014 $ 28 000
Abhinatha Khare Sold Polugrina 6/2/2018 $ 150 000
Kalju Voormansik Bought Praksis01 9/8/2019 $ 650 400
Andrej Šenbaum Bought Pressburg Stars 1/14/2023 $ 1 013 800
Kalju Voormansik Sold PyRoGEN 11/27/2019 $ 400 000
Efi Yehezkel Bought Raptor City B.C. 3/18/2014 $ 57 400
Bronislav Sigov Sold Rawson capitals 11/19/2016 $ 142 800
Axel Bornier Bought Real Baygon 3/18/2021 $ 480 000
Adriano Vicario Bought Real madrid.1902 6/19/2024 $ 30 000
Kip Schuster Bought Red Wroclaw 3/19/2015 $ 100 000
Djerrkura Johnson Sold rimmers 8/17/2019 $ 101 000
Kazimierz Klepczarek Bought Rūgpienis 11/23/2021 $ 17 600
José Luirink Sold Santamarina Las Flamencos 3/1/2017 $ 100 000
Edgardo Maximiliano Vijod Bought Seattle SuperSorcia 5/13/2016 $ 350 000
Joven Tan, Jr. Sold Shady Bees 10/7/2017 $ 119 800
Efi Yehezkel Sold Skinny Dudes II 5/9/2015 $ 104 100
Hiva Pious Bought Skoufa FC 1/14/2014 $ 32 000
David Zehmeister Sold Skrzydlate Świnie 8/5/2020 $ 75 000
Teobald Olewiński Bought sks starogard 7/23/2015 $ 400 000
Danilo De Dominici Bought Sonics BC 3/17/2020 $ 750 000
Romain Caugant Sold srebrni dečaci 11/1/2020 $ 208 100
Kip Schuster Sold Stark BC 3/11/2017 $ 81 600
Mujo Viljić Bought Svrake 1/29/2014 $ 105 700
Wan Zhiyong Sold SwissBasketTeam 8/7/2016 $ 35 000
Alessio Dordoni Bought TaggartBC 8/18/2019 $ 300 000
Guy Vines Bought Tartu Delta 11/28/2024 $ 99 000
Hando Ärsis Bought Tartu Tang 11/13/2015 $ 150 000
Ian Fliegner Sold Tassie Lakers 2/22/2015 $ 334 500
Hando Ärsis Sold Team Garance junior 8/21/2019 $ 55 400
Alessio Dordoni Sold Team Heisenberg 9/19/2019 $ 143 800
Illias Vanbeckevoort Bought The Blitzkrieg Boys 7/17/2024 $ 75 000
Andrija Hudiček Bought TORPEDO GRASDACKEL 1/30/2025 $ 500 000
Dávid Palicz Bought Tuzrakok 6/29/2019 $ 140 000
Victor Vaughn Bought U.S. Castello 12/21/2018 $ 500 000
Zygfryd Łagowski Sold UCLA Renegades 2/3/2025 $ 126 600
Victor Vaughn Sold uragani 5/16/2021 $ 110 400
Dieter Düsterloh Bought Valhalla Sunrise 11/19/2014 $ 20 000
Hassan Sadler Sold Vis Sandro 3/20/2020 $ 204 000
Yiorgos Charoulidis Sold Vortexx 7/21/2021 $ 110 600
Christophe Castelain Sold Vulture SSB 7/19/2024 $ 176 100
Ravid Karny Bought yarden8shahar8 1/8/2014 $ 1 000
Alessandro Palazzolo Sold Žali Velniai 10/5/2017 $ 166 500
Pauls Vigups Sold Zultanit 9/25/2016 $ 400 000
Total Sales: $ 8 815 855
Total Purchases: $ 17 068 692
Transfer Balance: $ -8 252 837