List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Heino Metsma Sold AEK original gate 21 9/8/2009 $ 8 000
Jüri Nõmmoja Sold Airballers in Town 10/9/2010 $ 1 000
Mihkel Annion Sold algajate meeskond 3/28/2010 $ 56 600
Herman Paemre Sold Antonio Raphtors 9/22/2009 $ 4 000
Peeter Last Bought Arca/Nova Juuru 11/19/2009 $ 250 000
Ondřej Hruška Bought ASPK 4/20/2014 $ 1 274 000
Grigoris Papanikolopoulos Bought Axaparoi 10/9/2010 $ 510 000
Abramo Benazzato Bought barcellona matteo 3/25/2010 $ 104 300
Andrus Raamets Bought Barrio del Pilar 1/21/2010 $ 2 000
Hu Tingfu Bought BC ADRA 1/21/2010 $ 50 000
Nicolae Rãdulescu Bought BC Iernut Trailblazers 2/20/2013 $ 46 000
Santiago González Bought BC MarioBoy22 9/19/2009 $ 130 000
Andreu Jiménez jimeno Bought BC MarioBoy22 9/13/2009 $ 10 000
Ênio Prates Sold BC Nadszeg 2/8/2010 $ 102 000
Notis Zotalopoulos Bought Bc Paksud Poisid 9/7/2009 $ 50 000
Sander Lepp Sold BC Sick Side 1/8/2013 $ 250 000
Reinar Kuusk Sold BC Sick Side 1/8/2013 $ 50 000
Pellegrino Di Cosmo Bought BC Tulinägivõitis 9/13/2009 $ 95 000
Fang Fuhai Bought BDSPA076 3/27/2013 $ 186 000
Joris Bertaux Bought Bega team 1/19/2010 $ 1 000
Narcís Leyva Bought Bezmiliana 9/6/2009 $ 1 000
Odell Scarborough Bought Bianchi Audacio300 8/11/2015 $ 18 000
Nima Alijani Sold BK BBC 6/2/2010 $ 4 000
Přemysl Vyžral Bought BK Jičín Hornets 3/18/2013 $ 300 000
Ginius Navickas Bought Black Star LuxA20 8/12/2015 $ 11 000
Juliusz Morawa Bought BOC9 1/5/2013 $ 120 000
Kacper Hochstim Bought Both teams played hard 6/17/2010 $ 1 000
Kalle Oksa Sold C.B. Ofra 9/8/2009 $ 42 000
Joris Bertaux Sold C.Nuotatori 3/15/2010 $ 112 200
Raffaele Anastasio Bought Cassino 5/2/2010 $ 357 000
Joosep Vooglaid Sold CEBEPELLIN 2/3/2009 $ 135 000
Jesús María Fuster Medina Sold Chicken McNuggets 6/2/2010 $ 3 900
Sass Kabral Sold Club basquet pecas 2/3/2009 $ 5 000
José Vicente Gallego Bought colindres 3/4/2010 $ 208 100
Ernesto Ríos Bought CRF Flamengo 5/22/2012 $ 27 000
Andres Vetik Sold CS Wallachia 7/9/2010 $ 22 000
Alberto Cansino Sold CSKA Red Army Devils 4/8/2010 $ 1 000
Vladimír Zukal Bought csptbo 7/9/2012 $ 183 600
Alan Ligenza Sold CYX 10/9/2010 $ 5 200
Przemysław Jochymek Bought Donkers 9/20/2009 $ 10 000
Priidu Lipp Sold Drunk Team CBDAA 9/1/2009 $ 1 000
Drew Benton Bought easton eagles 7/22/2009 $ 20 000
Nave Aberjel Bought EkRHXHS 11/22/2009 $ 102 000
Nadav Futeran Bought Free Agent 6/19/2012 $ 306 000
Dušan Bratovšcak Bought Free Agent 7/15/2010 $ 674 900
Kert Ploom Sold Fulham14 7/25/2009 $ 1 000
Grigoris Papanikolopoulos Sold Gausón 2/8/2012 $ 1 500 000
Uku Nook Sold Giant Octopus 9/8/2009 $ 1 111
Andrus Raamets Sold Gorvemos Basket 2/22/2010 $ 1 000
Pablo Herados Sold Grugliasco Loosers 9/1/2009 $ 1 000
Abramo Benazzato Sold HEAVY METAL 7/14/2010 $ 408 000
Harald Prent Bought Hoofddorp Trail Blazers 1/20/2010 $ 6 000
Ariel Nawałka Bought Hotness 2/26/2013 $ 69 800
Marcello Calvagna Bought HUACHIPATO TECOS 9/9/2015 $ 270 900
Abdonas Valikas Bought Isterikai 1/5/2013 $ 150 000
Gaj Drcelić Sold Jastrzębie Basket 2/23/2010 $ 10 000
Helmer Lukk Sold JászberényiKSE 10/13/2009 $ 124 900
Wilber Pinto Bought joaco123 8/31/2008 $ 10 000
Gaj Drcelić Bought K Cedevita 1/20/2010 $ 1 100
Iacob Nae Bought keydıdogu 5/4/2010 $ 259 300
Gerthard Jahe Sold kirstukai 1/21/2010 $ 2 000
Danel Ots Sold Kitties 5/15/2010 $ 2 000
Drew Benton Sold KK Lasica 11/25/2009 $ 3 251
Allan Eesmaa Bought KK Veru Menu 1/19/2010 $ 88 600
Lorenzo Carriero Bought kossumehed 7/23/2009 $ 65 100
Anthony Timbert Bought Lanciers de Mithlond 7/22/2009 $ 10 000
Linas Cerškus Bought Las Vegas "Saints" 3/25/2010 $ 300 000
Tõnu Veide Sold lejkesi 2/3/2009 $ 390 000
Mickaël Pouchin Bought Les malabars 8/13/2015 $ 5 000
Marcin Szlek Bought LeviceChamps 10/31/2009 $ 150 000
Nicolae Rãdulescu Sold Miami Heat 69 4/29/2013 $ 125 000
Ênio Prates Bought mzrr 1/21/2010 $ 3 000
Uko Sillamäe Sold New Shohoku 1/24/2010 $ 106 500
Ricky Bass Bought no pasaran 2/22/2013 $ 10 000
Kris Kupits Sold olympic vanno 11/3/2009 $ 23 400
Henri Valing Sold os impecáveis 8/15/2009 $ 200 000
Pablo Herados Bought PANKRAS 7/22/2009 $ 2 600
Walter Giorgio Peressotti Sold PD Romans 9/8/2009 $ 6 700
Neil Grissom Bought Pensacola Goon Squad 3/25/2010 $ 254 200
Tõnn Nurme Sold Pullitajad 3/19/2013 $ 1 000
Rudolf Hernes Sold Pullitajad 3/19/2013 $ 2 000
Pavils Labulis Bought Railers Trailers 11/27/2008 $ 574 700
Hannes Eesik Sold Rbk Shooter 9/8/2009 $ 20 400
Sokratis Michaleas Bought red bad boys 7/26/2015 $ 6 000
Indrek Peterson Sold Saleeba B.C 3/22/2010 $ 169 200
Ville Pauts Sold Sehr Gut 1/6/2009 $ 15 000
Kevin Till Bought Sparta evolution 7/26/2015 $ 5 000
Harald Prent Sold Spartan 300 3/28/2010 $ 1 111
Iacob Nae Sold Stalin_Street_2 10/9/2010 $ 162 500
Alan Ligenza Bought Stardust Dragon 5/2/2010 $ 130 000
Philippe Maraval Bought StreetDevils 2/15/2010 $ 338 100
Alberto Cansino Bought SUPREME C.B. 1/20/2010 $ 14 200
Ott Oidra Sold Tafrio 2/3/2009 $ 4 000
Shane Brunner Bought Tallahassee Bluewave 10/9/2010 $ 316 400
Nima Alijani Bought Team Coco 1/21/2010 $ 71 400
Walter Giorgio Peressotti Bought tergeste 7/22/2009 $ 4 600
Sverre Hernes Sold the pistols 4/8/2010 $ 1 000
František Krpáč Bought True Nun 3/19/2013 $ 3 000
Jesse Katich Bought uglys 6/1/2010 $ 165 800
Virgantas Titkinas Bought Ugnij się przed moim majestatem 8/1/2015 $ 102 000
Yiorgakis Evaggenelis Bought VELLEREFONTIS BC 6/17/2010 $ 1 000
Tura Sevenay Bought Villanelle 7/26/2015 $ 2 200
Allan Eesmaa Sold Winner Squad 6/2/2010 $ 12 000
Jesús María Fuster Medina Bought WrkInProgrez 1/25/2010 $ 97 600
Robert Lakie Bought 木牙糖 10/22/2012 $ 612 000
Riho Eesmaa Sold 狗刺 10/7/2008 $ 5 000
Total Sales: $ 4 101 973
Total Purchases: $ 9 147 500
Transfer Balance: $ -5 045 527