List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Axinte Vãtafu Bought Team 77784 4/8/2008 $ 347 100
Norberto Castillo Sold Los PeloMuñeca 4/19/2008 $ 20 000
Nicola Corveddu Bought Arcoveggio Bologna 5/11/2008 $ 302 000
Osvaldo Dongo Sold Cerdanyola Matxomens 5/24/2008 $ 100 000
Barto Bazán Sold No som objectes 6/9/2008 $ 100 000
Alonso Arroyo Sold The Wicked Science 7/14/2008 $ 2 000
Axinte Vãtafu Sold deportivo masamorra 8/15/2008 $ 250 000
Sandro Orozco Sold Alicante WavesD56 10/6/2008 $ 1 000
Julio César Carrión Sold LinziBD2 10/28/2008 $ 1 000
Paolo Eyzaguirre Sold joan pelegri 10/28/2008 $ 22 000
Alfonso Zulueta Bought Strong TeamF95 1/6/2009 $ 1 020 000
Aimo Tiribocchi Bought Murcia Samurais 4/29/2009 $ 1 295 000
Panayiotakis Frigkolatos Bought Master GDP 9/15/2009 $ 1 699 000
Emilio Alcántara Sold Atlanteans 10/31/2009 $ 75 000
Joaquín Barrón Sold Drunken Kermit Frogs 10/31/2009 $ 104 100
Abraham Azañero Sold Krefeld Ballers 12/29/2009 $ 2 000
Raymond Flint Bought Murcia Samurais 2/2/2010 $ 2 300 000
Juselino Canguala Bought CHOLO MENA 3/1/2010 $ 450 000
S. Eridash Sold BK Komárov 4/2/2010 $ 31 000
Juselino Canguala Sold Panama City Surf 4/23/2010 $ 112 900
Fernando Donayre Sold Holly Hunters 5/16/2010 $ 1 020 000
Jeremy Carmona Bought Sporting OlimpiaD52 6/30/2010 $ 750 000
Alfonso Zulueta Sold Warp Odyssey 7/3/2010 $ 500 000
Ricardo Mujica Sold παλατιανη 7/18/2010 $ 936 400
Sergi Raïch Bought BC Kobakäpp 7/20/2010 $ 1 632 000
Reymundo Barrera Bought Free Agent 8/26/2010 $ 378 700
Nicola Corveddu Sold Tyskie Team 9/30/2010 $ 1 020 000
Panayiotakis Frigkolatos Sold BC PRIEVIDZA 10/13/2010 $ 379 000
Néstor Tapia Bought kagats 10/19/2010 $ 796 100
Diego Ovando Sold Faboulous Team 10/21/2010 $ 52 100
Edin Hurtado Sold labeat 12/5/2010 $ 91 800
Mamne Gurieli Bought This is awesome! 12/25/2010 $ 762 000
Mamne Gurieli Sold Katowice Eagles 1/6/2011 $ 510 000
Cirilo Huaynate Sold I brillanti 1/21/2011 $ 500 000
Sergi Raïch Sold Breaking Basket 1/23/2011 $ 2 200 000
Alejandro Arakaki Bought loboci869 2/1/2011 $ 52 100
Nelson Julián Huallpa Bought BCR Allianz 2/1/2011 $ 1 000
Ignacio Pacheco Bought Thunderbirds Oldenburg 2/2/2011 $ 700 000
Maor Kadosh Bought Illegal Aliens 4/29/2011 $ 1 600 000
Nelson Julián Huallpa Sold Ladrillazo BC 5/3/2011 $ 1 000
Alejandro Arakaki Sold Free Smoke 5/20/2011 $ 85 000
Aimo Tiribocchi Sold BlackBells 7/29/2011 $ 102 000
Juan Abuawad Sold VÕRU KK 7/29/2011 $ 6 000
César Augusto Paulet Sold Pellerin Team 8/19/2011 $ 2 000
Pancracio Jara Sold belizean 9/4/2011 $ 714 000
Sócrates Lung Sold F3 10/17/2011 $ 200 000
Raúl Sánchez-Bella Bought Markeltitoteam 11/24/2011 $ 765 000
Oto Durán Sold Team OG 11/26/2011 $ 250 000
Isidoro Agreda Sold Château Chinon Basketball 12/18/2011 $ 100 000
Raúl Sánchez-Bella Sold Antimasys 2/17/2012 $ 1 040 400
Matías Uskamayta Bought Nagyigmandi Kacsafiúk 5/23/2012 $ 300 000
Cesare Cardillo Bought Los Wolves Alas Rojas 6/15/2012 $ 700 000
Ryu Frerking Sold Adana Anadolu Lisesi 6/15/2012 $ 31 000
Reymundo Barrera Sold Time for beer 6/21/2012 $ 35 000
Federico Löhner Sold Gecsomania BA 7/27/2012 $ 300 000
Raymond Flint Sold Jastrzębie 8/3/2012 $ 78 200
Bernabé Pinillos Sold tamunia 8/27/2012 $ 350 000
Néstor Tapia Sold NOIINSIEME 9/6/2012 $ 153 000
Cesare Cardillo Sold Brigada Diverse 9/12/2012 $ 260 200
Jorge Bánzer Sold Jabba Wood 9/12/2012 $ 17 000
Ignacio Pacheco Sold giovanni team 9/12/2012 $ 208 300
Yuri Qinallata Sold Salamina BC 9/12/2012 $ 29 000
Lorenzo Colquehuanca Sold Dog River Riverdogs 9/12/2012 $ 316 200
Matías Uskamayta Sold bilbilak bil bil 9/13/2012 $ 423 400
Jeremy Carmona Sold KakiDoki SK 9/13/2012 $ 470 000
Maor Kadosh Sold The Challengers 9/13/2012 $ 459 000
Heriberto Landa Sold Slizse 9/13/2012 $ 78 700
Valerio Oquendo Sold Chunkychickens 12/30/2012 $ 250 000
Paul Paternostre Bought Phoenix Rise 1/25/2013 $ 100 000
Alfonso Buzzolaro Bought Los Leiker de Perú 1/29/2013 $ 76 600
Tony Lowry Bought Black Power Empire 1/29/2013 $ 68 500
Jorge Pillaca Bought Los Cuervos B.C. 1/29/2013 $ 100 000
Avigdor Ariel Bought Red Devils 22 1/30/2013 $ 41 000
José Manuel Martínez Pastor Bought Tunnel Snakes 2/4/2013 $ 56 600
Daniel Alberti Bought agustin power 2/7/2013 $ 61 200
Alecu Nitu Bought Free Agent 4/4/2013 $ 396 700
Diego Ureña Sold Farek Tigers 4/7/2013 $ 3 000
Avigdor Ariel Sold Tubers 5/23/2013 $ 25 000
Vicente De Las Casas Sold L.A.CLYTHONS 6/20/2013 $ 10 000
Cesare De Dionigi Bought Free Agent 7/17/2013 $ 507 500
Maurus Rocca Sold WestWild Thundercats 8/16/2013 $ 1 000
Salomón Yanac Sold shark huanuco 9/21/2013 $ 1 000
Tony Lowry Sold maxeville 9/21/2013 $ 54 300
Daniel Alberti Sold yurdagülspor 12/6/2013 $ 50 000
Rodolfo Nakasone Sold Santorium 12/31/2013 $ 1 000
Abel Cayllahua Sold ELEYSINA BC 1/11/2014 $ 234 600
Silvère Lesprit Bought ValenciaBasket Sa1lors 1/28/2014 $ 1 599 999
Rolando Poggi Sold BOLESNI MAMLAZI 4/11/2014 $ 27 200
Luis Viza Sold Les Armateurs Grecs de Monaco 4/11/2014 $ 1 000
José Subauste Sold RIOLUSITANGRA 4/18/2014 $ 19 000
Giuseppe Arconte Bought Grosseto 4/24/2014 $ 1 300 000
Jorge Pillaca Sold Holly Springs Haggis 4/27/2014 $ 37 000
Paul Paternostre Sold JOELAKERS 4/27/2014 $ 132 600
Alecu Nitu Sold Jacine Face 7/14/2014 $ 200 000
Girolamo Sigalotti Bought Razza Kazaka 7/21/2014 $ 450 000
Damasco Reyes Sold Divos668 10/20/2014 $ 294 700
Edgar Kraaner Bought BBB-Zo3 10/25/2014 $ 1 700 000
Julio César Mier Sold Mad Lions 10/30/2014 $ 1 000
Alejandro Muñoz Sold I LOVE THIS JAMES 10/30/2014 $ 127 600
Alfonso Buzzolaro Sold apisteutoi 1/25/2015 $ 230 100
José Manuel Martínez Pastor Sold Roman Wariors 1/26/2015 $ 50 000
Jordi Gato Sold KK Zarasai III 2/2/2015 $ 5 000
Blas Olaya Sold Divos668 2/6/2015 $ 100 000
León Mariscal Sold 2 Hills 5/7/2015 $ 120 000
Justino Biwer Sold Likonger 5/16/2015 $ 10 000
Cesare De Dionigi Sold LABOULAYE BC 5/18/2015 $ 244 800
Artur Hałas Bought Piaski Yellow Hornets 5/20/2015 $ 900 000
Mauricio Huillca Sold Las Aguilas XXX 6/5/2015 $ 200 000
Manuel Gamonal Sold Regatas Club 8/6/2015 $ 1 000
Rosendo Barbieri Sold helminen=kuningas 8/16/2015 $ 622 200
León Abreu Sold Karlsruher Wolves 10/1/2015 $ 23 000
José Manuel Balcázar Sold Seattle Falcons 11/12/2015 $ 318 500
Alejandro Malásquez Sold lamogia b.c. 11/22/2015 $ 1 000
Luis Alberto Gasser Sold BC Redas II 2/23/2016 $ 700 000
Girolamo Sigalotti Sold BlackMonkey 2/23/2016 $ 220 000
Giuseppe Arconte Sold LTU UNITED 5/19/2016 $ 1 224 000
Seran Gorostiaga Sold Macko Warriors 5/27/2016 $ 5 000
Edgar Kraaner Sold 小弟 5/27/2016 $ 1 300 000
Winston Copello Bought Viking Gdynia 6/2/2016 $ 950 000
Javier Yopasa Sold Viator 9/1/2016 $ 27 000
Silvère Lesprit Sold csp17 9/3/2016 $ 600 000
Antonio Yushimito Sold Red Jerusalem 9/4/2016 $ 300 000
Valentín Cachay Sold Milan ué figaaaaa 9/5/2016 $ 1 401 100
Nelio Salvatierra Sold The Fast G 9/7/2016 $ 185 600
Gabrijel Alkić Bought 凉亭坳小学女子篮球队 9/8/2016 $ 1 888 888
Tonino Cotozzolo Bought Jääskin Pallokerho 9/21/2016 $ 303 500
Jesús Azañedo Sold CRF Flamengo 12/8/2016 $ 10 000
Luis Carlos Flórez Sold TSakoTuM 12/9/2016 $ 300 000
Germinal Cid Bought CRVENI YORK 2/8/2017 $ 3 183 700
Ysrael Duarte Sold Gladiators Junior 3/17/2017 $ 200 000
Guillermo Alfonso Arauco Sold Gladiators Junior 3/17/2017 $ 52 100
Artur Hałas Sold Zaborze 3/25/2017 $ 400 000
Moises Geolingo Bought matimondo 3/29/2017 $ 2 000 000
Winston Copello Sold 垂死病中惊坐起,笑问客从何处来 4/1/2017 $ 306 000
Joaquín Salinas Sold Pelotas BC 6/23/2017 $ 800 000
Miguel Yunkisapa Sold Cipolla 6/23/2017 $ 832 400
Mateo Nina Sold real-lima 6/23/2017 $ 100 000
Celso Carrasco Bought Mabri 6/27/2017 $ 14 000
Godofredo Caballero Sold SIMAGENIO DRAGONS 10/1/2017 $ 11 000
José Manuel Checa Bought Deportivo CENDIPP 10/4/2017 $ 1 000
Gonzalo Paulini Sold Cristal Jr 10/5/2017 $ 1 000
Helí Lambuley Sold Cristal Jr 10/5/2017 $ 200 000
Masakatsu Sakana Bought biribakides 10/6/2017 $ 1 500 000
Lenin Falcón Bought Choupi Titans 10/9/2017 $ 2 210 600
Gabrijel Alkić Sold WOLVES92 10/12/2017 $ 507 800
Bartolomé Yataco Sold Third Rock United444 10/14/2017 $ 1 000
Richard Cayllahua Sold The Thundering Turd 3/10/2018 $ 1 000
Nolberto Alejos Sold Cristal Jr 4/29/2018 $ 2 000
Masakatsu Sakana Sold Hooters_80s 6/28/2018 $ 700 000
Lenin Falcón Sold dallas snipers 7/12/2018 $ 800 000
German Camargo Sold Jim Almeidas Janitor Crew 7/21/2018 $ 10 000
Senad Uzeirbegović Bought kk pm 7/23/2018 $ 680 000
Germinal Cid Sold Tourrets b.c 10/15/2018 $ 300 000
Etmar Camacho Sold Valenka B.C.V. 10/15/2018 $ 130 000
Silverio Evangelista Sold SMPCB 10/26/2018 $ 21 000
Aukhim Manusevich Bought Free Agent 10/26/2018 $ 402 300
Hermann-Josef Wiel Bought Los Cuervos B.C. 1/27/2019 $ 725 000
Moises Geolingo Sold Girans "Spiked Stakato" 2/1/2019 $ 200 000
Francisco Frutos Sold Nowaco 2/1/2019 $ 255 000
Ricardo Quezada Sold Yellow Eagles 2/14/2019 $ 10 000
Celso Carrasco Sold Wol_ves 2/23/2019 $ 1 456 600
Cyril Masseron Bought J Dogs II 2/26/2019 $ 505 100
Cedo Mijatovic Bought Free Agent 3/13/2019 $ 142 800
Total Sales: $ 30 704 900
Total Purchases: $ 37 714 987
Transfer Balance: $ -7 010 087