List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Sergio Gutierrez Sold #CSPNation 4/21/2013 $ 180 000
Little Ewing Bought _GHoSt_F70 7/15/2018 $ 700 000
Bruno Alfonzo Sold 88ers 11/1/2012 $ 10 000
Ben Easter Bought AirJaws 5/13/2009 $ 650 000
Johnny Mead Bought AlahAkabar 9/7/2016 $ 178 600
Ciro Luciani Bought AOO 1/28/2011 $ 19 000
Tomas Plonis Sold aps arion 8/10/2013 $ 224 400
Hebert Soriano Sold ARIS SALONICA3 4/2/2010 $ 850 000
Tomislav Tatomir Bought Arkadius HSN 9/20/2009 $ 371 500
Karl Luengas Sold Artic Bertinhos 3/13/2012 $ 2 000
Fan Junan Sold Assigeco Piacenza 6/11/2013 $ 91 800
Carlo Maria Morabito Bought Atletico Pisa 2/29/2008 $ 2 000
Gustaw Szulakiewicz Bought AZeteS 3/25/2021 $ 90 000
Nelson Lombardi Sold Baller Academy 2/4/2017 $ 112 200
Nicola Galluccio Bought Balls to the Walls 9/3/2015 $ 150 000
Makis Galatsopoulos Bought Baltimora Youth 7/18/2020 $ 119 000
Sándor Bohács Sold Barcinona BC 10/10/2021 $ 280 000
Oscar Lozada Sold BC Iguana 10/16/2017 $ 61 500
René Cadenas Sold BC kipucis 10/26/2009 $ 2 000
Antoine Lyon Bought BC Lamine 3/10/2012 $ 41 000
Carlos Costa Sold BC PUURMANI/MTÜ SaunaSelts 8/19/2021 $ 116 200
Leonty Boyarin Bought BC Steelers 3/12/2016 $ 2 000 000
Ivars Deimants Bought BC Swag 4/23/2012 $ 40 000
Lu Depeng Bought BCCremieu38460 6/15/2012 $ 150 000
Yiorgos Mariakis Sold BDN Basket 9/13/2014 $ 110 600
Frederick Alston Bought BJKY 9/10/2015 $ 22 000
Anatolijs Erms Bought BOYS UNITED 4/12/2017 $ 80 000
Gordiy Bazilevich Sold Broodjezakk 7/3/2013 $ 270 000
Palemonas Užegovas Sold buccners skuls 4/18/2013 $ 125 000
Mui King Fai Bought Buena Vista B.C. 10/30/2012 $ 97 840
Nelson Julián Burneo Sold Buffalo Rockets 4/12/2012 $ 1 000
Gabriel Candeias Bought BULLSTR 1/31/2014 $ 500 000
Antoine Lyon Sold C.B. Castilla 5/2/2012 $ 5 000
Liao Wenxing Bought C.Nuotatori 2/15/2014 $ 750 000
Theo Hör Bought cagnes sur mer 1/21/2013 $ 400 000
Lu Depeng Sold Cartavio BC Veiga 10/20/2012 $ 200 000
Camilo Casique Sold casal city 8/27/2009 $ 299 400
Julien Maze Sold CBW Team 8/17/2014 $ 109 200
Marco Porceddu Bought CD Smilo 10/6/2012 $ 500 000
Juan Inchausti Bought Çevik Adamlar Basketbol 11/8/2020 $ 750 000
Leandro Leal Bought CHAPULINES 6/26/2012 $ 20 000
José María Vidal Martínez Bought Charlotte Panters 1/28/2011 $ 10 000
Yiorgos Dimakakis Bought chemeng 8/4/2013 $ 239 500
Mui King Fai Sold ChoCoolate 12/2/2012 $ 3 000
Luís Núñez Sold Cipolla 11/27/2021 $ 156 100
Isidro Alves Bought Club de Basket Cavernicolas 7/21/2012 $ 180 000
Yiannakis Vintros Bought Connecticut Revolution 7/2/2013 $ 318 500
Hebert Soriano Bought Cruzados de miranda 10/1/2009 $ 1 273 500
Peter Hörsjö Bought Csabák 8/1/2012 $ 85 000
Lau Kuo Jui Sold Csm Constanta 4/16/2013 $ 5 000
Mark Johnson Sold Deerlijk Blues 10/16/2013 $ 127 400
Sergio Gutierrez Bought Denver Nugs 4/9/2012 $ 111 300
Jacinto Moya Bought Denver Nugs 1/10/2009 $ 497 800
Luis Villa Sold Deportivo Tachira 10/6/2009 $ 1 000
Kenan Kazan Bought dequestion 12/12/2021 $ 399 000
Julien Maze Bought Dinameos Thessaloniki BC 1/7/2014 $ 102 000
Martín Torres Toro Bought DINAMO KABUL 8/14/2013 $ 390 000
Bucky Jones Sold Dirk Nomisski 2/13/2014 $ 74 400
Liao Wenxing Sold DniPro Team Divers 3/10/2014 $ 577 400
Simeon Bratanov Sold Don Salvador 1/14/2021 $ 145 200
Ivan Kellogg Sold Dorchester Bears 1/15/2013 $ 204 000
Carlo Maria Morabito Sold Draft Magisters 8/19/2008 $ 2 000
Isaak Kamakaris Sold Dung Basket 1/10/2009 $ 334 800
Nazzareno Perotti Bought easy-maccabi 5/6/2020 $ 5 000
Juan Real Bought El pendorcho no se enrosca 4/3/2012 $ 100 000
Yip Bi Shiou Sold Elefsinian Shadows B.C 10/16/2014 $ 102 000
Emanuel Basílio Sold Els Barrufets 4/1/2016 $ 20 000
Lukáš Roubínek Sold Equity 12/12/2012 $ 200 000
Steve Minton Sold Etonic Akeem 4/8/2020 $ 3 000
Bernardo Martel Sold Fascaga 4/1/2012 $ 26 000
Enrique León Sold Felinos Terceira 8/26/2013 $ 127 400
César Balboa Sold Football Club Internazionale Milano 8/27/2014 $ 4 000
Amadeusz Bobowik Bought Free Agent 3/30/2018 $ 550 000
Evgeny Moskalkov Bought Free Agent 2/15/2018 $ 74 340
Hüseyin Özakar Bought Free Agent 7/15/2017 $ 129 920
Steve Minton Bought Free Agent 6/14/2017 $ 705 900
Antoni Tłuczek Bought Free Agent 4/1/2017 $ 400 000
Francisco Abraão Bought Free Agent 9/10/2014 $ 441 800
Stanislav Dragoun Bought Free Agent 3/19/2014 $ 392 530
Gordiy Bazilevich Bought Free Agent 4/25/2013 $ 170 000
Mark Johnson Bought Free Agent 1/9/2013 $ 269 660
Giuseppe Spagna Bought Free Agent 12/18/2012 $ 390 000
Grégory Martin Bought Free Agent 11/2/2012 $ 439 200
Emanuel Basílio Bought Free Agent 10/9/2012 $ 239 500
Xavier Canals Bought Free Agent 3/29/2012 $ 116 970
Pier Luigi Vallieri Bought Free Agent 11/4/2011 $ 107 150
Kourosh Jeiranzadeh Bought Free Agent 11/3/2011 $ 79 710
Çelik Bushaj Bought Free Agent 5/25/2011 $ 255 000
Liu Kaihui Bought Fulgor Libertas Forlì 1/9/2015 $ 450 000
Carlos Costa Bought FunAntonio 5/1/2020 $ 700 000
Marco Porceddu Sold Ganassa 7/27/2013 $ 124 900
Mario Alberto Gallardo Sold gatteo mare 7/1/2015 $ 1 000
Zadid Moreno Sold Giguela 12/12/2012 $ 200 000
Dimas Bermúdez Sold Glow Rockers 1/11/2008 $ 4 000
Julio César Morales Sold Glucose ROW Rybnik 1/10/2014 $ 1 000
José Esteban Resplandor Sold Golosangeles Lakers820 12/22/2008 $ 1 000
Turgay Altinöz Bought Granollers Almogavars 11/9/2015 $ 1 200 000
Yap Yeung Mein Bought HeadHunterZ 10/8/2015 $ 800 000
Zheng Shuangda Bought Huracan CA 5/24/2016 $ 700 000
Arnoldo Duarte Sold Imperator Duck 3/23/2016 $ 1 000
Antonio Araujo Sold Indiana Deer 7/9/2017 $ 4 000
Tabaré Antonio Gil Sold Indy Basketball 9/30/2015 $ 63 800
Diturak Uka Bought Iskra Svit 4/18/2012 $ 50 000
Tulio Landino Sold J.J.K 4/6/2021 $ 500 000
Robert Molés Sold Jokker 1/13/2013 $ 90 000
Ivars Deimants Sold Jonzzies 6/5/2012 $ 43 000
Yip Bi Shiou Bought Justice of Gavel 1/7/2014 $ 140 000
Giuseppe Spagna Sold kabacis 1/8/2013 $ 499 000
José Pedro González Sold Kalamaja Kaugviskajad 8/15/2018 $ 32 000
Lukáš Roubínek Bought Kangaroosters 10/20/2012 $ 306 000
Zoran Jakovic Sold keilor thunder 6/24/2012 $ 59 200
Yiannakis Vintros Sold Ķengarags 10/22/2014 $ 254 700
Bucky Jones Bought keves 6/18/2013 $ 150 000
Milorad Sarić Sold Kitchener Spurs 10/25/2012 $ 120 000
Alfonso Iriarte Sold KK Beovuk 10/1/2012 $ 1 000
Lóránt Takáts Bought Kolač 5/2/2016 $ 2 448 000
Karlis Timulis Bought Lacplesis 4/6/2012 $ 2 000
Esteban Bencomo Sold LaFamilia Corleone 12/19/2018 $ 306 000
Simeon Bratanov Bought Lengends 4/23/2020 $ 480 000
Ignacio Fortuny Bought LEONTARIO BC 11/8/2020 $ 750 000
Enrique Ibáñez Bought Locomotronix F.C 2/29/2008 $ 1 000
Andrés Rengifo Sold Los maniceros del tigre 11/19/2019 $ 1 219 500
Conde Arrieta Sold los sangrientos 8/19/2008 $ 2 000
Nils Nordlie Bought Magnus79 5/6/2020 $ 8 000
Jacinto Moya Sold MajorZ 5/2/2009 $ 115 400
Yiorgos Diavatis Sold Malabon Sais 1/29/2015 $ 100 000
Ninni Cusumano Sold manavgatspor 10/3/2015 $ 333 000
Diturak Uka Sold MasterChef838 6/1/2012 $ 22 000
Clint Murphy Sold Math Utd. 4/8/2020 $ 2 000
Roger Pepper Sold Math Utd. 4/8/2020 $ 2 000
Jörgen Idasaar Bought Meister Bozz 6/14/2017 $ 299 000
Vicente Tinoco Sold Meldru iela 6/9/2009 $ 379 000
Enrique León Bought Mercenarios 6/16/2013 $ 50 000
Ryszard Chabroś Bought Miami Letnie 1/28/2011 $ 5 600
Dean Falcon Bought Miami Tich 3/20/2012 $ 5 000
Dídimo Acosta Sold Microverse光照会 5/8/2012 $ 1 000
Dean Falcon Sold milannnnnn 4/30/2012 $ 1 000
Alfredo Guzmán Sold Mon-Stars 4/29/2012 $ 4 000
Cheng Chuguang Bought Moscow Blins 8/4/2014 $ 799 000
Zoran Jakovic Bought Mountain Eagles 5/23/2012 $ 8 000
Alin Petrisor Bought MuzsnajiIgyesulet 8/28/2018 $ 136 800
Aurimas Radišauskas Bought NAUJIEJI RUSAI 10/19/2021 $ 99 999
Carlos Alberto Mendoza Sold NDM 5/19/2010 $ 9 000
Boris Trebino Sold New York Titans 12/12/2012 $ 1 000
Antoni Tłuczek Sold Northside Boys 11/25/2018 $ 15 000
Ninni Cusumano Bought Novas 12/10/2014 $ 172 600
Little Ewing Sold Nrooklyn Bets 4/8/2020 $ 54 300
Paulius Bukialis Bought O.V.T. 10/5/2019 $ 950 000
Zhuang Ruilun Bought Odloty 4/14/2013 $ 416 200
Ben Easter Sold Olimpo de BB 8/27/2009 $ 624 300
Benet Irumberri Sold OlimpusVegence 9/30/2015 $ 42 000
Theo Hör Sold Olympiacos B.C Gate7 5/28/2013 $ 150 000
Froilán Dupuy Sold Olympique de Marseille374 8/16/2019 $ 400 000
José Pedro González Bought Ota Boca Juniors 9/17/2017 $ 550 000
Bartolomé Karam Sold Ozasniacki 1/10/2009 $ 42 000
José Miguel Cetina Sold P.F. GUNNERS 10/15/2016 $ 2 000
Luis Guilarte Sold Pacos Fury 1/7/2008 $ 1 000
Gerardo Rentería Sold Panthessalonikios 10/25/2012 $ 6 000
Laimis Simonavicius Bought Pigiai 7/19/2017 $ 80 000
Clint Murphy Bought Piranijos 12/19/2017 $ 333 333
Frederick Alston Sold ProRunner 5/14/2016 $ 30 000
Juan Chacón Sold R3AP3RS 4/13/2012 $ 10 000
Wilfredo Otero Bought Real Monte Piedad 2/13/2017 $ 5 000
Gabriel Candeias Sold Red Oktober 2/8/2014 $ 510 000
Lau Kuo Jui Bought Red Red Rose 8/19/2012 $ 1 000
Yiorgos Mariakis Bought Relámpagos del Zulia 6/30/2013 $ 166 700
Maxime Rault Sold Revolutionaries 1/27/2009 $ 50 000
Romas Nepraustis Sold Rhovanion B.C. 9/13/2013 $ 102 000
Juan Real Sold Riga Aces 1/12/2013 $ 48 600
Leonardo De Palma Bought RivieraBasketAAC 5/8/2015 $ 100 000
Ismael Ovalle Sold Rompehuitos 12/13/2014 $ 1 000
Luís Núñez Bought Royale 11/18/2020 $ 754 700
Xavier Canals Sold royslam 7/28/2012 $ 130 000
Benet Irumberri Bought rzav 33F70 4/24/2014 $ 488 000
Nazario Candai Sold Sabercats 4/12/2009 $ 5 000
Gustavo Galbán Sold Sac Town 1/7/2008 $ 9 000
Nelson Mogollón Sold Saint Girons Sangliers 4/27/2009 $ 511 248
Alberto Peña Sold Saint John Dragons 6/14/2009 $ 2 300
Rolf Grant Bought Salvem as Lulas 6/16/2013 $ 1 000
Jari Kolehmainen Sold San Fransokyo Warriors 7/15/2017 $ 52 100
Diego Salcedo Sold sananatonıo spurs 8/19/2008 $ 65 000
Zhuang Ruilun Sold Santander supersonicsD7A 6/11/2013 $ 350 000
José Felipe Montaña Sold Scorpii 3/25/2021 $ 102 000
Ivan Kellogg Bought Septintas Blokas 5/2/2012 $ 176 100
Boris Alexov Bought Shoyo KanagawaE89 1/28/2011 $ 3 000
Michel Sanabria Sold SK Telecom T1 5/19/2010 $ 27 000
Baudilio Castillo Sold Slovenia Bears BC 10/19/2020 $ 1 104 300
Yiorgos Diavatis Bought SMERNA 2/16/2014 $ 500 000
Palemonas Užegovas Bought sokol stará červená voda 9/24/2012 $ 444 550
Yang Linhao Sold Speedway Matadors 4/8/2020 $ 61 200
Sándor Bohács Bought SpeedyPlay 4/29/2020 $ 200 000
Tomas Plonis Bought Sporting Clube Marmeleira 1/29/2013 $ 214 200
Tomislav Tatomir Sold Steelers do Norte 11/23/2009 $ 392 800
Byron Serrano Sold superMairo BC 4/2/2010 $ 338 100
Renato Sarcos Sold Syngas 12/10/2014 $ 1 000
Elmer Perea Sold Szerencsi Sólymok 4/18/2013 $ 125 600
Antonio Centellas Bought Team Zastal 12/30/2008 $ 300 000
Milorad Sarić Bought Temple Owls 3/20/2012 $ 152 500
Maxime Rault Bought The Ashkickers 1/7/2009 $ 100 000
Martín Torres Toro Sold The castors Band 12/13/2014 $ 187 300
Max Pokorny Sold The Masterminds 4/2/2010 $ 655 100
Yiorgos Dimakakis Sold The Stainless Steel Rats 2/3/2014 $ 275 400
Cedrick Rankin Bought Tin chacha 12/13/2021 $ 250 000
Romas Nepraustis Bought TMac Magic 4/13/2013 $ 306 000
Adrián Concepción Sold Tonton Team 12/12/2012 $ 1 000
Rolf Grant Sold Too Gakuen Koko 6/28/2013 $ 16 000
Yiorgos Diavatis Sold Trama Flyers 1/10/2009 $ 94 200
Roger Pepper Bought tribuni 1/6/2018 $ 750 000
Lorenzo Aranguibel Sold TSV heuldoch 6/9/2012 $ 22 200
Nicola Galluccio Sold TW-1 9/13/2015 $ 183 300
Jari Kolehmainen Bought UltraSar 3/31/2017 $ 100 000
Diego Dugarte Sold Un tipo cualquiera 2/28/2020 $ 600 000
Grégory Martin Sold uragani 7/1/2014 $ 174 500
Rossano Luppino Bought Uragano&Apocalisse 3/31/2017 $ 425 000
Leandro Leal Sold Virtus Basket Bologna 10/9/2012 $ 2 000
Amadeusz Bobowik Sold Virtus reggiana 4/2/2019 $ 110 600
Wilfredo Zabaleta Bought VV White Lightning 12/27/2018 $ 90 000
Simón Colmenares Sold Waiting For Opponent 4/10/2012 $ 1 000
César Cornejo Sold Wasco Tigers 1/7/2009 $ 1 000
Robert Molés Bought West Palm Beach 5/8/2012 $ 110 000
Mou Tingran Bought West Siberia Believers 2/15/2018 $ 35 000
José Roa Sold WILD_CATS 4/21/2012 $ 52 100
Ramón Leal Sold Winterthur Lions BC 10/26/2009 $ 21 000
Juan Inchausti Sold xXLoneStarStateXx 11/27/2021 $ 51 000
Edgar Bautista Sold Zaporozhye Cossacks 10/14/2021 $ 622 200
Felipe González Sold ΣΠΟΡΤΙΝΓΚΑΡΑ 3/23/2016 $ 1 000
Kolonas Freimanis Sold КК Ђија ИН 5/27/2012 $ 4 000
Robin Echeverry Sold 喀什星云 2/16/2014 $ 1 000
Danilo Rivas Sold 垃圾堆 2/2/2014 $ 6 000
Stanislav Dragoun Sold 天天吃蹄花 4/21/2014 $ 409 800
Kolonas Freimanis Bought 我沒有妹妹 4/7/2012 $ 40 000
Fan Junan Bought 明教 8/4/2012 $ 200 000
Ming Siew Yang Bought 清大電資系籃 12/14/2012 $ 1 000
Raúl Dávila Sold 灬炎灬 9/27/2012 $ 35 000
Antonio Centellas Sold 熊猫的篮球俱乐部 5/2/2009 $ 71 500
Serdar Selçuk Bought 菜鸟中队 4/6/2022 $ 499 999
Yang Linhao Bought 萧山大菠萝 5/16/2018 $ 408 000
Rubén Darío Rocha Sold 薛定谔的猫6FD 9/30/2015 $ 2 000
Total Sales: $ 18 624 548
Total Purchases: $ 35 016 501
Transfer Balance: $ -16 391 953