166 online at 03:00:29
List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Slobodan Perišić Bought ☆Shpaolin☆ 🇭🇷 7/2/2017 $ 300 000
Facundo Nahuel Romero Sold 08Eesti 3/3/2011 $ 317 300
Tane McManus Bought AKD Elephants 6/25/2016 $ 638 500
Alexis Arnaud Bought All Torn Down 4/13/2024 $ 53 200
Carmine Ascone Sold Alley Up 6/18/2013 $ 1 000
Mauricio Andrés Benavidez Sold AO Kentavros Dafnis 3/22/2012 $ 1 000
Felipe Ordoñez Villa Bought arnau_c 8/13/2008 $ 4 000
Alejo Ivan Sabetta Sold Arsiukai 9/26/2008 $ 12 000
Mihajlo Ankić Sold B.B.C. 191027F 1/31/2013 $ 500 000
Ilias Tsamadis Bought Batsi 4/10/2016 $ 1 500 000
Reynaldo Tamariz Sold BC Giants Osnabrück 9/19/2009 $ 109 200
Onofrio Marchese Sold BC Gintarai 10/8/2009 $ 520 000
Anupras Troškauskas Bought BC SUNRISE 11/18/2011 $ 91 800
José Omar Barba Sold BC Talibanas 8/18/2012 $ 1 000
Efraín Manzano Bought Bc Teptukai 6/16/2016 $ 1 200 000
Andreas Hallik Bought BC Vastseliina 3/10/2013 $ 349 000
Nehemias Albert Sold Belkars 8/6/2013 $ 510 000
Kemal Engin Bought BİG CROW 11/17/2015 $ 153 000
Antonio Fourcade Sold BK Černý Most 8/24/2008 $ 1 000
Nicolás Bruno Chumbita Sold BK Priekuļi 3/20/2009 $ 200 000
Artis Kozlovskis Bought BK Volvo 7/2/2015 $ 120 000
Liucius Malskis Sold Blue Raptors II 8/13/2015 $ 15 000
Tomasz Radzanowski Bought Boulevard Knights 4/13/2024 $ 95 600
Sampsa Harju Bought C.E.Europa 4/21/2016 $ 104 100
Assi Antebi Bought Caesar 1982 8/15/2008 $ 2 000
Secundino Brieba Bought Carfut 6/20/2008 $ 90 000
Timoteo De Dominicis Bought Carfut 6/20/2008 $ 20 000
Tor Svendsen Bought Cárnicas García 11/12/2015 $ 357 000
Eneko Iturralde Bought Cas Pages 4/13/2024 $ 93 900
Fortunato Caceres Bought CB Energy 2/9/2016 $ 300 000
Amadeo Miele Sold Celldömölk Giants 3/22/2013 $ 41 000
Víctor José Aquino Sold Chymayos C.B. 11/16/2015 $ 160 000
Leone Mercatili Club Deportivo Lusitania 3/6/2011 $ 90 000
Oreste Jannitti Club Deportivo Lusitania 8/9/2008 $ 255 000
Diego Javier Flanders Sold Creighton Blue Jays 12/19/2011 $ 1 000
Bernardo Iván Fitipaldis Sold Despeñaderos 3/31/2011 $ 9 000
Leone Mercatili Sold Despeñaderos 3/31/2011 $ 5 000
Carlos Estilarte Sold Dugnas ne riba 3/31/2024 $ 3 000
Simón Hidalgo Sold dulce moraes 10/14/2009 $ 250 000
José Oscar Rojas Sold fire spin 10/29/2011 $ 1 000
Juan María Papadopolos Sold Francavilla Basket 5/20/2009 $ 47 300
Janusz Miś Bought Free Agent 7/30/2015 $ 220 000
John Handy Bought Free Agent 4/12/2013 $ 336 600
Serik Kalzhigitov Bought Free Agent 1/23/2013 $ 230 100
Mihajlo Ankić Bought Free Agent 1/23/2013 $ 380 300
Darren Todd Bought Free Agent 8/15/2012 $ 846 800
Ricardo Arnaz Bought Free Agent 12/21/2011 $ 66 200
Matthew Russ Bought Free Agent 11/15/2011 $ 81 660
Michele Panaccio Bought Free Agent 11/11/2011 $ 105 800
Georgi Alexandrov Bought Free Agent 10/26/2011 $ 424 600
Jorge Enrique Recamán Bought Free Agent 5/19/2011 $ 350 000
Fortunato Caceres Sold Gli Squalotti 6/24/2016 $ 150 000
Luo Zhize Bought GoldenCats 10/6/2009 $ 1 100 000
Antonio Lusini Bought GoldenCats 9/17/2009 $ 52 100
Pedro Saúl Rivero Sold Guadalkivir Armhävningar 12/11/2016 $ 3 000
Tor Svendsen Sold Houston Defenders 10/9/2016 $ 62 500
Alexander van de Voorde Bought Huracan CA 9/3/2016 $ 350 000
Emiel Cools Bought INFECTUM 2/11/2010 $ 459 000
Guillermo Escriña Sold Iraklis-Panorama B.C 9/10/2008 $ 10 000
Luis María Rodríguez Sold Irmandiños C.B. 10/29/2011 $ 1 000
Raffy Loloy Bought Ispartakule Bulls 4/30/2024 $ 183 600
Janne Frondelius Bought İzmir Heat 9/25/2016 $ 100 000
Aurelio Ihle Sold Jedula Mamers II 2/15/2016 $ 17 000
Hannes Talan Sold Kendal 41ers 3/18/2012 $ 300 000
Lorenzo Villaverde Sold KK "Telšiai" 4/16/2024 $ 1 000
Fernando Islas Bought KK Dumbarajko 2/27/2011 $ 275 000
Sampsa Harju Sold Kk Mašala 9/2/2016 $ 400 000
Emérico Agrima Bought KK Pax 9e 3/19/2013 $ 468 200
Liang Zhi Cheng Bought KK Rinkuškių alus 9/17/2024 $ 100 000
Waldo Urquiza Sold KK Žoc 4/16/2024 $ 2 000
Andrew Waters Bought KS Goldena 9/17/2024 $ 289 000
Ottó Klemencz Bought KTHC 4/18/2016 $ 17 000
Jean Bedel Bought La biffle 9/9/2008 $ 124 900
Emilio Andrés Massara Sold LA Lakers09 6/20/2008 $ 90 700
Artur Rogowski Bought La Pelada 9/22/2024 $ 131 600
Bruno Dante Galperin Sold Lgia2 2/21/2012 $ 1 000
Román Laroca Sold Los Angeles Leon 9/2/2016 $ 1 000
Oscar Andrés Palacio Sold Los Cocothos 3/12/2009 $ 51 000
Uriel Pueyrredón Sold Los maniceros del tigre 4/16/2024 $ 2 000
Pellegrino Cipriani Bought Lucas Paps Team 5/1/2011 $ 300 000
Herman Tucker Bought MadGamers 11/4/2011 $ 18 000
Matthew Russ Sold Maldonado Beachers 6/18/2013 $ 50 000
Ingo Doesburg Sold Mequetrefes 9/12/2016 $ 1 000
Francesco Zama Bought MerryJane 7/6/2015 $ 29 000
Efraín Manzano Sold Missouri City Sounders 12/22/2016 $ 1 785 000
Tóbiás Vágó Bought Młode Willki 8/26/2024 $ 2 000
Rahav Fürst Bought Montoro EL CABELLO SL 11/17/2015 $ 52 100
Haris Mpampalakis Bought NBA Valka 3/3/2011 $ 300 000
Baltazar Lastimoso Bought NEW NAPOLIBASKET 7/14/2015 $ 53 200
Tobias Maravilha Bought Noipmahc 8/12/2008 $ 10 000
Herman Tucker Sold Norfolk United 5/27/2012 $ 10 200
Georgi Alexandrov Sold oklahoma35 thunder 8/23/2012 $ 156 100
Tito Zermattén Sold Onfire 4/14/2013 $ 1 000
Guifré Enrich Bought pacopi07 8/9/2015 $ 52 100
Baltazar Lastimoso Sold panelinios 9/12/2016 $ 1 000
Vojtěch Seifert Bought PartizanBC031ECB 3/19/2012 $ 340 000
Edmundo Pellón Sold Patrioodid 4/9/2016 $ 1 500 000
Gian Luca Veneziano Bought Portela Jammers 3/4/2011 $ 200 000
Xiao Jianyun Sold PRINCE BC 8/6/2015 $ 10 000
Edmundo Pellón Bought Pruszków Jazz 7/2/2015 $ 20 000
Aarón Landeros Bought RALPH LAUREN DOLHAIN 99 10/6/2016 $ 663 000
Arne Aichlseder Sold Real Besiktas 2/22/2016 $ 5 000
Pablo Blázquez Bought Resurrected Fury 10/5/2024 $ 111 200
Leonardo Fabio Trujillo Bought Revenge team 9/1/2016 $ 680 000
Patrício Pimentel Bought Rim brakers 4/13/2024 $ 94 400
Gabriel Kemper Sold Rurek 9/25/2013 $ 24 000
Hannes Talan Bought Rustburg Kings 3/7/2012 $ 218 300
Kemal Engin Sold Samb 70ers 10/1/2016 $ 896 900
Mariano Juan Anconetani Sold Šančių Tritaškis 2/18/2016 $ 1 000
Abdel Torreiro Sold SaungHninPwint 4/30/2024 $ 1 000
Kalev Lõhmus Bought sharkmen 8/25/2012 $ 200 000
Aurelio Ihle Bought Smart Pilipinas 11/7/2015 $ 100 000
Alberto Himadas Sold Sons of Toby Kimball 6/14/2013 $ 7 000
Artis Kozlovskis Sold Sport Club Lanús 6/16/2016 $ 1 040 400
Uriele Gardin Sold Starouba 4/25/2012 $ 1 500
Yaacov Vilk Sold Stenjevec 96ers 10/8/2009 $ 71 400
Kalev Lõhmus Sold TeamSeventeen 3/14/2013 $ 153 000
Xiao Jianyun Bought Tech Titans850 7/11/2015 $ 25 000
Hans Joerg Klostermann-Lange Bought The Returners 2/22/2010 $ 90 000
Anupras Troškauskas Sold toa is good 3/10/2013 $ 51 000
Ingo Doesburg Bought VirtusRoma82 2/13/2016 $ 102 000
Guifré Enrich Sold Vladivostok 6/10/2016 $ 1 000 000
Sebastián Marcelo Lombi Bought VVINGGG 3/29/2011 $ 150 000
Bobby Thorne Bought waterford demons 8/7/2008 $ 100 000
Guilherme Queiró Bought West Baden Birds 8/23/2024 $ 5 000
Wilfried Graßmann Bought XALANDRI BC 6/22/2016 $ 424 600
Stanisław Dusza Bought Zuzi Bulls 11/20/2024 $ 306 000
Liucius Malskis Bought ZYLEX Esports 7/6/2015 $ 4 000
Víctor José Aquino Bought РЕБЯТА 7/7/2015 $ 54 100
Ramón Campos Sold 圣徒门 3/10/2013 $ 6 000
Total Sales: $ 10 569 500
Total Purchases: $ 16 868 560
Transfer Balance: $ -6 299 060