List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Gonzalo Ladusa Sold 91ers 1/7/2012 $ 1 100 000
Frédéric Michel Bought 974 9/20/2009 $ 1 304 300
Xosé Meijón Sold AC Clippers 11/29/2009 $ 10 000
Chip Chu Sold Adam BC 2/5/2012 $ 204 000
Valentins Putninš-Borks Sold agulitas 10/5/2008 $ 3 000
Pascal Gierstorfer Sold All MIGTO Lakers 8/3/2008 $ 1 000
Pedro Armendáriz Bought Alley.Oops 8/23/2011 $ 55 500
Juan Manuel Peñaranda Bought Alparo BC 12/31/2012 $ 2 000
Rafael Maria Pedraza Sold Altrimenti ci arrabbiamo 10/12/2010 $ 1 000
Ervin Aranyos Sold Andres Montes team 12/26/2012 $ 758 000
Jorge Garivell Sold antarès 6/6/2013 $ 204 000
Vlasis Veritsis Bought ArmaDi Gins 5/28/2012 $ 255 000
David Anido Bought ASFE Terres i Parets 7/11/2008 $ 25 000
Vincent Maurel Sold Aspadores 8/2/2008 $ 2 000
Marvin Obren Bought ATV Dortmund 09 3/24/2010 $ 1 300 000
Luiz Fabiano Albuquerque Bought Back Cat 5/26/2010 $ 11 000
Alberto Muzzu Sold Badboys88873 6/18/2011 $ 350 000
Edwin Brykczyński Sold BADIJALA 9/3/2012 $ 702 800
Ramón Huarte Sold bajonsky TEAM 8/22/2010 $ 20 400
Butginas Pajauris Sold Baloncesto CAI Zaragoza 9/5/2008 $ 2 000
Alberto Bada Bought Baloncesto CAI Zaragoza 9/4/2008 $ 9 000
Kalev Must Bought BC boykad 10/12/2011 $ 2 000
Peeter Lõoke Bought BC Built to Hurt 6/4/2012 $ 1 500
Butginas Pajauris Bought BC Gintarai 7/18/2008 $ 2 000
Atis Biksans Sold bc graas 6/10/2013 $ 590 200
Toomas Lehtmets Sold Bc huntide meeskond 3/23/2010 $ 350 000
Gino Joho Sold BC Messi 9/9/2009 $ 80 000
Jukundas Tubis Sold BC Paracuellos 4/16/2009 $ 60 000
Vitaly Lozitskiy Bought BC SemiPro 1/2/2013 $ 635 400
César Augusto Villafaña Sold BC Ufa 3/13/2009 $ 1 000
Albano Dellacasa Sold BC Valga Welg 3/23/2010 $ 408 800
Diogo Idanha Sold Beberbeķis 2 6/10/2013 $ 561 000
Kazimierz Brzostowski Sold BIGS FATS 5/17/2010 $ 1 000
Myron Wilkes Sold BK Arrow 5/16/2012 $ 330 100
David Tikva Sold BK Jicin Hornets 11/3/2011 $ 300 000
Žanis Virgailis Sold BK Rokiji 3/23/2009 $ 357 000
Néstor Raúl Ivanociv Bought Black Berry 1/7/2009 $ 120 000
Przemysław Lampkowski Sold Blazers99 2/8/2012 $ 495 000
Cristóbal Reina Sold bleed greenC47 10/25/2008 $ 90 000
Adrian Knowles Bought Blended Ferraris 4/21/2009 $ 2 000
Chuck Brown Bought Blended Ferraris 4/21/2009 $ 1 000
Albano Dellacasa Bought Bodega San Rodolfo 11/24/2009 $ 364 200
Cheung Tak Jang Sold Bombadões 7/17/2008 $ 19 000
Przemysław Lampkowski Bought Boston Celtics Basketball 1/11/2012 $ 278 300
Enrique Araujo Sold Boston Itchy Penguins 12/17/2009 $ 1 530 000
Antoni Barreras Sold boston69009-lyon 8/28/2012 $ 585 000
Epifanio Ybarra Careaga Sold Breka 10/3/2011 $ 75 000
Winston Moore Sold Brescia Warriors4C8 3/23/2010 $ 690 000
Eftal Tomurcuk Sold Brick City Ballers 9/8/2008 $ 17 000
Mauri Turillo Sold Brigston Pumas 1/10/2012 $ 369 000
José Pino Sold Buford Twist 2/21/2012 $ 250 000
Alfredo Bombarely Sold bullsi 5/9/2009 $ 306 000
Samuel Martínez Sold Buzzerbeater Masters 10/25/2008 $ 100 000
Bastian Hemetsberger Sold BV ProB Chemnitz 11/23/2009 $ 600 000
Jan Schlöhlein Bought Byki Hajnówka 4/7/2011 $ 80 000
Arturo Bangueses Sold C. D. Vilar de Barrio 7/14/2008 $ 1 000
Jacint Barceló Sold c.b. castellnou 7/19/2008 $ 1 000
David Anido Sold c.b. castellnou 7/17/2008 $ 32 000
Yu Chuanguo Sold C.B. Nans 5/13/2010 $ 3 200 000
Mauri Turillo Bought c.e.arlequinado 7/28/2011 $ 100 000
Levente Kókai Sold C.Pulcino S.S. 12/19/2012 $ 453 400
Adolfo Mayorga Sold calimero25 12/19/2011 $ 561 000
Eros Bellomo Sold Casta Canaria 7/15/2011 $ 306 000
César Augusto Villafaña Bought CB Energy 7/31/2008 $ 50 000
Roger Domingo Sold CB Subur 8/4/2011 $ 250 000
Conrado Sacristán Sold CB Traca i mocador7E2 3/16/2014 $ 101 600
Tolós Bonamais Bought cb valladolid 5/20/2012 $ 1 000
Sergio Calero Sold Chicago Bulls Hit 7/11/2008 $ 71 400
Adolfo Mayorga Bought dashag 11/4/2011 $ 600 000
Bastian Hemetsberger Bought DerStandard 3/11/2009 $ 105 000
Cedric Erlkönig Bought D-Fense 1/22/2009 $ 60 000
Ceferí Pujol Sold Edi Wolvs 6/1/2012 $ 1 000
Mikelis Balnaitis Bought Ekranas 7/14/2008 $ 46 000
Martin Železník Sold El Nine 3/11/2013 $ 1 150 000
Fernando Rivas Sold ELEYSINA BC 3/23/2010 $ 357 000
Lucjan Sochal Sold Ethereal Brethren 11/3/2011 $ 315 600
Gualtiero Belmonte Bought F1970 7/19/2008 $ 100 000
Valentins Putninš-Borks Bought FC begotzor 7/14/2008 $ 21 000
Chen Chufeng Bought Foodies 12/18/2009 $ 500 000
Marià Treserra Bought FortitudoBologna 4/18/2009 $ 150 000
Su Fayang Sold Fotbalistii 2/3/2012 $ 497 000
Martin Železník Bought Free Agent 2/14/2013 $ 823 200
Robert Szczepaniec Bought Free Agent 1/10/2013 $ 404 600
Soulis Kouroupetroglou Bought Free Agent 11/22/2012 $ 180 000
Ervin Aranyos Bought Free Agent 2/9/2012 $ 490 300
Antoni Barreras Bought Free Agent 2/9/2012 $ 374 900
Ke Shilun Bought Free Agent 1/11/2012 $ 170 000
Myron Wilkes Bought Free Agent 1/11/2012 $ 350 000
José Pino Bought Free Agent 1/11/2012 $ 185 000
Javier Canudas Bought Free Agent 1/11/2012 $ 612 000
Su Fayang Bought Free Agent 12/7/2011 $ 459 000
Ceyhun Karli Bought Free Agent 11/16/2011 $ 620 000
Fabien Poittevin Bought Free Agent 11/3/2011 $ 173 400
Gonzalo Ladusa Bought Free Agent 10/5/2011 $ 755 000
David Tikva Bought Free Agent 9/14/2011 $ 226 010
Nicolas Saint-Amand Bought Free Agent 6/22/2011 $ 415 000
Gailius Balciunas Bought Free Agent 6/9/2011 $ 350 000
Roger Domingo Bought Free Agent 5/25/2011 $ 124 100
Lucjan Sochal Bought Free Agent 5/25/2011 $ 200 000
Eugenio Arcua Bought Free Agent 5/25/2011 $ 219 400
Yonatan Zaydman Bought Free Agent 5/12/2011 $ 159 000
Vanja Matarela Bought Free Agent 8/19/2010 $ 457 900
Piergiuseppe Kevorkian Bought Free Agent 3/24/2010 $ 853 600
Carlos Moral Sold Frigoríficos do Morrazo CB 12/5/2010 $ 65 400
Manthos Fasoulakis Bought Fringe 7/28/2011 $ 153 000
Adolfo Casu Sold Garage 51 Spannerians 5/16/2012 $ 120 000
Atis Biksans Bought Gausón 5/18/2013 $ 877 200
Andrzej Musiejuk Sold GMA Team 11/14/2012 $ 157 200
Salman Bouchrit Sold Gotosera 49ers 5/21/2011 $ 477 600
Javier Canudas Sold green xtc 2/3/2012 $ 912 600
Alexandrino da Costa Bought GteamOne 5/14/2010 $ 2 244 000
Vlasis Veritsis Sold Hellblaze Divine Slayers 6/10/2013 $ 492 000
Yves Loosli Sold HONSU 8/2/2008 $ 1 000
Jorge Río Bought i labronici 2/10/2012 $ 300 000
Edwin Brykczyński Bought ImDaBeast 5/21/2012 $ 458 000
Robert Szczepaniec Sold Indulabusz 4/15/2013 $ 450 000
Vincent Maurel Bought jackyfudis 7/11/2008 $ 9 000
Pánfilo Orgeira Sold Joaquín Argudo Alcolado 7/14/2008 $ 74 400
Jorn Palsterman Bought Kambja Kuked 5/13/2010 $ 750 000
Nenad Maršić Sold Karjera Vilki 9/16/2009 $ 212 300
Žanis Virgailis Bought Kaunas Eagles 7/11/2008 $ 51 000
Artur Figueiras Sold KK Gudiena 6/3/2009 $ 153 000
Matija Kilibarda Bought KK Prizren 1/28/2010 $ 1 000
Bernardo Acosta Bought KKS Ultras Poznań 1/18/2012 $ 600 000
Bonaventura Riba Sold Klapci 9/12/2009 $ 159 300
Jesús Araizaga Bought Koszalin Pistons 4/24/2011 $ 30 000
Piergiuseppe Kevorkian Sold Kujatis 1/19/2011 $ 153 000
Peter Mullineux Sold Kumple Rafonixa 9/5/2008 $ 30 000
Vanja Matarela Sold Lao Cai PackerBackers 1/19/2011 $ 205 800
Eugenio Arcua Sold Lavapiatti 6/6/2011 $ 324 900
Jesús Pries Sold Leii din Banat 3/25/2010 $ 1 000
Manthos Fasoulakis Sold LI Ballerz 9/23/2011 $ 306 000
Francisco Davi Sold llamuergas 5/16/2012 $ 480 000
Cristian Villaruel Sold Los Guayas 12/19/2012 $ 50 000
Andrzej Musiejuk Bought Lupus United 6/6/2012 $ 248 600
Héctor Adolfo Llop Bought Maccabi "Even" Tel Aviv 4/19/2011 $ 30 000
Serafín Cuesta Sold Machori 3/7/2009 $ 83 300
Jesús Araizaga Sold Mamporros 5/7/2011 $ 60 000
José Castellbisbal Sold Mardi Gras Gators 9/5/2008 $ 4 000
Salman Bouchrit Bought Marmotte TeamF5D 5/4/2011 $ 204 000
Stephen Zimmer Bought MARSEILLE wizzard 10/12/2011 $ 132 000
Simos Kontosoros Bought Matzaris bc 11/8/2012 $ 1 000
Piotr Heczko Bought Mc丶Tracy 5/11/2009 $ 358 100
Jofre Gomucio Sold Megatones 7/18/2008 $ 2 000
Winston Moore Bought Miami Heat WadeJamesBosh 11/24/2009 $ 154 800
Bernardo Acosta Sold Montpellier Sénateurs 2/3/2012 $ 561 000
Pasqual Batalla Bought mos 2 11/17/2008 $ 1 500
Pascal Gierstorfer Bought MOTOWZINHO 7/18/2008 $ 1 000
Ben Bossaert Bought Mythical Phoenix 5/16/2012 $ 377 000
Rafael De Paula Sold NCC-1701-A 12/19/2012 $ 1 020 000
Juan Castillejo Sold Neumogástrico BC 7/19/2008 $ 90 000
Jedei Girona Sold New York Knicks 1 7/18/2008 $ 50 000
Beneharo Escofet Sold North Eagles 3/7/2009 $ 1 000
Yonatan Zaydman Sold nossa senhora de fatima 5/28/2011 $ 339 700
Gian Meeuwissen Sold nostabaigana 4/5/2009 $ 71 400
Ginés López Soto Bought Nuinteam C.B. 12/25/2012 $ 455 000
Levente Kókai Bought Oak Leafs Wroclaw 12/23/2011 $ 487 200
Nicolas Saint-Amand Sold Obradoiro B.C 11/7/2011 $ 450 000
Chip Chu Bought Oklahoma City Kings 11/13/2011 $ 75 000
Alberto Muzzu Bought Ontario Traders 4/11/2011 $ 186 000
Josan Quintanilla Sold OwlBears 8/10/2013 $ 101 000
Gailius Balciunas Sold PAOK ANTIFA 1926 9/19/2011 $ 416 200
Primitivo Edreira Sold PASXON B.C. 8/13/2013 $ 38 000
Miroslav Pinto Bought PATRAS ORIGINAL 5/27/2010 $ 100 000
Piotr Heczko Sold Pendik Basketbol 9/29/2010 $ 1 308 200
Pedro Armendáriz Sold Perenquenes de Tenerife 11/16/2011 $ 16 000
Nicolas Paysant Sold Piccoli e Veloci 6/20/2011 $ 27 000
Ignacio Rezusta Sold Polittham City 7/28/2011 $ 312 200
Diogo Idanha Bought Polsk BK 3/7/2012 $ 400 000
Miroslav Pinto Portocolom 9/29/2010 $ 38 000
Piergiuseppe Kevorkian Portocolom 9/29/2010 $ 312 900
Jorn Palsterman Portocolom 9/29/2010 $ 250 000
Alexandrino da Costa Portocolom 9/29/2010 $ 1 007 900
Pedro Nandino Portocolom 11/27/2007 $ 2 000
Godofredo Pastor Marra Sold propulsion09 6/6/2009 $ 1 000
Toshihiro Miura Sold Quiésmorir 12/25/2012 $ 86 800
Ke Shilun Sold Red-White Hunters 6/2/2012 $ 220 000
Jusèp Picó Sold rocket11 3/8/2009 $ 2 000
Alexandrino da Costa Sold Romanord B 1/19/2011 $ 612 000
Eftal Tomurcuk Bought Ruskon94C 7/23/2008 $ 29 000
Raúl Dalbi Sold San Diego Shamu 7/13/2014 $ 50 001
Marvin Obren Sold San Llorens 8/18/2010 $ 1 400 000
Artur Figueiras Bought SBCB 12/25/2008 $ 225 500
Gian Meeuwissen Bought Sendai Dragons 3/11/2009 $ 67 800
Mikelis Balnaitis Sold SENELIAI 8/17/2008 $ 2 000
Toomas Lehtmets Bought sexopolla fc 11/3/2009 $ 221 000
Nenad Maršić Bought Shanghai Loco People 4/7/2009 $ 34 000
Vitaly Lozitskiy Sold Shelbys 2/10/2013 $ 561 000
Adolfo Casu Bought Shumen Lions 2/9/2012 $ 220 000
Rubén Robledo Villa Sold Silutes "Silute" 5/16/2010 $ 6 000
Stephen Zimmer Sold SIPPO_TEAM 11/3/2011 $ 88 600
Eros Bellomo Bought SJP Red Storm 6/1/2011 $ 260 000
Jorge Río Sold Sky Mavs 5/31/2012 $ 700 000
Fabien Poittevin Sold Sligo Badgers 12/1/2011 $ 510 000
Jan Schlöhlein Sold spartakas jkl 9/12/2011 $ 83 300
Joan Alemany Sold Spurs WOB 9/14/2009 $ 2 000
Jaime Vicens Sold Stockton Sea Lions 1/25/2010 $ 2 200 000
Nicolas Paysant Bought Stormgate 5/22/2011 $ 15 000
Arnon Sharf Sold Street ballers3EB 4/18/2009 $ 24 000
Frédéric Michel Sold Szombathely Beats Kc 3/23/2010 $ 1 800 000
Toshihiro Miura Bought Tak tak takatak 11/24/2012 $ 35 000
Jukundas Tubis Bought Tauragės Tauras 3/9/2009 $ 85 000
Jorn Palsterman Sold Tbilisi Satyris 1/19/2011 $ 99 200
Xacinto Carozo Sold the animals 1/24/2009 $ 1 000
Arnon Sharf Bought The Blue Shark 7/22/2008 $ 81 600
Serafín Cuesta Bought Tigres Bc 10/2/2008 $ 92 700
Einar Rojas Lobo Bought Tojuplastica 3/11/2009 $ 81 600
Einar Rojas Lobo Sold TomTeam 9/9/2009 $ 32 000
Marià Treserra Sold Torravens 9/16/2009 $ 15 000
Héctor Adolfo Llop Sold Tromokrates 1/9/2012 $ 25 000
Ben Bossaert Sold Troupomet 10/11/2012 $ 224 400
Néstor Raúl Ivanociv Sold Trsce 3/22/2009 $ 4 500
Gualtiero Belmonte Sold Ultimejt Basket 1/21/2009 $ 4 000
Chen Chufeng Sold vitaminballers 3/23/2010 $ 663 000
Ceyhun Karli Sold Warm Shrim 1/10/2012 $ 698 400
Jorge Garivell Bought WBC Thunder 3/29/2013 $ 408 000
Mark Tinsley Bought Wheaton Mastodons 11/11/2009 $ 2 000
Ginés López Soto Sold Włókniarz Łódź 9/1/2013 $ 400 000
Cheung Tak Jang Bought World Tour 7/9/2008 $ 24 000
Kazimierz Brzostowski Bought Wroclaw Inquisitors 4/29/2010 $ 2 000
Enrique Araujo Bought xer wizards 3/11/2009 $ 160 000
Yves Loosli Bought xXxMrs_HuberxXx Mannschaft 7/14/2008 $ 7 000
Gino Joho Bought Yakers 5/11/2009 $ 104 100
Peter Mullineux Bought zed burkina fazo 7/14/2008 $ 150 000
Josep Lluís Termens Sold 九州流浪者 4/10/2013 $ 110 000
Yu Chuanguo Bought 大叔 1/31/2010 $ 1 965 500
Total Sales: $ 39 223 001
Total Purchases: $ 27 738 810
Transfer Balance: $ 11 484 191