List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Ahmet Eyüboglu Bought Red Devils BC 7/24/2017 $ 52 100
Jean Rouffet Bought Daghe Monegu 7/24/2017 $ 9 000
Nikolaos Mattheou Bought Trilofos Tigers 7/26/2017 $ 9 000
Giorgio Zanoli Bought Free Agent 8/6/2017 $ 52 100
Norgilas Revotas Bought Free Agent 8/9/2017 $ 48 800
Fazil Koza Bought Alconchel Basket Club 8/10/2017 $ 53 200
Christos Pioukas Bought Bossy 8/12/2017 $ 49 000
Jamie Brown Bought moneague utd 8/16/2017 $ 142 800
Javier Yarza Sold plytnešiai 8/16/2017 $ 5 000
Jesús Arra Sold Rick & poll 10/23/2017 $ 30 000
Alexios Zacharopoulos Bought Terre Haute Highlanders 11/7/2017 $ 156 100
Giorgio Zanoli Sold Houston Rockets ² 11/13/2017 $ 50 000
Kostas Papadis Bought HACILI BK 11/14/2017 $ 257 000
Nikolaos Mattheou Sold Life Styles 11/23/2017 $ 11 000
Marino Ljubić Bought Broliai Saunuoliai ™ 1/6/2018 $ 318 500
Christos Pioukas Sold Smoke and Mirrors 1/9/2018 $ 13 000
Jamie Brown Sold Mad about Moldova Mud 1/9/2018 $ 10 000
Piotr Litke Bought ergotelis 1/19/2018 $ 450 000
Kostas Papadis Sold XALANDRI BC 2/4/2018 $ 350 000
Alexios Zacharopoulos Sold XALANDRI BC 2/4/2018 $ 250 000
Piotr Litke Sold CSPbonat 3/25/2018 $ 317 900
Marino Ljubić Sold Pentalouda 3/25/2018 $ 156 100
Rodrigo Normandia Bought Maldit0s Bastard0s 4/19/2018 $ 1 000
Muhammed Huynh Bought Betisterapia 5/4/2018 $ 2 000
Giles Drake Bought IloveBeer 7/9/2018 $ 250 000
Florindo Laranjeiro Bought IMAGEN C.B 7/13/2018 $ 158 200
Sener Aydin Bought CSKA Badalona 7/16/2018 $ 102 000
Elbo Guiñazo Bought Gijón Vallecas 7/27/2018 $ 10 000
Alejandro Machado Bought Gijón Vallecas 8/8/2018 $ 51 000
Eloy Villanueva Bought KOBE4ever 8/19/2018 $ 100 000
Serafí La Cámara Bought Dead Men B.C. 9/1/2018 $ 300 000
Alfred Lebensorger Bought Dead Men B.C. 9/1/2018 $ 300 000
Florindo Laranjeiro Sold Llull´s Whites 9/4/2018 $ 12 000
Sener Aydin Sold BULLSTR 9/4/2018 $ 347 100
Gerard García de Llanilla Sold Mañoman basket 9/4/2018 $ 37 000
Óscar Alcalde Bought club baloncesto ventorrillo 9/6/2018 $ 10 000
Fazil Koza Sold Parade Sunside 9/9/2018 $ 6 000
Julius Maes Bought King Lublin 9/11/2018 $ 15 000
Uroš Benčik Bought Free Agent 9/12/2018 $ 134 340
Elbo Guiñazo Sold Ninja Warriors 9/14/2018 $ 1 000
Juanma Campino Bought Bong Bong Marcos 9/17/2018 $ 450 000
Tito Ocampo Sold C.B. Gran Canaria 9/19/2018 $ 8 000
Christopher Roquain Bought Free Agent 9/22/2018 $ 100 000
Boris Bulić Bought KK Celik Zenica 9/24/2018 $ 500 000
Alfred Lebensorger Sold Šilalės "Lūšis" 9/25/2018 $ 122 400
Carlos Badenes Luz Sold Los jugones 9/25/2018 $ 153 000
Zélio da Silva Bought Maldit0s Bastard0s 10/8/2018 $ 12 000
Serafí La Cámara Sold Lucentum Alicante 10/11/2018 $ 14 000
Ariel Pamplona Sold BC Cascais 10/11/2018 $ 2 000
Brady Murdock Bought "Žalgiris" 10/16/2018 $ 10 000
Henrik Keczeli Bought Avatar Team 10/17/2018 $ 416 200
Jordan Jacquemot Bought Free Agent 11/2/2018 $ 100 000
Victor Delhoume Bought Wild Squirrels 11/2/2018 $ 400 000
Pere Llobet Sold gregari lituani 11/4/2018 $ 1 000
Uroš Benčik Sold Violetta 11/4/2018 $ 52 200
Boris Bulić Sold Harlemin kultapöksyt 11/5/2018 $ 124 100
Norgilas Revotas Sold Naujokai186 11/5/2018 $ 76 600
Pierre-Luc Royer Bought Feuquières 11/6/2018 $ 300 000
Christopher Roquain Sold Tulsa Tomatoes 11/10/2018 $ 91 800
Eike Hagedorn Bought Barcelona Dragons 11/13/2018 $ 255 000
Eloy Villanueva Sold Scarborough Steamrollers 11/16/2018 $ 1 000
Brady Murdock Sold Spinea Fighters 11/17/2018 $ 193 500
Julius Maes Sold ™GΣΣKƧQЦΛD™ 11/17/2018 $ 65 800
Vyacheslav Sarvarov Bought Free Agent 11/22/2018 $ 140 000
Kaarel Raudla Bought Granitman OÜ 11/27/2018 $ 102 000
Richard Donahue Bought Free Agent 12/1/2018 $ 37 730
Henrik Keczeli Sold Henoch White Stones 12/1/2018 $ 128 600
Zélio da Silva Sold Virtus Acciughina 12/1/2018 $ 20 000
Manuel Verdeces Bought Baleares 12/3/2018 $ 150 000
Óscar Alcalde Sold CB Cpt Price 12/3/2018 $ 6 000
Giles Drake Sold NeverLucky S.D. 12/3/2018 $ 10 000
Pierpaolo Balzamo Bought Free Agent 12/6/2018 $ 42 940
Jakob Norden Bought Free Agent 12/8/2018 $ 48 060
Ahmet Eyüboglu Sold BC Scanners 12/9/2018 $ 106 200
Raiko Eenmaa Bought Free Agent 12/12/2018 $ 42 600
Sébastien Sélosse Bought BCCremieu38460 1/2/2019 $ 180 000
Richard Donahue Sold Amoxidal 500 1/5/2019 $ 2 000
Pierpaolo Balzamo Sold sunswin 1/6/2019 $ 5 000
Damien Forêt Bought Les Tentaculaires 1/9/2019 $ 200 000
Kevin Gatlin Bought Free Agent 1/12/2019 $ 100 000
Kaarel Raudla Sold Henoch White Stones 1/12/2019 $ 35 000
Jakob Norden Sold The Untouchables 1/12/2019 $ 4 000
Tankut Darcan Bought Free Agent 1/16/2019 $ 100 000
Lawrence Sutton Bought Bot Team 1/17/2019 $ 193 800
Alejandro Machado Sold la wanda 1/19/2019 $ 156 100
Asuri Zuñiga Sold CWA FURY 1/19/2019 $ 100 000
Manuel Verdeces Sold CWA FURY 1/19/2019 $ 16 000
Juanma Campino Sold diego garcia de paredes team 1/20/2019 $ 260 200
Josselyn Armengaud Bought EESTI59 1/21/2019 $ 55 400
Raiko Eenmaa Sold JimmyBuckets 1/24/2019 $ 5 000
Stephen De Jaegher Bought Free Agent 2/2/2019 $ 200 000
Stefano D'Angelo Bought Raviors 2/3/2019 $ 115 200
Sébastien Sélosse Sold Atletico National 2/7/2019 $ 100 000
Lawrence Sutton Sold California Supreme 2/10/2019 $ 200 000
Damien Forêt Sold Athletic Alkala Basket 2/10/2019 $ 10 000
Benedek Krúdy Bought NETFLIX 2/12/2019 $ 104 100
Josselyn Armengaud Sold VB United 2/14/2019 $ 8 000
Pekka Siik Bought Humba 2/16/2019 $ 70 000
Alexandre Bodénès Bought Free Agent 2/27/2019 $ 200 000
Jordan Jacquemot Sold Zoltons 3/3/2019 $ 100 000
Tankut Darcan Sold Inca Pachacútec 3/3/2019 $ 115 200
Pekka Siik Sold jack and jones 3/3/2019 $ 120 000
Stefan Carlsson Bought Free Agent 3/8/2019 $ 350 000
Jordi Joan Castro-Pinos Sold mutos bt 3/10/2019 $ 19 000
Osman Kirdar Bought Free Agent 4/5/2019 $ 87 640
Ali Eren Simber Bought Free Agent 4/8/2019 $ 132 400
Éric Duchet Bought Free Agent 4/20/2019 $ 60 300
Nicolas Degouy Bought Equipe de Stan 5/4/2019 $ 106 200
Stefan Carlsson Sold Toro LocoFDC 5/5/2019 $ 408 000
Osman Kirdar Sold Mağara Adamları BK 5/11/2019 $ 22 000
Aldán Reza Bought Paxaxas 6/23/2019 $ 200 000
Ali Eren Simber Sold Eintracht Braunschweig 6/29/2019 $ 51 000
Éric Duchet Sold J.A.V. 7/19/2019 $ 54 300
Matthieu Lanson Bought Free Agent 8/3/2019 $ 78 000
Jean Rouffet Sold Bahçelievler Basket 8/6/2019 $ 100 000
Jorge Guilla Sold Sofia Scrubs 8/9/2019 $ 1 000
Marko Divac Bought HaifaGreen 8/12/2019 $ 200 000
Dušan Pernek Bought GlobalniTrotlni 8/31/2019 $ 390 000
Vyacheslav Sarvarov Sold Katman Crew 8/31/2019 $ 110 600
Pierre-Luc Royer Sold Bc Zalia ruta 9/3/2019 $ 200 000
Stefano D'Angelo Sold SPQR 9/7/2019 $ 150 000
Aldán Reza Sold OLDS WINNERS 9/7/2019 $ 124 900
Vano Gamsakhurdia Bought Tabarca Dolphins 9/8/2019 $ 300 000
Xie Dunyi Bought Metaloplastika 9/22/2019 $ 150 000
Javi López Bought robres 9/26/2019 $ 51 000
Kamenko Trifunac Bought Free Agent 10/10/2019 $ 117 000
Xie Dunyi Sold Estrella Club de Basquet 10/13/2019 $ 25 000
Benedek Krúdy Sold Habasch Basket 10/27/2019 $ 230 100
Angel Karchin Bought Brooklyn 10 11/11/2019 $ 45 000
Yagmur Kanun Bought ALIGATORES 11/18/2019 $ 104 100
Alexandre Bodénès Sold UD Crusaders 11/21/2019 $ 175 000
Eike Hagedorn Sold $nap7 11/21/2019 $ 204 000
Jean-Daniel Breton Bought Çeşme Sağlık Sitesi 11/25/2019 $ 450 000
Javi López Sold ENGINEERS19 11/28/2019 $ 2 000
Marko Divac Sold Globestropper 11/28/2019 $ 52 100
Víctor Giménez Sold club baloncesto ventorrillo 12/1/2019 $ 1 000
Churchill Moras Bought Philippian National Basketball Team 12/6/2019 $ 10 000
Pierre Spruill Bought Tik1000 12/10/2019 $ 104 100
Yagmur Kanun Sold OrduNuts 12/13/2019 $ 150 000
Diego Esparza Bought Steagua de mondariz 1/2/2020 $ 20 000
Víctor Zabalo Bought Pemberton boys 1/7/2020 $ 30 000
Miquel Santescases Bought Los Angeles Tigers 1/23/2020 $ 150 000
Kevin Gatlin Sold The Coolness Factor 2/7/2020 $ 100 000
Miquel Santescases Sold BC Durkan 2/7/2020 $ 100 000
Marinel Petre Bought KwH Lakers 2/12/2020 $ 88 600
Manuel Navarro Bought Free Agent 2/15/2020 $ 67 250
Oscar Guisasola Bought Free Agent 2/21/2020 $ 99 700
Jean-Daniel Breton Sold Retro Heat 2/24/2020 $ 350 000
Kamenko Trifunac Sold madox888 2/24/2020 $ 172 600
Nicolas Degouy Sold Κ.Α.Ο.Δ95F 2/24/2020 $ 159 300
Ilario Parigi Bought 23OUTOUT 2/26/2020 $ 78 000
José Atanes Sold BC Natris 2/27/2020 $ 16 000
Jaba Kakhniashvili Bought Sociedade Esportiva do Gama 3/4/2020 $ 300 000
Cyrille Maës Bought Free Agent 3/14/2020 $ 73 700
Marinel Petre Sold Pal i Gol 3/17/2020 $ 271 200
Víctor Zabalo Sold Kaplıcalar diyarı 3/17/2020 $ 11 000
Mauro Cela Bought Roboti 3/19/2020 $ 371 500
Stephen De Jaegher Sold JLBlazer 3/20/2020 $ 416 200
Alexy Hennion Bought Free Agent 3/21/2020 $ 150 000
Manuel Navarro Sold ABC123 BC 3/23/2020 $ 200 000
Jaba Kakhniashvili Sold SUNS IN 4 3/24/2020 $ 351 800
Fabien Rodriguez Bought Los Illuminatis 3/30/2020 $ 510 000
Sergio Campoo Sold Pit i collons!! 4/12/2020 $ 142 800
Benny Nagle Bought besni psi 4/13/2020 $ 300 000
Mauro Cela Sold Scunthorpe Devils 4/16/2020 $ 250 000
Enri Sepp Bought BC Võiste sopsud 5/11/2020 $ 300 000
Alexy Hennion Sold Mamba K.B 5/13/2020 $ 22 000
Churchill Moras Sold The Dunkers 2 5/13/2020 $ 5 000
Dušan Pernek Sold sharkmen 5/29/2020 $ 208 100
Gabin Louradour Bought BC La Foudre 6/18/2020 $ 300 000
Cyrille Maës Sold tic.tac 6/21/2020 $ 156 100
Matthieu Lanson Sold Fame or shame 6/21/2020 $ 180 000
Zacarias Roque Bought Free Agent 7/15/2020 $ 32 740
Antonio Miarons Bought Free Agent 7/16/2020 $ 45 000
Benny Nagle Sold Täna Me ei võida KK 7/18/2020 $ 331 400
Ignacio Peñafiel Bought Free Agent 8/26/2020 $ 55 100
Mauro Gallard Bought Free Agent 8/28/2020 $ 100 000
Zacarias Roque Sold club baloncesto ventorrillo 9/6/2020 $ 40 000
Fabien Rodriguez Sold SofaHoop 9/12/2020 $ 300 000
Efstratios Kosmakis Bought Faliro B.C. 9/15/2020 $ 650 000
Oscar Guisasola Sold ROCA TEAM 9/19/2020 $ 100 000
Xoaquín Afán de Ribera Sold 飛豬 9/22/2020 $ 1 000
Urko Sánchez Bought Narcotic Squad 9/27/2020 $ 7 000
Sergio Paternina Bought Pepungos 9/29/2020 $ 500 000
Víctor Martínez Sold Demis Team 10/3/2020 $ 1 000
Angel Karchin Sold ES Thionville 10/3/2020 $ 50 000
Xaime Cordal Sold Partizan_Beograd_ 10/3/2020 $ 4 000
Antonio Miarons Sold YILGUN 11/1/2020 $ 6 000
Fikri Dahi Bought Filtre Kahve 11/8/2020 $ 150 000
Ignacio Peñafiel Sold eusk89527 11/12/2020 $ 12 000
Enri Sepp Sold robres 11/17/2020 $ 50 000
Efstratios Kosmakis Sold Kanizsa Ants 11/29/2020 $ 360 200
James Groves Bought Hoopstars BC 12/8/2020 $ 350 000
Fikri Dahi Sold Basket Setubal 12/11/2020 $ 150 000
Friedel Zehndorfer Bought Theresvar Vikings 12/22/2020 $ 5 000
Mart Kitsing Bought Free Agent 12/30/2020 $ 201 660
Dean King Bought Free Agent 1/21/2021 $ 400 000
Gabin Louradour Sold Pentalouda 1/24/2021 $ 5 000
Vano Gamsakhurdia Sold C.A. Los Pinos 1/24/2021 $ 218 300
Victor Delhoume Sold Fortitudo Sasso Marconi 1/24/2021 $ 75 000
Jesús Grimaldo Sold Phenix city stars 1/27/2021 $ 1 000
Paulius Šliamonas Bought Trabajo ef 1/29/2021 $ 5 000
Gergő Séra Bought SOYHEN 3:16 2/1/2021 $ 10 000
Gytis Strigas Bought oriol team 2/22/2021 $ 153 000
Friedel Zehndorfer Sold CB Capital 2/25/2021 $ 20 000
Diego Esparza Sold JoMeCero CB 2/26/2021 $ 21 000
Ruggiero Dragoni Bought Bocconi Tigers 3/21/2021 $ 100 000
Grigoris Tsagkaris Bought Pantere Basket Team 3/25/2021 $ 80 000
Gergő Séra Sold BULLSTR 4/11/2021 $ 1 000
Urko Sánchez Sold Asseln Hills Tigers 4/17/2021 $ 2 000
Dany Irazazábal Sold Glourious Basterds 4/18/2021 $ 127 400
Sergey Sadikov Bought Bauru Brajato Basquete 6/9/2021 $ 200 000
Jordi Palop Bought Les Tentaculaires 6/18/2021 $ 500 000
Mauro Gallard Sold C.B. LH 6/21/2021 $ 178 200
Gytis Strigas Sold Goblin Juice 6/21/2021 $ 30 000
Mart Kitsing Sold club baloncesto ventorrillo 6/22/2021 $ 200 000
Nikola Poleksić Bought 牛角拓荒者 6/28/2021 $ 357 000
Paulius Šliamonas Sold club baloncesto ventorrillo 7/1/2021 $ 1 000
James Groves Sold Düsseldorf Giants 7/1/2021 $ 3 000
Diego Gandía Bought Free Agent 7/12/2021 $ 48 700
Agustín Méndez Seco Bought DobleDribling 7/15/2021 $ 50 000
Ruggiero Dragoni Sold L.A..LAKERS 7/15/2021 $ 2 000
Pierre Spruill Sold BC "Arsenal" 7/15/2021 $ 159 300
Moti Storm Bought Club OMB 8/9/2021 $ 250 000
Agustín Méndez Seco Sold teixonera 8/9/2021 $ 10 000
Nikola Poleksić Sold Levski Plovdiv 8/9/2021 $ 331 400
Dean King Sold ElectricTriangles 8/15/2021 $ 324 900
André Veiga Lima Bought Free Agent 9/2/2021 $ 118 590
Sabas Cequeliños Bought Àaæ 9/6/2021 $ 583 800
Jordi Palop Sold RecBall Basket 9/9/2021 $ 129 000
Florian Milon Bought BiTeam 9/18/2021 $ 400 000
Jorge Moleiro Bought Hudders 10/11/2021 $ 1 000
Jorge Moleiro Sold Aravell CB 10/27/2021 $ 1 000
Bane Ognjanović Bought club baloncesto ventorrillo 11/1/2021 $ 120 000
Lloyd Dickerson Bought amg Celtics 11/3/2021 $ 204 000
Moti Storm Sold Mouloudia dAlger 11/4/2021 $ 394 400
Sergio Paternina Sold Orange Bears 11/4/2021 $ 130 200
Sergey Sadikov Sold Les Foudres de Guerre 11/4/2021 $ 139 400
Stéphane Dubus Bought Hilltops Hoods L.A. 11/8/2021 $ 300 000
Pedro Góntar Sold club baloncesto ventorrillo 11/11/2021 $ 1 000
Ilario Parigi Sold Les Foudres de Guerre 11/11/2021 $ 23 000
Damian Zagdański Bought Annikvere 11/13/2021 $ 250 000
Lloyd Dickerson Sold Vidzemes Ltd 11/16/2021 $ 70 000
André Veiga Lima Sold Atlètic Montserratí 11/16/2021 $ 9 000
Maurilio Polli Bought Free Agent 11/25/2021 $ 106 200
Dalmiro Rotea Sold Capunag basket 11/28/2021 $ 2 000
Pascasio Casares Bought Free Agent 12/1/2021 $ 101 100
Carlos Can Parellada Sold Neiras Bravús 12/1/2021 $ 2 000
Sabas Cequeliños Sold 森森 12/5/2021 $ 550 000
Digmars Zalits Bought Quiésmorir 12/9/2021 $ 200 000
Diego Hoyos Bought Mamba Mentality BK 12/12/2021 $ 10 000
Adrián Chanciller Bought Free Agent 12/23/2021 $ 157 000
Maurilio Polli Sold Orlando Aphilliates 12/26/2021 $ 32 000
Adrián Chanciller Sold Wrocławskie Szczury 1/16/2022 $ 51 000
Grigoris Tsagkaris Sold Phoenix Suns1-13 1/16/2022 $ 11 000
Gian Luca Puleo Bought berlovich 1/18/2022 $ 300 000
Pascasio Casares Sold FC.WALKIELONA 1/19/2022 $ 94 600
Jérôme Duhaut Bought Le coyote des plaines 2/4/2022 $ 200 000
Diego Hoyos Sold TTT Bears 2/7/2022 $ 1 000
Diego Gandía Sold Milwawkee Bucks 2/7/2022 $ 70 000
Nicolas Lellouche Bought CEI TOLEDO 2/12/2022 $ 357 000
Santiago Amorós Bought Free Agent 3/2/2022 $ 67 400
Marcos Barreiro Sold club baloncesto ventorrillo 3/6/2022 $ 1 000
Marc Querol Sold RocheBasket 3/6/2022 $ 1 000
Jorge Canudas Sold Unicaja Torremolinos 3/6/2022 $ 160 000
Stéphane Dubus Sold Southpoint 3/6/2022 $ 51 000
Damien Daudon Bought Free Agent 3/10/2022 $ 53 800
Claudio Lollo Bought AZS Koszalin 1968 S.A. 3/11/2022 $ 212 300
Cameron Warren Bought SCAB63 3/20/2022 $ 173 400
Gian Luca Puleo Sold Segaron 3/23/2022 $ 165 800
Damian Zagdański Sold Miśkowe Crew 3/23/2022 $ 97 000
Xorxe Calviño Bought Grorio Warriors 4/10/2022 $ 285 600
Bane Ognjanović Sold Castrejon 4/14/2022 $ 100 000
Digmars Zalits Sold club baloncesto ventorrillo 4/25/2022 $ 51 000
Cameron Warren Sold Brooklyn 10 4/28/2022 $ 80 000
Nicolas Pauleau Bought Free Agent 4/30/2022 $ 62 100
Alberto Leyva Bought Los Malosos 5/9/2022 $ 50 000
Yoann Quéruel Bought Free Agent 5/19/2022 $ 503 900
Cecil Johnson Bought Pallaso de fira 7/7/2022 $ 200 000
Jérôme Duhaut Sold JDA Dijon (21) 7/10/2022 $ 21 000
Xorxe Calviño Sold Fontscaldes C.B. 7/10/2022 $ 200 000
Nicolas Pauleau Sold Tsim Sha Shui HiHi 7/11/2022 $ 52 100
Nicolas Lellouche Sold Rolex53 7/16/2022 $ 102 000
Tikhon Dubik Bought chicago bulss II 8/27/2022 $ 585 000
Damien Daudon Sold Phantoms Braunschweig 8/28/2022 $ 99 000
Giancarlo Ricci Bought Free Agent 10/26/2022 $ 426 800
Gian Luca Puleo Bought Free Agent 10/28/2022 $ 216 600
Juan Carlos Texeira Sold Masgros Warriors 10/29/2022 $ 2 000
Santiago Amorós Sold Masgros Warriors 10/29/2022 $ 16 000
Alberto Leyva Sold Fenerbahçe SK France 10/29/2022 $ 20 000
Claudio Lollo Sold Siyah Pençeler 11/3/2022 $ 150 000
Cecil Johnson Sold S.S.B.NAPOLI 11/6/2022 $ 55 400
Gian Luca Puleo Sold Sindicato S.A. 11/25/2022 $ 264 300
Oscar Garrido López Bought 强煎的蛋 12/7/2022 $ 216 600
Jeremiah Thorne Bought kingfisher 12/21/2022 $ 250 000
Ponç Arias Bought Emma BC 1/17/2023 $ 112 900
Karl-Richard Remke Bought Quiésmorir 1/17/2023 $ 200 000
Sandro Pérez Sold Los Dalton 1/20/2023 $ 13 000
Ginés Eguino Sold Bradford Dragons 1/20/2023 $ 1 000
Jeremiah Thorne Sold GloryBoyz 1/20/2023 $ 312 200
Pedro Ignacio Zafra Drakonia Basket 1/21/2023 $ 2 000
Aleksander Kyc Bought Saneik 1/24/2023 $ 51 000
Gordon Demangel Bought Quiésmorir 1/29/2023 $ 102 000
Roberto Bellissimo Bought Quiésmorir 1/31/2023 $ 200 000
Pedro Ignacio Zafra Sold Alfa Two 2/1/2023 $ 1 000
Aleksander Kyc Sold KKS Limanowa 2/2/2023 $ 12 000
Giancarlo Ricci Sold OKK Dražen Petrović 2/2/2023 $ 364 200
Marcelino Azabache Bought Cincinnati 88ers 2/9/2023 $ 4 000
Gonçalo Aranda Bought CB Dom Durão 2/14/2023 $ 1 000
Leonel Salazar Sold Gilas Pilipinas 4/13/2023 $ 11 000
Emilio Yusta Sold Zalia balta hey 4/16/2023 $ 1 000
Roberto Bellissimo Sold Lipno Bulls 5/18/2023 $ 214 900
Axel Malamata Bought Free Agent 5/19/2023 $ 82 880
Florent Larzillière Bought Free Agent 5/20/2023 $ 300 000
Karl-Richard Remke Sold Argonautas 5/21/2023 $ 149 700
Tomi Puskala Bought KotwicaKołobrzeg 5/25/2023 $ 666 666
Axel Malamata Sold BuenosAiresCity 5/28/2023 $ 12 000
Gonçalo Aranda Sold Trainspotting Team II 5/28/2023 $ 1 000
Nimet Teke Bought MONSTAR ADN 6/13/2023 $ 300 000
Raúl Trigueros Sold Boquerones C.B. 6/16/2023 $ 3 000
Marcelino Azabache Sold Baix a Mar 6/16/2023 $ 1 000
Lúcio Roma Bought Die Kupferchen 6/18/2023 $ 50 000
Ponç Arias Sold The Force 6/18/2023 $ 15 000
Gordon Demangel Sold The Force 6/18/2023 $ 33 000
Alexandrino Monteiro Bought Duke Devilz 8/8/2023 $ 675 900
Oscar Garrido López Sold Quatro Bc 8/12/2023 $ 10 496
Yoann Quéruel Sold joseuge72 8/12/2023 $ 10 000
Nimet Teke Sold Española de Charata 8/12/2023 $ 208 700
Keith Blevins Bought Free Agent 9/14/2023 $ 164 800
Fernando Fernández Santillana Sold Muzikantai 9/17/2023 $ 51 000
Francisco Ruiz Girón Sold 恶人帮 9/17/2023 $ 1 000
Daniel Canelas Bought Lliria Haws 12/13/2023 $ 43 000
José Ángel Planas Sold Smena 12/19/2023 $ 2 000
Ramón Inoriza Sold BC Gunners 12/19/2023 $ 2 000
Marco McClendon Bought DEVOTION team 1/6/2024 $ 700 000
Juho Motturi Bought Free Agent 1/12/2024 $ 600 000
César Olazábal Bought Brooklyn 10 1/13/2024 $ 255 000
Keith Blevins Sold CB Girona 1714 1/15/2024 $ 250 000
Lúcio Roma Sold avengerz 1/16/2024 $ 1 000
Manuel Martínez de Robles Sold San Francisco Warriors30 1/16/2024 $ 9 000
Alexandrino Monteiro Sold Minyor Pernik 1/16/2024 $ 422 300
Buford Sikes Bought Free Agent 2/7/2024 $ 400 000
Juho Motturi Sold mustekalat 2/8/2024 $ 528 400
Roberto Fluviá Sold Gyatts 2/9/2024 $ 6 000
Carl Wooten Bought Аризона Дрим 2/22/2024 $ 200 000
Pere Gaja Sold Wataka Stars 2/25/2024 $ 13 000
Marco McClendon Sold Les Lents Béarnais 3/24/2024 $ 541 400
Llibert Roch Sold Flamez 4/20/2024 $ 3 000
Jordi Belda Bought seminola 6/13/2024 $ 150 000
Ástor Maltés Sold Oakville Longhorns 6/15/2024 $ 1 000
Florent Larzillière Sold Browar United II 6/15/2024 $ 4 000
Daniel Canelas Sold golf2024 6/15/2024 $ 102 000
Tikhon Dubik Sold Κελτες 6/17/2024 $ 453 400
Ramón Salazar Bought Sertor 6/27/2024 $ 70 000
Adolfo Torres Sold Atluckowi Rycerze 6/30/2024 $ 255 000
Witek Zaradkiewicz Bought Free Agent 7/6/2024 $ 124 140
Paolo Mandese Bought Tenerifempiakos 7/17/2024 $ 300 000
Carl Wooten Sold dadaşspor 7/20/2024 $ 52 100
Tibet Korçan Bought Fistikovoutiroi B.C. 8/3/2024 $ 400 000
Manuel Vandelvira Sold BC Gadir 8/6/2024 $ 4 260
Diego Velasco de Pablo Sold Denver Bulls 8/6/2024 $ 202 900
Enrique Oliver Bought Dark Tranquillity 8/14/2024 $ 385 000
Félix Villaquilambre Bought Pinkies Basket Klub 8/18/2024 $ 550 000
Buford Sikes Sold Innovaters 8/21/2024 $ 386 600
Miquel Nicolàs Bought Picaflores 9/19/2024 $ 100 000
Faustino Iguacel Bought Fistikovoutiroi B.C. 9/26/2024 $ 250 000
Witek Zaradkiewicz Sold BC Naks 9/29/2024 $ 3 000
Ramón Salazar Sold Tbilisi Mavericks 9/29/2024 $ 5 000
Fernando Pintos del Valle Bought High RollersA0A 11/21/2024 $ 100 000
Alberto Borrell Sold Partychan de aquí al lado 12/2/2024 $ 1 000
Soriano Garategui Sold Fortitudo Ciuccafa 12/29/2024 $ 1 000
Jordi Belda Sold Arcadia Warriors 12/29/2024 $ 1 000
Miquel Nicolàs Sold Carambaslotes 12/29/2024 $ 1 000
Elliott Holder Bought Free Agent 2/5/2025 $ 400 000
Adrián González Uzqueta Sold Integraali kassid 2/8/2025 $ 2 000
Josep Brondó Bought Fistikovoutiroi B.C. 2/21/2025 $ 474 400
Enrique Oliver Sold BC Vilniaus Statyba 2/24/2025 $ 67 400
Jack Fontenot Bought KK Nõmme viskajad 3/18/2025 $ 265 500
Total Sales: $ 20 463 156
Total Purchases: $ 33 071 236
Transfer Balance: $ -12 608 080