List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Abel Marí Sold roma forever 1/30/2009 $ 450 000
Alberto Gui Sold Hash Rockets 10/24/2013 $ 1 000
Alberto Madero Bought Derribos Traid 5/7/2009 $ 3 000
Alessio Bernardo Sold fut gargas 6/19/2009 $ 250 000
Alessio Bernardo Bought Tralarà 10/24/2008 $ 250 000
Andrea Uccello Bought dovera suns 2/8/2009 $ 4 444
Andrew Angel Bought BankersC4F153 2/8/2009 $ 1 000
Bruno Vargas Sold Tallinna Tasuja 12/8/2008 $ 50 000
Bruno Vargas Bought Benfica Estrelas 11/20/2008 $ 1 000
Carlos Gerpe Sold Inter Midyat Grenchen 11/19/2008 $ 102 000
Claudionor Gavini Sold FAK DI KİNG 11/22/2008 $ 59 999
Claudionor Gavini Bought Reformados 4/1/2008 $ 115 000
Daniel Piera Sold BackToBackers 5/4/2008 $ 1 000
Dejan Cvetanovski Bought Electra Elites 6/18/2009 $ 1 000
Diego Lepore Sold Ottawa Senators 11/22/2008 $ 1 000
Diego Lepore Bought I Campettari 5/17/2008 $ 2 000
Ðino Krištic Bought Jarani 5/7/2009 $ 1 000
Enrique Nava Sold lakers666 4/26/2009 $ 2 000
Enrique Nava Bought Llucmajor Airplanes 4/23/2009 $ 1 000
Eser Erdal Yamçi Sold Steagua de Grifo 2/25/2009 $ 255 000
Eser Erdal Yamçi Bought Galakticos 2/2/2009 $ 250 000
Everts Žurka Bought Pērkons un 11 Dēli 4/9/2009 $ 1 000
Federico Galizzi Sold Mateu A Tots A.B. 3/25/2009 $ 19 000
Federico Galizzi Bought pelabrok 2/26/2009 $ 1 000
Fernando Sancristóbal Bought Melbourne Firetails 8/21/2009 $ 195 000
Francesc Xavier Nogueola Sold BlueMountainState 5/16/2008 $ 2 000
Gašpar Mijic Sold Scorpions77 2/25/2009 $ 50 000
Gašpar Mijic Bought Hajduk Th 2/8/2009 $ 40 000
Giancarlo Mannari Bought A.P.Lottasempre 6/11/2009 $ 1 000
Gioacchino Noveri Sold hapoel Beit Yitzhak 2/6/2009 $ 100 000
Gioacchino Noveri Bought Brindisi BCE96 10/30/2008 $ 8 000
Guillermo Ereinozaga Sold Absteiger 8/15/2008 $ 40 004
Guillermo Palópoli Bought Dogomarbbc 5/19/2008 $ 199 999
Héctor Villabel Sold AZS OPOLEEE1 11/19/2008 $ 2 000
Héctor Villabel Bought The Time Lords 11/1/2008 $ 10 000
Ignasi Caulés Sold Marlani2000 8/31/2008 $ 4 000
Ingmar Lepp Bought AIverson 5/7/2009 $ 2 000
Iurgi Klett Sold Toten Torten 5/4/2008 $ 40 000
Ivan Dimitrijevic Sold Destructive Knobs 8/22/2009 $ 135 300
Ivan Dimitrijevic Bought Partizan Superstars 6/16/2009 $ 97 200
Jan-Martin Stoike Sold eesti tulevik kohilast kooos sk püsivusega 11/19/2008 $ 1 000
Jan-Martin Stoike Bought Santarcangelo Warriors 11/1/2008 $ 1 000
Jaromil Kosmaczewski Sold Edmonton Ballers 2/25/2009 $ 200 000
Jaromil Kosmaczewski Bought Warsaw Spurs 11/4/2008 $ 200 000
Jiang Yingfan Bought BladeRunner 6/11/2009 $ 1 000
Kaspar Savi Sold Neuros 5/6/2009 $ 500 000
Kaspar Savi Bought BigBallersBrsnd Bc 2/27/2009 $ 21 000
Kobi Slupsky Sold Too Cool 6/29/2009 $ 2 700 000
Kobi Slupsky Bought Al-Haderech Heat 8/27/2008 $ 1 700 000
Maíz Pedroso Sold Narva-Jõesuu Neegrid 5/4/2008 $ 1 000
Manuel Usabiaga Sold Tavolara BBC 11/23/2008 $ 10 000
Marco Amador Sold el menda y tal 11/19/2008 $ 27 700
Matthias Polly Bought FunnyJokers 5/16/2009 $ 525 000
Miguel Ángel Novoa Sold I.S.T.B.C.A 2/6/2009 $ 50 000
Miguel Ángel Novoa Bought heaters3AC 11/1/2008 $ 32 100
Neal Kirkpatrick Sold Lc Partizanas 5/5/2011 $ 687 200
Neal Kirkpatrick Bought RakBa 8/4/2009 $ 2 346 000
Orbeli Yagorashvili Sold Tralarà 5/22/2008 $ 3 000
Orbeli Yagorashvili Bought montrose mustangs 4/29/2008 $ 1 000
Oriol Cuspiner Sold Chupitos 6/19/2008 $ 5 000
Pablo De Paula Sold Fc Manquiños 8/15/2008 $ 5 000
Pasi-Pekka Ylikoski Sold Viluste BC Kalev 1/30/2009 $ 357 000
Pasi-Pekka Ylikoski Bought junnurusinata4234 5/20/2008 $ 66 666
Patryk Helak Bought Free Agent 2/5/2009 $ 1 407 300
Raúl Amorrortu Sold Blues Academy of Basketball 6/19/2008 $ 38 000
Roderic Bach Sold san paulo 5/22/2008 $ 50 000
Sebestyén Siket Bought San Donà Basket 6/18/2009 $ 1 000
Sergi Pallarès Sold D-Eagle 8/15/2008 $ 290 300
Stéphane Florent Bought 69 Los Angeles Lakers Lyonnais 69 3/26/2009 $ 1 000
Themis Lazos Sold Guayaquil United 8/22/2009 $ 450 700
Themis Lazos Bought .:Champions BC:. 11/20/2008 $ 30 000
Vaizdutis Cecervovas Bought LRYTAS777 6/25/2009 $ 1 000
Vladislav Librenjak Sold Los Angeles Bulls 11/19/2008 $ 32 000
Vladislav Librenjak Bought B.JER 10/9/2008 $ 7 000
Włodzimierz Chudas Sold Garcidus team 6/5/2009 $ 517 200
Włodzimierz Chudas Bought Chomiczówka´s Boys 2/26/2009 $ 6 000
Xavier Gallardo Sold FCB BARSTYCIAI 8/31/2008 $ 4 000
Xofre Patiño Sold Warriors Brianza960 1/30/2009 $ 130 000
Total Sales: $ 7 623 403
Total Purchases: $ 7 531 709
Transfer Balance: $ 91 694