TeemoBoyz - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the TeemoBoyz Hall of Fame.

Donato Bonini
8/23/2012 - Present
Hernando Lévano
11/28/2012 - Present
Anton Krovyakov
7/7/2014 - 4/30/2015

Nebojša Bekić
7/11/2014 - Present
Nikos Fintanidis
7/15/2014 - 4/30/2015
Marko Hars
12/17/2014 - Present

Sébastien Chedeville
10/30/2015 - Present
Alexandre Chambard
6/22/2017 - 2/25/2020
Jordan Pochet
6/22/2017 - 11/9/2019

Dylan Bauchet
6/24/2017 - 12/29/2020
Malik Diakite
8/6/2019 - 7/6/2021
Süheyl Izmirlioglu
11/22/2019 - 7/6/2021

Jack Huiberts
2/8/2020 - 7/3/2021
Jon Parris
2/29/2020 - 12/17/2020
Éric Jouanin
11/28/2020 - 10/4/2021
