List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Jonas Pichlmaier Bought 魔族 4/26/2022 $ 390 000
Liudas Parašciakas Bought 超级飞侠之多多&小爱 2/27/2020 $ 104 100
Pierre Binois Sold 江户川一 2/13/2012 $ 2 000
Jean-Baptiste Simonneau Sold 无缺求瑕 5/3/2022 $ 1 000
Lun Guanze Bought 开始 10/25/2013 $ 112 900
Filipe Peixoto Bought 小魔王 5/7/2022 $ 100 000
Lun Guanze Sold 人力販子 5/14/2014 $ 102 000
Huang Cheng Hon Bought とうきょう 9/19/2011 $ 1 000
Mitar Krivošija Sold ПРОСТОКВАШИНО 2/18/2016 $ 2 080 800
Elioz Mantsur Sold Γ.Σ.ΠΕΡΙΣΤΕΡΙΟΥ 3/13/2021 $ 3 000
Armando Zuleta Sold Zaracosica 7/10/2014 $ 1 000
Fabio Aquila Bought Zanarkand Abes 7/20/2021 $ 81 400
Moisés Beita Sold Z Fighters 7/8/2014 $ 3 000
Kévin Moulin Sold wrz_vandalz 11/30/2012 $ 1 000
Meelis Tamsalu Bought WhoAmI 11/1/2011 $ 132 600
Antoine Bérenguer Bought West Basket 11/30/2012 $ 10 000
Polizois Fraggas Bought Ważny jest zawód rybaka. 4/24/2015 $ 700 000
Jarvis Crawley Sold Wataka Stars 12/19/2011 $ 71 400
Kévin Laborie Sold vouke 12/17/2016 $ 509 000
Honorino Sabugueiro Bought Vikings 35 1/13/2016 $ 1 000
Lorenzo Díaz Bought Vallecas United 2/18/2020 $ 75 000
Emmanuel Grondin Sold Valença BC 9/21/2011 $ 2 000
Guillaume Raffier Sold Utah Jazzs 10/29/2014 $ 127 400
Vassilis Kostopoulos Sold UNITED KNIGHTS 8/27/2015 $ 700 000
Arnoldo Hernández Bought Ultimate Basketball Wizzards 5/24/2020 $ 300 000
Jaan Tera Sold U13 3/20/2013 $ 4 000
Andrés Gálvez Sold ™ᔕᗴᎥᖇᎥᑎ™ 2/17/2013 $ 41 000
Lorenzo Díaz Sold TrueBadger 7/19/2020 $ 51 000
Antonio Micević Sold Toronto Triple Triples 10/28/2013 $ 41 200
Jože Smrečnik Sold Tonton Team 12/11/2015 $ 862 000
Nakos Chroniadis Bought tissot 7/24/2014 $ 1 000
Zhao Lien Sold Thrylos B.C II 4/2/2014 $ 35 000
Todor Bulović Bought The Untouchables 12/23/2015 $ 1 000
Ken Omalley Bought The Persian Gulf 2/12/2016 $ 30 000
Gaétan Jacob Sold The Dream Makers 1/27/2014 $ 150 000
Hunter Pickering Bought The Blue Wolves 4/8/2019 $ 13 000
Ilbay Gündüz Bought Texas Snakes 9/19/2015 $ 2 000
Philippe Bordé Sold TeamSAS 2/8/2012 $ 1 000
Jérôme Tessier Bought team94 7/28/2022 $ 1 000 000
Vassilis Kostopoulos Bought Team Fox 4/24/2015 $ 500 000
Francesco Pistolato Sold Team Benedix 2022 4/22/2018 $ 540 400
Bernardino Clos Bought Tasty Tardsicles 10/23/2017 $ 700 000
Mathieu Seguin Sold TAMAVABA 45 8/30/2011 $ 1 000
Yue Kangxing Sold Szombathelyi Kosárlabda Akadémia 2/17/2015 $ 150 000
Lucas Picavet Bought Svit Golden Eagles 3/11/2013 $ 20 000
Guido Cannas Sold StarScream 12/11/2015 $ 3 000
Andy Bee Sold Stadium 3/1/2020 $ 13 000
Dani Brasão Bought Spooky RetrieversFDB 5/16/2013 $ 73 600
Claudio Chiacchella Sold Spinea Fighters 4/20/2015 $ 600 000
Edju Brown Bought Space Cadets FC 6/6/2013 $ 1 000
Henryk Tyrała Bought Son Gokhan 3/19/2017 $ 400 000
Antonio Micević Bought Something Diabolical 11/30/2012 $ 71 400
Shachaf Ackerman Bought Somero Trail Blazers 12/19/2011 $ 250 000
Bruno Boucheteau Sold Sokol Vršovice 9/26/2013 $ 1 000
Benoît Freuler Sold Soimii Fofeldea 12/19/2011 $ 250 000
Guido Cannas Bought Smokin` Team 8/2/2015 $ 2 000
Allan Chaix Sold Skrrrrt 4/25/2020 $ 3 000
Alberto D'Angelo Bought simo86 12/14/2015 $ 1 000
Zhang Chumin Bought Silvasti Elites BC 4/17/2020 $ 625 300
Lahav Katz Sold Siauliu CSK 9/10/2012 $ 156 100
Vernes Begić Sold sheert devils II 2/18/2019 $ 153 000
Gorka Careaga Sold Segaron 2/23/2020 $ 1 000
Zhang Chumin Sold Scouts 5/8/2022 $ 9 000
Bertrand Allain Sold Sbumbers 7/24/2022 $ 510 000
Jordi Morro Bought SAR BATS 3/5/2015 $ 1 000
Mircea Ulmanu Bought Santo Club 2/10/2012 $ 175 500
Haris Psistakis Sold Santa Maria G 6/25/2012 $ 30 000
Yannick Dagorn Sold Sandnes Saab 5/17/2012 $ 268 000
Stepan Pulinets Bought Rytassss 3/28/2018 $ 1 000
Habib Sellami Bought RVCF 5/25/2020 $ 103 100
Zhao Lien Bought RoyalSimba 2/22/2014 $ 8 000
Jérôme Bonenfant Bought ronchin 3/8/2013 $ 2 000
Jonathan Grelier Sold Ron Swanson All-Stars 9/19/2013 $ 6 000
Manuel Tavanti Bought Roman Wariors 12/23/2015 $ 1 000
Guillaume Grancher Sold Right Sector 2/23/2020 $ 4 000
Manlio Cicerone Bought Richem 11/28/2020 $ 50 000
Mikaël Bailleul Sold Revson BC 3/16/2023 $ 269 100
Gabriele Scalambrieri Bought Retìred 7/30/2018 $ 714 000
Fabien Bizien Sold Redditch Sharks 8/30/2011 $ 1 000
Bruno Arrieta Bought Reconquista 1/13/2016 $ 1 000
Gabriel Cecilio Sala Bought Reconquista 1/13/2016 $ 1 000
Théo Campan Sold Real Puzzolid 9/10/2012 $ 195 000
Alexandre Agache Bought Rayo de Siero 9/21/2016 $ 40 000
Slobodan Piacun Bought RAVNOGORSKI VUKOVI0EE 5/16/2013 $ 1 000
Christophe Fauqueux Sold Ramsay 5/29/2022 $ 1 194 100
Batura Lapau Bought Radford Radioactives 11/3/2011 $ 5 000
Laurent Adras Sold QUIMPER cornouaille BC 3/4/2020 $ 1 000
Yiorgos Gkoulidis Bought Quebec Gators 11/25/2011 $ 90 000
Samuli Asikainen Bought Quattros Team 3/15/2013 $ 32 000
Laureins Peters Bought Putni 3/9/2013 $ 2 000
Lucas Picavet Sold PusiekTeam 5/19/2013 $ 40 000
Arnoldo Hernández Sold Puppaccino 6/21/2020 $ 373 500
Nicolas Rault Sold Puigmirol lapislázuli 5/29/2016 $ 7 000
Daniel Kwiatek Bought PROBADOR 4/9/2019 $ 50 000
Hallgrim Nese Bought Polisportiva Death Scythe 4/17/2015 $ 450 000
Kévin Hamon Sold PitVipers 12/21/2020 $ 1 000
Charles Delahaye Sold Pittsburgh Justice 3/16/2023 $ 4 000
Yiannis Alexopoulos Bought Pilea United 9/18/2011 $ 1 000
Mohammed Delhoum Sold Phenix city stars 1/25/2022 $ 2 000
Mathieu Genin Sold Petrochori 9/25/2014 $ 50 000
Philippe Brasse Sold Pelotaris 4/3/2014 $ 2 000
Lavrentij Micev Bought Pecalev 9/28/2020 $ 60 200
Étienne Badin Sold Patisonki 12/29/2013 $ 40 000
Fernando Yepes Sold Pathatinaikhos 1/11/2012 $ 259 100
Daniel Kwiatek Sold panelinios 12/19/2020 $ 7 000
Laureins Peters Sold Paké Ganá? 5/25/2013 $ 11 000
Gianni Padovani Bought Pacharotti 6/10/2015 $ 1 000
Bernard Alicea Bought pacers 111 3/4/2015 $ 1 000
Harry Merritt Sold OVERDOSE B.C 7/22/2015 $ 4 000
Stéphane Fougeray Sold Otepää Grizzlies 7/24/2022 $ 569 200
Sylwester Zalewski Bought Ostrowskie Diabły 9/12/2011 $ 1 212
Jean-François Housset Sold Orlęta Łuków363 4/15/2019 $ 2 000
Emmanuel Neveu Sold Orlęta Łuków363 4/27/2012 $ 1 000
Vytukas Zedlavicius Sold Orlando Heat 7/24/2022 $ 175 000
Benjamin Christol Sold NZW KMP WEK 7/24/2022 $ 1 008 200
Benoît Freuler Bought nike_T 11/1/2011 $ 260 200
Hunter Pickering Sold Nigrum Lynx 3/21/2020 $ 22 000
Guillaume Grancher Bought Nightspell 2/4/2020 $ 190 000
Dani Brasão Sold Niespełnione Talenty Stefana 2 II 4/2/2014 $ 56 600
Zoran Radunović Sold Nancy Zerglings 4/23/2015 $ 180 000
Alexandre Rocton Bought Mykisbasket 10/17/2013 $ 356 600
Franck Roche Sold mutos bt 9/19/2013 $ 10 000
Habib Sellami Sold Mûrs-Erigné 4/13/2019 $ 28 000
Armando Eisma Sold Mukden Debaters 5/8/2022 $ 150 400
Tom Pollock Sold Moscow Steel Dragons 9/6/2016 $ 81 600
Willy Rocha Bought morongongo 1/14/2018 $ 250 000
Elioz Mantsur Bought Minneapolis Timberwolves 3/17/2020 $ 216 700
Yue Kangxing Bought milans academy 6/8/2014 $ 177 400
Henryk Nowakiewicz Bought Me®alco Bolt$ 2/11/2014 $ 500 000
Sébastien Marchive Bought Mavs-Ricks 11/28/2012 $ 2 000
Paskalis Meiris Bought MasterOfPuppets 6/6/2013 $ 1 000
Rogier Blockeel Sold marfa 12/11/2015 $ 41 000
Andy Bee Bought manolopoliss 2/11/2020 $ 200 000
James Connery Bought Malaga Kings 3/17/2013 $ 26 000
László Gerencsér Bought Magyar Vándor KC 9/29/2011 $ 1 000
Jonas Pichlmaier Sold Magic Urban 11/10/2022 $ 316 400
Ignasi Roca Bought MadriZ KnIcKerBocKerS 7/29/2013 $ 88 888
Christopher Chollet Bought Madrid Gipsy Kings 2/26/2012 $ 370 000
Gavin Appeltans Bought Maccabi Neve ur 3/10/2013 $ 1 000
Julio Izquierdo Sold Maccabi Big Karmiel 2/18/2014 $ 95 000
Gabriele Scalambrieri Sold Maccabi Barcelona BC 2/7/2019 $ 424 600
Andrés Gálvez Bought macabi Pastafarianismm 12/1/2012 $ 95 000
Nan Hwe Kwong Bought LVM 11/25/2013 $ 339 700
Dobre Vitkovski Bought los exiliados 6/6/2013 $ 1 000
Julien Royer Sold Les Sarcelles en Furie0B1 7/30/2018 $ 3 876 000
Sécouba Kamara Sold Les revenants 7/15/2021 $ 1 000
Emmanuel Santiago Bought Les fins gourmets 7/2/2021 $ 74 400
Vincent Sabot Sold Lenwood Colts 9/25/2020 $ 1 000
Brett Atkins Sold Lech Poznañ 5/5/2022 $ 51 000
Jérôme Bonenfant Sold LECH BASKET POZNAŃ 6/5/2015 $ 670 200
Helmutas Trikas Sold Lecco Coyotes 9/10/2012 $ 270 000
Mart Toomel Sold LEALTAD MAXIMA B.C. 5/1/2021 $ 172 600
Krzysztof Dobek Sold Las Panteras 12/11/2015 $ 350 800
Raphaël Lagache Sold Larissa Supersonics 2/13/2012 $ 83 100
Alberto D'Angelo Sold LakersSHOW 9/25/2016 $ 1 000
Willy Rocha Sold KZ Basket 3/27/2018 $ 16 000
Thomas Houpert Sold kyoto throwers 7/30/2018 $ 1 530 000
Henryk Nowakiewicz Sold KSC Wiedikon 4/20/2015 $ 459 000
Luke Samar Bought KS Krakow 4/26/2014 $ 7 000
Luke Samar Sold Komak Torà Returns 5/14/2014 $ 11 000
Aymeric Pereira Sold Klub Sportowy Anwil Włocławek 9/15/2011 $ 1 000
Vernes Begić Bought KK.ILIDŽA 8/4/2018 $ 1 961 500
Francesco Pistolato Bought kk zte 3/24/2018 $ 428 200
Luc Van Den Bosch Sold KK Unix 1/31/2013 $ 6 000
Demián Soldano Bought KK Slovan 10/26/2011 $ 6 000
Vuk Stjepanović Bought KK Sloboda Tz 12/23/2015 $ 1 000
Demián Soldano Sold KK Poljana 12/16/2011 $ 33 000
Moisés Beita Bought KK LSMU 9/19/2013 $ 26 000
Emmanuel Santiago Sold KK Dumbarajko 1/22/2022 $ 14 200
Olivier Peltier Sold KK Buducnost Ivanjica 7/30/2018 $ 858 300
Polizois Fraggas Sold Kaulons 6/5/2015 $ 644 800
Jože Smrečnik Bought Kanjons 8/2/2015 $ 1 000 000
Linksmuolis Tiubinskas Sold Kalevipojad 4/17/2019 $ 2 000
Lahav Katz Bought JSTI Club 4/24/2012 $ 200 000
Ali Khedri Bought JJ2017 7/30/2018 $ 2 019 500
Visvaldis Cipens Bought JeMis Project 7/11/2015 $ 9 000
Manlio Cicerone Sold Jedula Mamers II 12/19/2020 $ 45 999
Aristotelis Galatidis Bought Järveotsa Karud 12/11/2012 $ 68 200
Thomas Escobosa Bought Jacobinos Basket 7/15/2015 $ 1 000
Claudio Chiacchella Bought Intimianese BC 5/11/2014 $ 537 000
Nedim Ćorović Sold Integraali kassid 3/13/2021 $ 29 600
Quim Ciurana Bought Ice Comeths 9/18/2015 $ 3 000
Krzysztof Dobek Bought I B S 8/29/2015 $ 600 000
Xie Wee Keong Bought High Flying Birds 2/24/2020 $ 80 000
Christophe Fauqueux Bought Henoch White Stones 7/14/2020 $ 2 299 000
Vitaldas Packocinas Bought Head Hunters 12/6/2016 $ 1 300 000
Sarper Koçkan Bought HAYMANASP0R 7/2/2015 $ 1 000
Liudas Parašciakas Sold hahelech 4/25/2020 $ 123 000
Léo Ladreyt Sold Guimarães NatureKeepers 4/13/2019 $ 3 000
Philippe Jeannin Sold Gornja BrusnaF0C 3/24/2013 $ 1 000
Samuli Asikainen Sold Gigantes Pampeanos 12/1/2013 $ 23 000
Vassilis Tsoutsounis Bought Gibsonas team 8/2/2015 $ 45 900
Cyril Bosse Sold Galatasaray MP Basketbol 2/8/2012 $ 23 000
Éric Delhomme Sold Fuzzy Logic615 9/10/2011 $ 10 000
Nedim Ćorović Bought Free Agent 6/17/2020 $ 365 800
Gabriel Grzesiuk Bought Free Agent 4/8/2019 $ 98 890
Friedrich Giesinger Bought Free Agent 5/31/2016 $ 304 400
Šaban Jagodić Bought Free Agent 6/13/2013 $ 107 000
Julio Izquierdo Bought Free Agent 4/24/2013 $ 171 450
Haris Psistakis Bought Free Agent 1/26/2012 $ 40 000
Ot Muntaner Bought Free Agent 12/21/2011 $ 100 000
Jakub Beginovic Bought Free Agent 10/26/2011 $ 200 000
Vernon Tang Bought foukariakos 4/17/2018 $ 832 400
Tarquinio Avagliano Bought Forst Ozzano 9/9/2021 $ 1 000
Antoine Bérenguer Sold ForeverMU 3/17/2013 $ 2 000
Vitaldas Packocinas Sold Flying Squirrel bc 7/30/2018 $ 416 200
Raša Radišić Bought Flying Circus 6/16/2013 $ 3 000
Henri Ferreira Sold fiser 9/15/2011 $ 100 000
David Raye Sold Fang-back 9/26/2012 $ 1 000
Frédéric Dufrêne Sold Faboulous Team 2/23/2020 $ 1 000
Spiros Thanos Bought F.C Aris P. 4/10/2014 $ 1 000
Josué Esteban Sold EvropskiPrvak 2/13/2019 $ 200 000
Zack Bartlett Bought Ebliarmy Souljas 1/13/2016 $ 1 000
Gabriel Palacios Bought Dorcol Utopia 11/24/2019 $ 72 500
Vytukas Zedlavicius Bought Didieji Leliai 4/12/2021 $ 750 000
Grygoriy Mahno Sold DELTA Saratov 11/27/2019 $ 2 000
Alexandre Rocton Sold DEIVIDBUZZER 11/24/2013 $ 400 000
Fernando Yepes Bought danaoi b.c 12/20/2011 $ 270 000
Zenon Zugaj Bought Cullera CB 12/15/2015 $ 25 000
Helmutas Trikas Bought cub atletico tigre 8/23/2011 $ 135 000
Mitar Krivošija Bought Crveni Zmaj 9/17/2014 $ 520 200
Raša Radišić Sold CRDArrudense 9/22/2013 $ 2 000
Sébastien Marchive Sold Cracov killers 3/18/2013 $ 1 000
Harald Ormåsen Bought Club Igago Baloncesto 5/1/2013 $ 1 000
Julien Royer Bought Club de Basket Cavernicolas 8/22/2020 $ 306 000
Bernardino Clos Sold Chelsea02 4/15/2019 $ 18 000
Mathieu Lecoq Sold Château Chinon Basketball 12/23/2018 $ 1 000
Grygoriy Mahno Bought Ch248 4/11/2019 $ 20 000
Šaban Jagodić Sold Cepu 9/20/2014 $ 50 000
Cédric Chevrier Sold CBWORLD 3/22/2017 $ 18 000
Igor Podleśny Bought Campo Stars 6/6/2013 $ 1 000
Hallgrim Nese Sold C.S.D. Flandria 6/5/2015 $ 420 000
Armando Zuleta Bought C.B. Castilla 5/11/2014 $ 3 000
Gabriel Palacios Sold C.A. Castillo 5/30/2020 $ 45 000
Xie Wee Keong Sold C B Dani´s 5/27/2020 $ 101 000
Matthieu Grosjean Sold Buzz Killers Dolphines 7/30/2018 $ 718 000
Alejandro Villalar Sold Burning Horde 8/6/2013 $ 81 600
Yiorgos Gkoulidis Sold BROOKLYN NETS 333 12/19/2011 $ 120 000
Vassilis Tsoutsounis Sold BROOKLYN JABBERS 9/20/2015 $ 75 000
Jaan Tera Bought Brigadas Rojas C.B. 3/8/2013 $ 5 000
Charles Schmitt Sold Bookhouse Boys 7/5/2021 $ 1 000
Olivier Avril Sold Bombadões 11/29/2019 $ 3 000
Zoran Radunović Bought Bolec Titans 4/10/2014 $ 350 000
Maks Penjalov Bought Bok Seljaci 5/9/2013 $ 1 000
Silviu Gutan Bought Boca Juniors de Bs As 8/24/2011 $ 40 000
Pierpaolo Colonnelli Bought Blue Ravens 5/9/2013 $ 1 000
Jarvis Crawley Bought BlackDragon- 9/18/2011 $ 1 000
Rico Bruders Bought BK Verdini 3/17/2013 $ 21 000
Nan Hwe Kwong Sold Birmingham TurnUp 12/11/2015 $ 125 200
Harry Merritt Bought Best24 6/5/2015 $ 80 000
Gorka Careaga Bought Best Freakin Team Ever, Man 11/25/2019 $ 5 000
David Quemener Sold Bessoncourt Huskies 3/25/2021 $ 1 000
James Connery Sold bersa team 4/27/2013 $ 10 000
Ot Muntaner Sold Belzabubas 1/18/2012 $ 296 700
Ignasi Roca Sold Beduini 10/20/2013 $ 92 300
Julien Royer Sold BC Pakruojis 9/27/2020 $ 299 400
Linksmuolis Tiubinskas Bought BC Olimpas 12/27/2017 $ 222 222
Vernon Tang Sold BC Kolmekütt 7/30/2018 $ 893 100
Milan Baltić Bought Bc Kalev/Tallinn 12/17/2015 $ 10 000
Vidvuds Bundikis Bought BC Jobaboys 2/10/2012 $ 120 000
Franck Lemaire Bought BC Gulbinai 11/28/2012 $ 11 000
Mart Toomel Bought BC Denain 12/8/2020 $ 213 600
Clint Dejesus Sold BC Delikatesas 6/19/2016 $ 51 000
Sascha Sebastian Leibniz Bought Batumi Dolphins 9/9/2021 $ 69 000
Clint Dejesus Bought Bataglajlija's Old Boys 5/30/2016 $ 49 999
Jaroslav Bláha Bought Basket Slovanka 3/21/2012 $ 5 000
Simon Willem Sold Basket Etonic 3/16/2023 $ 1 000
Vivian Sévin Sold Barça lúnic 4/28/2014 $ 408 000
Alejandro Villalar Bought Barbies & Co64A 5/21/2013 $ 52 100
Aristotelis Galatidis Sold BadTaste Spreaders 6/16/2013 $ 43 200
Jean-François Housset Bought B Republik 9/22/2014 $ 50 000
Ali Khedri Sold Aubel Nation 7/11/2021 $ 1 020 000
Shachaf Ackerman Sold ATR Creeds 1/14/2012 $ 224 400
Silviu Gutan Sold Atletico Madrid BC 9/29/2011 $ 51 000
Olivier Avril Bought Atlasteam 4/10/2019 $ 10 000
Tom Pollock Bought Athens Hurricane BC 5/23/2016 $ 100 300
Zenon Zugaj Sold Atamayanlar 5/14/2016 $ 2 000
Ken Omalley Sold Atamayanlar 5/14/2016 $ 2 000
Armando Eisma Bought ASB Castelmontorio 5/1/2022 $ 100 000
Guilherme Alma Bought ARIS BV 5/22/2013 $ 1 000
Zisis Fioridis Bought ARIS BV 5/22/2013 $ 1 000
Claudio Garcia Bought Ardennen 5/26/2022 $ 183 600
Rogier Blockeel Bought Anderson Clout Lords 11/5/2015 $ 60 000
Luc Van Den Bosch Bought Almere Animals 12/1/2012 $ 51 000
Gavin Appeltans Sold Allied Precise Gunmen 4/21/2013 $ 1 000
Franck Lemaire Sold ALIGATORES 4/14/2015 $ 225 000
Mircea Ulmanu Sold Aliens in black 9/26/2012 $ 115 200
Brett Atkins Bought Abbeddi gatti 3/13/2021 $ 150 000
Kálmán Élo Bought AaHunok 4/23/2016 $ 1 000
Timotheos Valtadoros Bought A.E.K B.C 1924 2/10/2012 $ 80 000
Éric Labbé Sold 94ers VDM 12/29/2013 $ 1 000
Steve Marie Sold @Rise 2/18/2016 $ 1 000
Total Sales: $ 29 059 999
Total Purchases: $ 27 609 961
Transfer Balance: $ 1 450 038