List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Soriano Callo Bought eslamking 5/14/2010 $ 2 875 000
Octavio Morinigo Bought Tom Team 11/14/2009 $ 2 200 000
Kristoffer Ratcliff Bought Bankarci 12/31/2022 $ 2 000 000
Octavio Morinigo Sold BC Luisaville 5/17/2010 $ 1 785 000
Luo Cibin Bought STRADALE B.C. 2/29/2020 $ 1 780 000
Aristeu Lima Bought Kutden 6/11/2010 $ 1 734 000
Nail Algüzar Bought KURIATKA 7/20/2019 $ 1 683 000
Anders Holmbom Bought Žaliai Balti - 9/20/2019 $ 1 479 000
Hsiao Guo Quiang Bought UNITED KNIGHTS 1/10/2012 $ 1 450 000
Wiktor Knapp Bought Air Ball Team 11/11/2019 $ 1 384 700
Eugene Rosenthal Bought Hamm Rangers 4/20/2011 $ 1 290 000
Tomas Kryginas Bought les rois du yeux 9/27/2010 $ 1 250 000
Sebastjan Cigale Sold BC.Play-Off 5/24/2016 $ 1 237 300
Beso Sanadze Bought FC MESKHISHVILI 10/5/2011 $ 1 230 060
Giampietro Mezzetti Bought Ačiukai TM 7/30/2023 $ 1 200 000
Yao Renkai Bought Intermitente 8/2/2010 $ 1 040 400
Umberto Padoin Bought oyest4E9 4/25/2009 $ 1 040 400
Francisco Villalba Bought dlb 2/17/2025 $ 1 019 000
Artur Velikoselskiy Bought Virtus Marano 5/27/2019 $ 1 000 000
Elias Jeremy Peschel Bought "SCORPIONS 666" 3/14/2020 $ 999 000
Fortunato Galilea Bought Antarctica Chilena 11/24/2010 $ 832 400
Vincent Richard Sold Gotosleep 8/6/2010 $ 800 000
Tom Parratt Bought Free Agent 2/19/2009 $ 793 900
Albin Cofta Bought Crazy Spitfires 2/14/2022 $ 765 000
Christophe Bon Bought WOCANZI 5/6/2012 $ 750 000
Nicolás Lanchares Bought Majosans Bangers 10/28/2008 $ 744 600
Sven Grebenhain Bought Atlanta Robba 5/6/2012 $ 730 000
Didzis Ronis Bought Ota Boca Juniors 11/7/2022 $ 700 000
Tiago Bola Bought Orleans Dream Team 12/22/2010 $ 700 000
Artur Velikoselskiy Sold Rudari Sa Istoka 8/9/2019 $ 675 100
Gary Cochran Bought 08Eesti 2/7/2012 $ 666 666
Guillermo Gatica Bought puente alto fc 6/13/2008 $ 663 000
Sergio Valiente Bought Da Shield 7/19/2011 $ 650 000
Ronaldo Aranha Neto Sold Miami heat9999 10/19/2009 $ 649 600
Wojciech Wośko Bought Pokurcze z PGRu 2/25/2021 $ 619 500
Irineos Florakis Bought the besties 9/27/2010 $ 600 000
Paavo Palosaari Bought hertzeliya 10/14/2014 $ 599 999
Toshihiro Ino Bought Red Jerusalem 6/28/2017 $ 550 000
Beso Sanadze Sold ჩემპიონები 5/6/2012 $ 520 200
Néstor Ruiz Merino Bought Free Agent 2/8/2017 $ 507 700
Ronaldo Aranha Neto Bought Devoto Warriors 1/17/2009 $ 507 000
Christophe Bon Sold BC Stiprieji vaikinukai 12/1/2012 $ 479 700
Alexey Bykov Bought Spartak BC 11/4/2015 $ 459 800
Umberto Padoin Sold Broken Legs 9/24/2010 $ 433 651
Wang Ho ma Bought DallasTeam 8/28/2024 $ 418 200
Konrad Grygier Bought Michelin 9/2/2016 $ 413 200
Tom Parratt Sold ALLEYHOOPSTARS 12/8/2010 $ 408 000
Atoy Co Gilo Bought am back 12/31/2022 $ 404 500
Sebastjan Cigale Bought Marek i przyjaciele 6/20/2014 $ 371 500
Edmondo Alfano Bought Nertig 1/9/2017 $ 353 500
Soriano Callo Sold Start Pszczółka Lublin 2/8/2012 $ 331 600
Jamie Currie Bought Sid & Co 5/10/2019 $ 325 000
Sergio Valiente Sold CB Karnisovas 12/1/2012 $ 324 900
Paavo Palosaari Sold Bk Molfetta Ballers 8/22/2016 $ 318 300
Nicolas Bonet Bought ABC 11 BISON 5/31/2019 $ 312 200
Jeffery De Soete Sold Ganassa 10/8/2011 $ 312 200
Tony Prescott Bought Keminmaa United 10/11/2014 $ 300 000
Tomas Kryginas Sold Stench 1/28/2013 $ 300 000
Isidoros Aravositakis Sold Amsterdam Crusaders 12/8/2010 $ 300 000
Yao Renkai Sold Krapsu 1/13/2012 $ 265 500
Guillermo Gatica Sold Basket Kids Monteengro 4/16/2011 $ 260 000
Abraham Deltour Sold Les sangliers d'acier 5/6/2012 $ 258 100
Wu Jianren Bought reverso tenebroso 2/1/2019 $ 255 000
Wilbur Nash Bought Free Agent 11/23/2016 $ 255 000
Leonel Cardinal Sold Corinhosi 5/23/2009 $ 230 000
Hendrik Haav Bought Free Agent 6/19/2019 $ 227 400
Muhittin Özütok Bought ABC 11 BISON 12/26/2024 $ 225 500
Sidney Blank Bought U.S. Castello 6/20/2017 $ 204 000
Pawel Stolc Sold IKEA BC 5/23/2009 $ 204 000
Deng Soon Hock Bought KK Taicio Traktoristai 7/1/2014 $ 200 100
Toshihiro Ino Sold Mersindere Pistons 6/10/2019 $ 200 000
Zenon Matracki Bought Basketball elite 5/9/2019 $ 200 000
Fortunato Galilea Sold Team kalebam 9/27/2013 $ 200 000
Carmelo Barbadillo Sold XCUBED 12/3/2008 $ 200 000
Irineos Florakis Sold machadense 5/6/2012 $ 199 000
Loh Shi Tong Bought Free Agent 11/5/2022 $ 193 500
Nicolás Lanchares Sold Krapsu 1/13/2012 $ 191 100
Abélard De Taeye Sold Indiana Hawks 3/6/2009 $ 184 200
Carsten Goedeke Bought La rue du champ 6/28/2008 $ 182 700
Aristeu Lima Sold BC kipucis 3/4/2013 $ 175 000
Tiago Bola Sold Sandecja NS 10/8/2011 $ 169 900
Gio Van Corenbergh Sold Sonic Youth 10/16/2014 $ 153 000
Sven Grebenhain Sold Focas Killers 9/27/2013 $ 150 000
Gary Cochran Sold Pokemoni398 10/18/2014 $ 135 300
Fabio Munerati Bought BC-Haudenäbeh 9/2/2016 $ 126 700
Filip Vanbosseghem Bought Free Agent 11/30/2024 $ 120 000
Carsten Goedeke Sold gumrukcu 9/6/2009 $ 116 800
Lukas Froschauer Bought Free Agent 6/28/2019 $ 116 700
Jamie Currie Sold Connecticut Helos 8/9/2019 $ 115 200
Ondřej Vokál Bought Free Agent 1/26/2019 $ 106 600
Nicolas Bonet Sold Club OMB 8/9/2019 $ 102 000
Zenon Matracki Sold Stara Dama 8/9/2019 $ 100 000
Sidney Blank Sold Eintracht Braunschweig 6/22/2019 $ 100 000
Steffen Matthias Pflumern Bought Free Agent 8/25/2016 $ 97 500
Alexey Bykov Sold Bigdicks 8/22/2016 $ 81 600
Clauspeter Wolfger Bought KessoKu45 6/15/2013 $ 80 000
Pierre-Nicolas Dewael Sold dalosmadár 10/16/2014 $ 75 000
Taavi Lepp Bought Andraysan 5/16/2016 $ 70 000
Augustin Meyers Sold safkofjdjijfds 10/9/2008 $ 68 200
Clément Reynier Bought Free Agent 5/19/2016 $ 67 300
Ondřej Vokál Sold Warrior kings 6/10/2020 $ 67 000
Bernard Van Tulder Sold Fuzos B.C. 11/14/2008 $ 60 000
Edmondo Alfano Sold Wings Basketball 6/22/2019 $ 57 800
Gabriel De Meerleer Sold KINGDOMGOES 8/29/2008 $ 57 800
Ong Yeng Soon Bought DEVELOPER UPD 8/30/2024 $ 56 200
Borko Dišljenković Bought No Limit BPE 12/19/2024 $ 51 000
Steffen Matthias Pflumern Sold CrossBBALL 6/30/2017 $ 51 000
Leonel Cardinal Bought LKD Green 5/28/2008 $ 50 000
Néstor Ruiz Merino Sold Zadar 77 6/3/2019 $ 35 000
András Janó Bought Somlyói Sasok KK. 1/23/2016 $ 30 000
Carmelo Barbadillo Bought Free Agent 12/1/2007 $ 27 000
Taavi Lepp Sold MambaLakers 1/12/2017 $ 25 000
Hsiao Che Chun Sold Qi Generals 8/22/2016 $ 20 000
Clauspeter Wolfger Sold התותחים של רואי 7/11/2013 $ 18 000
Dimos Sarantis Sold ABC 11 BISON 11/28/2008 $ 10 000
Sacha Meurisse Sold angeles lakers 2.0 1/7/2008 $ 10 000
Dwight Ramirez Bought Mill City Thunder 8/15/2019 $ 6 000
Valdemars Grišans Bought Dobeles Celtics 11/6/2007 $ 6 000
Jones Calders Sold Brooklyn 10 4/28/2009 $ 3 000
Wiktor Knapp Sold 火锅一往无前 11/25/2023 $ 2 000
Denis Scheifele Bought Bern Bears 11/7/2007 $ 2 000
Yan Chi Bun Bought 葵花寶典 8/15/2019 $ 1 000
Grady Butler Bought Golden Gate Bridges 8/15/2019 $ 1 000
Thomas Raines Bought La granja 8/15/2019 $ 1 000
Mathias Deduytschaever Sold Brooklyn Pitanicbros 6/22/2019 $ 1 000
Xosé Verdún Sold Ministry 2/2/2019 $ 1 000
Filimon Megas Bought Htthforos N.B.C. 10/24/2018 $ 1 000
Andreas Routseas Bought Limassi 11/29/2015 $ 1 000
Edmas Varankevicius Bought Tigers LT 11/29/2015 $ 1 000
Carlos Miguel Eça Bought Sao Joanenses 11/29/2015 $ 1 000
Isaac Frank Bought 魚腩隊 10/27/2014 $ 1 000
Hsiao Che Chun Bought 落羽 10/19/2014 $ 1 000
Falco Vansteenkiste Sold kwachuteam 10/16/2014 $ 1 000
Costin Botea Bought Cluj clan 4/4/2013 $ 1 000
Dirk Baldorf Bought Vukovi s Vratnika28481C 3/14/2013 $ 1 000
Larry Slade Bought Spider Monkeys 3/14/2013 $ 1 000
Dimos Sarantis Bought mahites 11/25/2008 $ 1 000
Angelo Giorgio Caracciolo Bought scantynays 5/6/2008 $ 1 000
Manuel Galiana Bought Tusky team 12/22/2007 $ 1 000
Arturo Gerželj Bought AC_Milan 11/13/2007 $ 1 000
Total Sales: $ 13 229 051
Total Purchases: $ 44 364 425
Transfer Balance: $ -31 135 374