List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Abe Hunt Sold The Cavy Squad 9/11/2024 $ 1 300
Adam Hong Sold Speigas 9/7/2013 $ 5 000
Adie MacRath Sold SLSNV 11/28/2012 $ 1 000
Allan Barnes Bought Free Agent 7/31/2022 $ 34 380
Arnaud Guyon Bought Ringostarrinus 2/11/2013 $ 164 800
Arunas Ašembergas Bought Free Agent 11/6/2024 $ 229 300
Asbjørn Larsen Nielsen Bought Free Agent 1/10/2013 $ 137 500
Assaf Oron Bought bambamnes 6/10/2009 $ 25 000
Benjamin Forsyth Bought Cubas Bubas 2/12/2016 $ 248 000
Borivoje Ladević Bought Bad Boys Basket 89 1/9/2014 $ 663 000
Bradbury Bowles Sold vepxvi 1/31/2010 $ 76 600
Brieve Gallie Sold Green Raiders 6/29/2014 $ 8 000
Brieve Gallie Bought Arab city 12/8/2012 $ 35 000
Carl Duncan Sold Preparatoria Shohoku 9/11/2024 $ 101 800
Carl Duncan Bought ArcherFate 5/11/2023 $ 866 666
César Toledo Sold Borderlands 9/4/2024 $ 158 100
César Toledo Bought Neco Red Devils 9/26/2023 $ 1 600 000
Charles-Antoine Ferland Sold BUCKS FAN ARGENTINA 11/24/2011 $ 23 000
Charles-Antoine Ferland Bought CLAN100HUN 8/23/2010 $ 306 000
Clint Kneale Bought Black_Mambas 7/15/2021 $ 2 000
Dante Haight Sold Roberts BC 12/5/2009 $ 5 000
Dawid Borzuch Bought Les Castors Brewers 6/10/2009 $ 44 000
Denis Larkin Sold Bob Is Building 9/11/2024 $ 1 000
Dhyaneshwar Umashankar Sold Dunder Mifflin Scranton 9/11/2024 $ 1 000
Dinos Drimonas Sold Fresno Fornicators 9/11/2024 $ 36 000
Dinos Drimonas Bought Aetos Anogeion B.C. 10/16/2017 $ 240 000
Dogus Özinan Sold HJB 9/12/2024 $ 1 000
Dogus Özinan Bought Steagua de mondariz 7/19/2021 $ 867 000
Edward Olendzki Bought Free Agent 12/4/2014 $ 676 300
Fahrettin Razi Uçak Bought OrlandinaBasket 9/3/2013 $ 1 733 000
Federico Raga Bought Los Monteras 6/18/2009 $ 2 000
Franciszek Mendelski Sold B.C. LA RÚA 1/12/2014 $ 25 000
Franciszek Mendelski Bought Jaskółki Tarnów 12/7/2012 $ 9 000
Frédéric Monet Bought La Grolandaise 12/6/2012 $ 61 200
Gary Allen Sold CB 1AF TEAM 6/29/2014 $ 25 000
Gintaras Lincevicius Bought 扬子鳄² 1/25/2025 $ 516 200
Gintas Liniauskas Bought KB AlbiJr 7/25/2017 $ 900 000
Heiki Vool Sold Pepsi Caserta 1/12/2013 $ 3 000
Heiki Vool Bought Los Lobos 1/24/2010 $ 890 000
Humbertas Šilinskis Bought Iron Dragons 10/4/2024 $ 66 800
Ian Euston Bought Çatalspor 7/18/2017 $ 500 000
Ignacio Mazzoni Bought Zoulette 10/31/2024 $ 206 200
Ippolito Gheza Bought WoodHouse Otters 11/5/2015 $ 1 635 600
Jamal Van Daele Bought Dacia24 1/3/2013 $ 2 000
João Sampaio Sold Kungfu Arena 9/11/2024 $ 224 000
João Sampaio Bought Drexciya Reds II 8/16/2022 $ 816 000
John Chirnside Sold Sergio Busan team 1/31/2010 $ 90 000
Joseph Lynch Sold blue whale 11/28/2012 $ 56 200
Josu Di Lorenzo Bought Athens bucketheads Int 7/19/2017 $ 864 200
Juan Carlos Gauzon Sold MY TU JESTESMY NAJ... 1/23/2011 $ 10 000
Juan Carlos Gauzon Bought Gilas Pilipinas°02CCCF012 6/10/2009 $ 5 000
Kevin Klovrza Sold France All Stars 9/11/2024 $ 2 000
Leonard Biavia Sold Radnicki Pertate 11/27/2012 $ 33 000
Leonard Biavia Bought kioka 7/20/2010 $ 530 400
Lewis Angus Sold BC Billy-Montigny 11/29/2012 $ 22 000
Lucas José Suárez Sold Fábrica de Café C.B. 9/12/2024 $ 1 000
Lucas José Suárez Bought Atlantic City Low Rollers 7/14/2021 $ 5 000
Lucjan Kapa Sold EuroSonics 9/11/2024 $ 54 300
Lucjan Kapa Bought KRLEV 8/15/2022 $ 400 000
Luís Ângelo Novaes Sold Melonheads 2/5/2015 $ 50 000
Luís Ângelo Novaes Bought EA7 Crushers 2/4/2013 $ 105 100
Luka Bebia Sold Kench Eaters 1/12/2014 $ 52 200
Luka Bebia Bought Batumi Dolphins2FD 12/7/2012 $ 30 000
Luke Chiasson Sold BC „Dikéfalos Aetós“ 11/28/2012 $ 3 000
Maksimilijan Hrast Bought Free Agent 7/14/2021 $ 95 600
Manuel Ambrosini Bought Vi kör!!!! 10/25/2024 $ 66 800
Mark Kahoiwai Sold Chicago Bulls Jordan 11/29/2012 $ 211 900
Márk Takács Sold H-Town Eraser 2/5/2015 $ 56 200
Márk Takács Bought Drovers Run 12/6/2012 $ 2 000
Matt Campbell Bought Free Agent 11/5/2014 $ 1 627 000
Matthew Kimbrough Sold Xoux 9/11/2024 $ 1 000
Max Brady Sold Argoporiakos B.C. 11/29/2012 $ 1 000
Oscar Brualla Bought Blue Mag1c 12/7/2012 $ 11 000
Paddy Duncan Sold Près dArène Rockets 11/28/2012 $ 120 000
Patrycjusz Radziun Sold Πανπατραϊκός 9/11/2024 $ 21 300
Patrycjusz Radziun Bought Czarno Czarni Kwidzyn 8/11/2022 $ 550 000
Przemysław Sosinski Bought Polonia Przemysl 9/26/2024 $ 11 000
Richard Morgan Sold Blackheath 9/11/2024 $ 1 000
Robert McCormack Sold |ARKOUDES| 11/29/2012 $ 1 000
Rodney Tenberg Sold Lithu@ni@ 11/29/2012 $ 1 000
Roman Tavrenko Bought Chicago sur Isere 9/26/2024 $ 16 000
Ronnie Fahy Sold Dartmoor Pumas 1/3/2025 $ 400 000
Simeon Hirsh Sold BigBombers 11/28/2012 $ 2 000
Sławomir Soltysik Sold Junco 9/12/2024 $ 42 300
Sławomir Soltysik Bought Szczecinianka 8/14/2022 $ 1 020 000
Stanoje Milanić Sold Sindicato S.A. 9/11/2024 $ 244 800
Stanoje Milanić Bought Venezia Dragons 8/16/2022 $ 1 000 000
Stu McMahan Bought small mangos 12/6/2012 $ 1 000
Tadeusz Nakonieczny Bought WMPrise CL 10/11/2024 $ 83 000
Tanak Krishnan Sold LosSungasNarigonas 1/13/2010 $ 200 000
Tapaniya Bineesh Bought Quandale DIngle 12/27/2012 $ 469 200
Thodoris Darlas Sold HJB 9/12/2024 $ 1 000
Thodoris Darlas Bought Free Agent 7/14/2021 $ 151 600
Tim Storey Sold 2Win 9/11/2024 $ 2 000
Tim Storey Bought a.o.melission 7/15/2021 $ 1 800 000
Tobias Buíca Bought Timber Owls 1/21/2025 $ 475 000
Tomasz Szaran Bought Tomitaki wrocław 9/26/2024 $ 7 000
Tony Atwood Bought Golden SW 6/21/2009 $ 102 400
Yaacov Kalmy Sold sauliai 11/28/2012 $ 100 000
Yaacov Kalmy Bought Carpi Falcons 6/19/2009 $ 51 000
Yannick Hendrickx Bought Audax Pistoia 7/28/2017 $ 1 499 000
Žanas Albertynas Sold Mighty Oysters 11/28/2012 $ 1 000
Žanas Albertynas Bought BC New Stone 6/10/2009 $ 38 000
Zhu Kwok San Bought BC Nevermore 10/8/2024 $ 155 000
Zoltán Dobrovits Sold thedirt 11/28/2012 $ 269 800
Zoltán Regos Sold Generation Y 11/28/2012 $ 38 000
Zoltán Regos Bought Zalaegerszeg1992 2/7/2011 $ 574 700
Zoltán Dobrovits Bought 树天 3/5/2010 $ 766 100
Total Sales: $ 2 784 800
Total Purchases: $ 25 989 046
Transfer Balance: $ -23 204 246