List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Abdessamad Khoury Sold Dziesięciny D-fense 10/30/2013 $ 1 000
Afik Menchell Sold kings of the north 11/27/2009 $ 12 000
Alessandro Fiumara Sold Steelers Basketball Club 2/4/2013 $ 148 000
Alessandro Fiumara Bought Salgótarjáni Sasok 6/6/2012 $ 111 800
Aljoša Mataić Bought OsaOzuna AA 10/31/2010 $ 3 000
Anisio Castrocan Bought Mighty Spartans 10/31/2010 $ 11 000
Apollon Kozhemyako Bought KK Zamet0E7 6/1/2009 $ 150 000
Arie Alberman Sold dvorana tivoli 10/29/2013 $ 1 000
Arnon Mizrachi Sold kings of the north 11/27/2009 $ 12 000
Artur Adin Sold Orhansporbasket 10/30/2013 $ 85 700
Augusto Ciavatta Sold kings of the north 11/27/2009 $ 11 000
Augusto Ciavatta Bought Sporting Geki 11/8/2009 $ 1 000
Avinoam Ben-David Bought lior10yahel 10/30/2010 $ 100 000
Benny Milo Sold Wonkru 10/30/2013 $ 1 000
Bogdan Obolentsev Sold kings of the north 11/27/2009 $ 10 000
Chen Guo Quiang Bought Ostragodos 2/17/2012 $ 80 000
Chen Yingming Bought 俄克拉马荷飓风 4/6/2010 $ 150 000
Chow Eng Shin Bought Picaflores 8/23/2010 $ 204 000
Dejan Avramović holon bcEFC 11/12/2009 $ 1 000 000
Dejan Avramović Bought KK MARULJA 4/2/2009 $ 200 000
Denis Kruptsov Sold Orlęta Łuków363 10/29/2013 $ 1 000
Dov Goldwasser Sold kings of the north 11/27/2009 $ 11 000
Dov Goldwasser holon bcEFC 3/28/2009 $ 30 000
Elram Slupsky Sold BerSK TY 10/31/2013 $ 1 000
Emil Davidovich Sold Bc kadrina lõvid 4/26/2009 $ 20 000
Eulogio Salinas Rojas Sold Canadian Crushers 11/9/2009 $ 700 000
Eulogio Salinas Rojas Bought Slow Dead! 9/24/2009 $ 549 800
Fatih Kiran Bought Bronze State Warriors 10/31/2010 $ 74 000
Filip Drenovac Sold osraliya 5/31/2011 $ 15 000
Filip Drenovac Bought CB Alkazeres 5/20/2011 $ 15 000
Gaspar Gómez Sánchez Bought Maharlika Warriors 10/31/2010 $ 25 000
Gershon Uwe Sold jmco 10/31/2013 $ 2 000
Gražvydas Kvašys Bought Semeliskes 6/14/2009 $ 300 000
Grigory Sabarov Bought Sid & Co 8/5/2011 $ 235 000
Hans Lass Sold Kazuki 6/9/2011 $ 5 000
Hans Lass Bought minabc 5/20/2011 $ 10 000
Harald Bartuś Bought Crazy clop 6/11/2009 $ 110 000
He Kok Sing Bought 生活泡沫綠茶 11/16/2009 $ 1 001 700
Henny Säbisch Sold Smyrna GunnerS 5/31/2011 $ 3 000
Henny Säbisch Bought ΚΑΕ ΠΑΝΑΘΗΝΑΪΚΟΣ 5/20/2011 $ 2 000
Isaac Leitao Sold ŞIRNAK 73 1/11/2010 $ 670 000
Isaac Leitao Bought Notingam Prisa 12/4/2009 $ 250 000
Ivan Ulyankin holon bcEFC 3/14/2009 $ 8 000
Jargo Rogge Bought BK Ogres Surikāti 8/6/2011 $ 5 000
Jose Edgardo Merioles Bought Assassin user 3/2/2009 $ 3 000
Juan Carlos Cañedo Sold Tecumseh Indians 10/18/2013 $ 120 000
Juan Carlos Cañedo Bought Free Agent 5/31/2012 $ 205 310
Leo Daubin Bought The Ricky Rubio Show 8/7/2011 $ 1 000
Leonel Secretário Bought BC Ala-Malmi 8/8/2011 $ 22 000
Lewis Farrington Sold Rookie Master 5/31/2011 $ 2 000
Lewis Farrington Bought jblank5 5/21/2011 $ 2 000
Liad Peres Sold Paros BC 11/27/2009 $ 11 000
Liran Givati Sold Hamburg Supersonics 3/7/2009 $ 20 000
Loïc Coelus Sold Komárom Sharks 6/4/2013 $ 255 000
Loïc Coelus Bought KOLINDRIANS 5/30/2012 $ 138 100
Mahmood Abdel Hamid Sold The Lafayette Differentiaters 10/30/2013 $ 212 300
Maoz Pe'er Sold 信宜市玉都队 10/30/2013 $ 4 000
Marko Jankovic Sold Wichita Wombats 11/9/2009 $ 53 200
Marko Jankovic Bought Belgrades Lions 3/4/2009 $ 1 990
Meidan Birok Sold Maccabi modiin 11/27/2009 $ 14 000
Michail Filoukatzis Bought KOUROSS 8/2/2009 $ 1 000
Mustafa Uygar Güngördü Sold almada city 11/24/2009 $ 81 600
Mustafa Uygar Güngördü Bought Blckmens Team 3/9/2009 $ 60 000
Niv Landesman Sold kings of the north 1/29/2010 $ 500 000
Oded Berko Sold olimpiakos-7- 4/26/2009 $ 2 000
Odilson Tibiriçá Bought Angry Nerds 8/7/2011 $ 66 500
Pachín Capero Bought OKC Masters 5/28/2011 $ 53 200
Paul Still Sold Pankonsilantriokos 10/29/2013 $ 1 000
Paweł Bugowski Sold LoopingsEE1 5/30/2011 $ 6 000
Paweł Bugowski Bought Pierun Błyskawica 5/22/2011 $ 15 000
Rainer Schwantzer Bought Dzierąznia 3/21/2009 $ 17 000
Ratomir Pachkov Bought Copenhagen 420 Smokers 11/29/2009 $ 1 000
Robert Semenov Bought shlev kingss 9/9/2010 $ 90 000
Ronen Zvity Sold 信宜市玉都队 10/31/2013 $ 1 000
Rotem Smadja Sold kings of the north 11/27/2009 $ 10 000
Ryszard Łacny Bought λεμουριοι 8/24/2010 $ 166 500
Shaul Kaplinski Sold cocodrilodisplwy 1/8/2010 $ 183 600
Shimi Ganor Sold Fc U Craiova 1/8/2010 $ 21 000
Spiros Theodorakos Sold Penguins slayers 1/8/2013 $ 60 000
Spiros Theodorakos Bought Riverstars 7/1/2012 $ 102 000
Stav Landau Sold Wietcisa 9/27/2009 $ 1 000
Taaniel Asmer Sold MJ UK 11/26/2009 $ 52 100
Taaniel Asmer Bought Aachener Quickie Fockers 11/7/2009 $ 41 000
Tom Sinay Sold Narborough Pheonix 10/30/2013 $ 1 000
Víctor Gassius Bought A.D.Zona Norte 3/2/2009 $ 5 000
Vladislav Asabin Bought Cleveland Chickens 11/13/2010 $ 51 000
Yaacov Gilad Sold Jankosy 10/29/2013 $ 1 000
Yaacov Cohen Sold kitkittgs 5/12/2009 $ 702 000
Yaacov Cohen holon bcEFC 3/28/2009 $ 10 000
Yiorgos Paloumpas Sold kolelollid 6/14/2009 $ 302 700
Yiorgos Paloumpas Bought Greek Dream Team 3/23/2009 $ 97 000
Yochai Tamir Sold F.Day Internet Lovers Club 1/8/2010 $ 104 100
Yoram Wolfson Sold pfi 10/31/2013 $ 2 000
Yossi Kaplinski Sold The blue lion 10/30/2013 $ 24 000
Zion Peled Sold Mad Giants 6/17/2013 $ 204 000
Total Sales: $ 4 661 300
Total Purchases: $ 4 727 900
Transfer Balance: $ -66 600