List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Sławomir Skrzypkowiak Bought 昊琞 11/9/2010 $ 210 000
Balandis Makulevicius Sold 怒炮幫 3/19/2011 $ 4 000
Daniel Anderson Bought 上海大鲤鱼 7/11/2012 $ 1 277 400
Isaías De Martínez Sold Yorokovi Lõvid 9/8/2013 $ 684 200
Florian Flieger Bought YDSSPORTS 4/30/2014 $ 234 800
Bolesław Salyga Sold WMPrise CL 2/8/2012 $ 3 000
Dimitrios Moutsouroufis Bought Wild Squirrels 1/26/2014 $ 151 700
Krasimir Angelov Bought Washington Redskins 9/16/2010 $ 2 000
Lionginas Lašaitis Sold Vincere 4/1/2010 $ 759 000
Varol Özker Sold Vesala Basket 9/8/2013 $ 183 600
Viltys Grankinas Sold Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas) 3/19/2011 $ 12 000
Diogo Dourado Bought UrsdibiriVeitz Ponte de Sor 4/20/2010 $ 44 000
Ntinos Dimarelos Bought ucachabulls 3/4/2014 $ 86 500
Florián Tamáška Bought Tokyo Tornadoes 3/24/2011 $ 896 900
Andres Ots Bought T-ara Basketball Club 1/29/2014 $ 161 500
Krišs Kuršs Sold Surfistes 2/8/2012 $ 10 000
Krišs Kuršs Bought Stockolmo1919 7/10/2011 $ 125 700
Manuel Robles Bought Stockolmo1919 7/10/2011 $ 662 600
Gabriel Magalhães Bought Socmels Bologna 2/15/2012 $ 94 600
Arvaldas Neliubšys Bought širdelės 7/12/2011 $ 624 300
Volkert Stapel Bought Shadow Bears Berlin 3/29/2008 $ 132 600
Adonis Tomazini Sold Schwerin Coons 9/15/2010 $ 918 000
Florián Tamáška Sold Saare Sarvilised 5/7/2011 $ 1 167 400
Jusèp Escriva Bought RCB Mallorca 11/10/2010 $ 2 000
Gregory Noble Bought QPR 5/11/2011 $ 13 000
Paolo Friaglia Sold pplcomms 2/8/2012 $ 270 900
Pachín Ferruces Sold Poudereux Maristas 2/8/2012 $ 16 000
Ervinas Furs Sold poncs defensor 9/8/2013 $ 69 200
Egytis Krušonas Sold PobleSec BC 4/13/2008 $ 91 500
Medartas Krasadomskis Sold philliphines 7/23/2010 $ 4 001
Bojan Grbic Bought Partizan Kragujevac 5/14/2011 $ 11 000
Vítor Castanho Bought panterano 11/10/2010 $ 2 000
Jeronimas Ditrichas Sold Nicolas12 7/9/2011 $ 816 000
Roberto Schirone Bought NAUJIEJI RUSAI 4/6/2010 $ 700 000
Filogonio Cornide Bought mostoles 9/7/2010 $ 2 000
Emil Palikuca Bought Moreno Team 3/13/2009 $ 122 900
Friedrich Hameseder Bought MessinaFc 4/20/2010 $ 91 800
Stefanis Prichtis Sold Memphis Eagles 3/19/2011 $ 710 100
Bojan Grbic Sold marco team 7/31/2011 $ 72 000
Pachín Ferruces Bought MANO REKYVA 7/29/2011 $ 180 000
Delbert Goodman Bought LOS GORDOS 3/8/2014 $ 20 000
Roberto Del Chicca Bought Lightning Ravens 7/8/2011 $ 306 000
Gabriel Marchán Bought Lebrons Squad 2/11/2012 $ 343 100
Roberto Schirone Sold laGreppia 3/19/2011 $ 162 100
Marcin Znój Sold LA_Lakers 7/9/2011 $ 1 591 900
Varol Özker Bought KK Pepermint 5/16/2013 $ 310 300
Yossef Amsalem Bought Kavala Lionhearts 10/15/2014 $ 42 000
Vasily Korobkov Sold Junior´s 1/30/2015 $ 61 200
Ramunis Skirsgilas Sold Inveruno SOI 9/8/2013 $ 3 000
Artur Levy Sold Inmate 4858 9/8/2013 $ 110 000
Gotfrids Uzolinš Bought Heineken Riga 12/10/2008 $ 26 000
Mironas Janušis Sold gözztepe 11/7/2012 $ 6 000
Olexiy Talaverov Bought Gorgany 2/11/2012 $ 552 000
Bolesław Salyga Bought gallini vispi 8/1/2011 $ 20 000
Ervinas Furs Bought Free Agent 12/22/2011 $ 604 500
Valentin Trifunov Bought Free Agent 3/24/2011 $ 200 000
Jeronimas Ditrichas Bought Free Agent 3/24/2011 $ 1 094 500
Marcin Znój Bought Free Agent 3/23/2011 $ 1 493 900
Stefanis Prichtis Bought Free Agent 9/16/2010 $ 844 500
Adonis Tomazini Bought Fortuna Halberstadt 4/20/2010 $ 173 400
Gregory Noble Sold Finchley Road BC 2/8/2012 $ 9 000
Nenad Auguštinčič Bought estrelapero Klub 9/16/2010 $ 1 000
Levas Ragickas Sold ESPB Spurs 4/13/2008 $ 5 000
Manigirdas Korolevas Sold Elite Kings Team 2/28/2010 $ 394 400
Manuel Robles Sold Dühöngő Csiga 2/8/2012 $ 211 000
Reiner Greun Bought Dallas Unicorns 4/6/2008 $ 183 300
Daniel Anderson Sold Cleveland Cavaliers7 11/11/2012 $ 1 428 000
Ramunis Skirsgilas Bought Centro Pelotaris9F8 5/9/2011 $ 636 800
Adarijus Manšas Sold CB Íberos 3/19/2011 $ 240 200
Afanasijus Jeršovas Sold Castellon Beef 3/28/2010 $ 4 000
Vincenzo Fiorito Bought Bravor 10/15/2014 $ 2 000
Enzo Zuccato Bought Blues Academy of Basketball 2/25/2010 $ 1 000
Valentin Trifunov Sold Blizzard 7/9/2011 $ 200 000
Paolo Friaglia Bought Blindmenowcy 8/1/2011 $ 649 600
Juozas Nedzinskas Sold BINs TEAM 7/4/2010 $ 1 000
Gabriel Marchán Sold Bel Air Athletic Club 9/8/2013 $ 2 000
Uldis Dervinas Bought BC Šauliai 10/15/2014 $ 36 000
Arvaldas Neliubšys Sold Bartas 2/8/2012 $ 312 200
Isaías De Martínez Bought Baloncesto LeónAE4 2/10/2012 $ 431 900
Arnas Jančiauskas Sold AtleticoVanZann 10/17/2014 $ 12 000
Roberto Del Chicca Sold ARTENGO 2/8/2012 $ 80 000
Rod Ople Bought Anisometropia 11/7/2009 $ 300 000
Eduardo Almansa Bought Anis del Mono 10/14/2014 $ 55 000
Diogo Dourado Sold All Star Vafiras 7/9/2011 $ 736 700
Artur Levy Bought Akk Branik 5/6/2013 $ 212 300
Olexiy Talaverov Sold Akademik 17 9/8/2013 $ 727 600
Friedrich Hameseder Sold Akademik 17 3/19/2011 $ 2 016 400
Sławomir Skrzypkowiak Sold 0SMANLI 3/19/2011 $ 145 600
Total Sales: $ 14 250 201
Total Purchases: $ 14 368 400
Transfer Balance: $ -118 199