The following is the season ticket in division II.
S25 to S28
2063 → 2319 → 2405 → 2458
S30 to S33
2298 → 2432 → 2447 → 2481
S35 to S42
2838 → 2669 → 2604 → 2578 → 2532 → 2523 → 2525 → 2485
TV&Radio Station level 3
S46 to S55
2190 → 2383 → 2493 → 2506 → 2541 → 2568 → 2577 → 2594 → 2551 → 2572
S57 to S63
2805 → 2692 → 2657 → 2641 → 2624 → 2579 → 2587
S65 to S66
2811 → 2707
Here is the history of my team
Last edited by little Guest at 12/30/2024 6:37:33 AM