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From: LDR
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Date: 9/29/2016 8:15:25 PM
Sandersville Preyers
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Faulknersburg Friars
The 3 player lineups, be it scrimmages or league play, should not be allowed. There should be a minimum roster size of 12 players per team. While I realize we are not trying to emulate professional basketball organizations, we should at least be on the same planet. What fan base is going to support a team that puts 3 players on the floor in any game? Here, it is done very frequently. The practice is nothing more than gaming the system and it is poor sportsmanship at the very least. Pay 12 players and make sure you have enough players available to play a game without having blanks in the lineup or "lucky fan" getting involved. Is there any way to have such rules enforced?

From: Gully Foyle

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282376.2 in reply to 282376.1
Date: 9/30/2016 1:53:46 PM
Durham Wasps
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Sunderland Boilermakers
Excellent suggestion. I'd add that not just the problem with 3 player lineups but with teams having less than three and conceding a walkover. This is supposed to be a simulation of a professional environment and I think you're absolutely right with your suggestion.

As to a way to have it enforced, the BBs changed the way lineups were set in order to stop people having a fully blank lineup, so if they wanted to they could certainly do this. If people leave blanks then the lineup should be set for them, and if that means playing their worst players as starters, frankly they deserve that.

I'd also be happy to see teams fined for giving walkovers (they should forfeit a week's TV money) but doubt that would go down well with others.

From: LDR

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282376.3 in reply to 282376.2
Date: 9/30/2016 2:22:21 PM
Sandersville Preyers
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Faulknersburg Friars
I am trying to figure out how allowing this is in any way in the best interests of the game. And the blanks in the lineup score points and play defense. How does that make sense or promote the game?

Promotional ads: "You too can design a lineup of less than five players, watch your fanbase go wild, and the gate revenue explode!" "Realize that fantasy matchup of Jordan against the world!" "Here is a fantasy simulation where the lineup you choose doesn't mean shit!" And "Ever dream of being a fantasy banker? Here is your chance!!"

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282376.5 in reply to 282376.4
Date: 10/1/2016 6:32:33 PM
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They still need to play those guys though

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
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282376.7 in reply to 282376.4
Date: 10/1/2016 9:10:29 PM
Sandersville Preyers
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Faulknersburg Friars
Again, I realize we don't have to mirror professional basketball exactly, but what professional team carries a roster of 5 players and what fanbase would support that? I'm not understanding the appeal of participating in a basketball simulation that allows these kinds of gimmicks. Why allow it?

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282376.8 in reply to 282376.4
Date: 10/1/2016 9:11:45 PM
Sandersville Preyers
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Faulknersburg Friars
And the other problem with only having 5 players is that if any foul out or get injured, you have "lucky fan" filling in. What's the appeal?

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282376.10 in reply to 282376.9
Date: 10/1/2016 10:16:32 PM
Sandersville Preyers
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Faulknersburg Friars
And I wasn't being critical of that approach. Small steps would be great. It's a worldwide game, so I can't expect to understand everyone's approach.