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Suggestions > Raise Season Opener Value

Raise Season Opener Value

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From: Naeem
This Post:
Date: 6/6/2020 10:05:28 PM
Detroit Mercy Mavericks
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Second Team:
GoFarsr Revolutions
The beginning of the season for my first home game attendance is always a disappointment which doesn't make sense. If its the beginning of a brand new season most fans are excited to see how the season will start and simply get back to enjoying watching their favorite teams. People are hopeful, their excited, and theirs been marketing for the big opener of the season all throughout the offseason. That first home game is generally a big deal yet for some reason the attendance tends to be rather low for it which doesn't make sense.

A great example of this is the game I just had. I'm coming off another finals runner up season and went decently far in the national tournament so all around it was a pretty strong season. I'm coming off that into a new season where the first game is a home game, Televised, against another team that's coming off a good season of their own, and has me as their rivals. Id say that's a few different things that if factored in would make for an appealing sell in regards to getting butts in seats.

You could make arguments like it being televised would potentially work against making ticket sales because they could watch the game on TV instead. You could make the argument that teams are rusty coming into these openers and that fans don't want to see that. You could even make the argument that me selling a player just before it gave some fans uncertainty about the strength of the team at that point. These arguments however don't come off as strong enough for that type of game to not still be a near sell out at least.

The value of the season opener is underplayed heavily in this game and I just feel it should be raised. For any given team whether they are coming off a good or bad season, the first game should be a strong sell. Win or loose should then show a drop or consistency in the teams attendance. This isn't even basketball specific, this is just sports period especially on the collegiate and pro levels

From: khenry

This Post:
305062.2 in reply to 305062.1
Date: 6/6/2020 11:55:40 PM
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You’ve been in the same division IV league for roughly three real life years??

I once had a team with 1757 players and was $25,835,360 in debt. This is not that team. Join the Discord group open to anyone, but especially for USA managers to improve your club or get involved with the U21 and NT programs (
From: Naeem

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305062.4 in reply to 305062.2
Date: 6/7/2020 4:22:45 PM
Detroit Mercy Mavericks
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
GoFarsr Revolutions
Your team just lost 122 to 30? Soooo were both capable of pointing out things that are obvious and Completely irrelevant. Great.

So why did you even bother posting a response if it wasn't a constructive one?

Edit GM-Perpete:

Last edited by GM-Perpete at 6/7/2020 4:24:53 PM

From: khenry

This Post:
305062.5 in reply to 305062.4
Date: 6/7/2020 5:44:02 PM
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It’s relevant to the point that revenue tends to be higher at higher levels. Since you gave a number of real life possibilities for why fans may have stayed away, I’d argue that the lack of promotion could be one too. Maybe the fans got their hopes up for finally getting to a new league and more money coming into the franchise so they could watch better players but were disappointed when it didn’t happen.

If you’re going to look at my league games at least check the roster used, what league I’m in, and how things went last season. Short term losses are acceptable for long term growth.

I once had a team with 1757 players and was $25,835,360 in debt. This is not that team. Join the Discord group open to anyone, but especially for USA managers to improve your club or get involved with the U21 and NT programs (
From: Naeem

This Post:
305062.6 in reply to 305062.5
Date: 6/7/2020 9:57:05 PM
Detroit Mercy Mavericks
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
GoFarsr Revolutions
You say its relevant to that point and that is indeed a legitimate argument. Maybe the fans did get their hopes up, heck it nearly happened considering it went to game 3 and a loss by only 4. Its still a rough add up to the resulting season opener if with that factored in. Hopes got up during the playoffs but we fell short. Just like game shape and team motivation gets reset however over the offseason, You could then argue that fan disappointment to an otherwise very successful season between league and national tournaments would be offset with new season hopes pushed of course by marketing during that same period.

Furthermore, I am well aware that short term losses are acceptable. You looked at my team and so I looked at yours. I saw the roster you used as well as your own extensive history of being in D.IV and I still chose to respond as I did and I stand by it all the same.

Your initial response was honestly petty since you literally could have said this very piece instead of the lowkey shot you took at me. Don't bother commenting on others suggestions unless your going to make an intelligent response. This second post of yours is intelligent unlike the first so lets try keeping it this way going forward whether you agree with someone else or have an opposite stance.

From: khenry

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305062.7 in reply to 305062.6
Date: 6/7/2020 10:12:46 PM
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Do you have PR? A merchandise store? TV & Radio? A lot of factors that would help boost your income, but the most would be to promote. Another way to boost revenue would be training players that can either help you promote or that you can sell. It doesn’t appear you’re training anyone of note, nor have you done so previously from your transfer history. If you’d like any tips or help, either myself(or someone you may dislike less) would be happy to help at the Discord channel linked in my signature.

As to making intelligent inquiries, what you can’t find from my team history are the number of U21 players(or others in general) I’ve trained, the fact that this is my second full stint in BB(first ended in a fun fashion, just find Shrewsbury Honeybadgers in the forums), or the fact that my time in Div IV was spent training while running an U21, as well as finishing my arena so that I would not need to do so later on.

I once had a team with 1757 players and was $25,835,360 in debt. This is not that team. Join the Discord group open to anyone, but especially for USA managers to improve your club or get involved with the U21 and NT programs (
From: Naeem

This Post:
305062.8 in reply to 305062.7
Date: 6/7/2020 10:20:31 PM
Detroit Mercy Mavericks
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
GoFarsr Revolutions
This Officially is not going anywhere beyond you and me going back and forth pointlessly. Have a nice day. Make any further responses with the knowledge I wont be paying any attention.

From: khenry

This Post:
305062.9 in reply to 305062.8
Date: 6/7/2020 10:29:42 PM
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I just asked about staff and infrastructure. Did you buy an arena as well or no? All of which can have an effect. My first reply was a mixture of tongue in cheek, surprise, and genuine questioning to further help. I understand that that wasn’t clear.

As to directly regarding the suggestion to increase the season opener attendance, that’s hard to 100% rationalize. What about those that start on the road against a top opponent and lose going into a home game that will now have less revenue following the loss? What about the imbalance of schedules with multiple road/home games and weeks without home games? The season opener is just one of many unresolved issues regarding the scheduling each season.

I once had a team with 1757 players and was $25,835,360 in debt. This is not that team. Join the Discord group open to anyone, but especially for USA managers to improve your club or get involved with the U21 and NT programs (