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Look Inside vs Inside Isolation

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Date: 5/10/2024 10:08:50 AM
Raleigh Senators
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Just curious if ISO targets just 1 inside scorer or does it look for any and all open inside talent during the game? How does the engine know which player to target? And what metric would I consider the most to decide which strategy to choose between the 2 options?


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323586.2 in reply to 323586.1
Date: 5/12/2024 10:44:22 AM
Black Light
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Capitol Hill Arrows
For which player is selected as the "ISO weapon" as a heuristic, think about the best sum of IS and DR. (I'm pretty sure it's not flat IS, because when playing IS my teams have tended to favor my PFs over my C's).

For how I choose between them:
1. Good IS offense is more reliant on quality offensive flow -- e.g. the ability of your guards to pass the all inside and get assisted shots.
2. Inside Iso will generally result in a slightly better 3FG%. If I think I have a potential guard mismatch I'll consider it.
3. If I think I am a slight underdog and the game is gonna be tight (like it's gonna go down to the last minute), I've become a bit reluctant to use LI, because players will take worse threes when trying to catch up.