First of all I think we would all like to know if you are here just because of the recent dispute you had with our current U21 staff. Understand it please, you are somekind of an unexpected aspirant.
If you are elected, will the staff be integrated by other managers from Israel or will you accept spanish managers?
The final question is about the community image we are meant to be showing if you win and carry on with our U21:
( is the mail you sent to the Polish manager last season in order to ask for a win. Is this the way you are going to represent our community around the game? Don´t consider this as an attack, I´m just willing to understand what kind of person is asking for our team to represent us all and that starts with the explanation of this kind of acting (I must confess the ending looks to me absolutely aberrant).
Last edited by Permutado at 6/4/2020 12:46:08 PM