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Attendance logic

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228052.21 in reply to 228052.20
Date: 10/26/2012 7:44:55 PM
Infested Warriors
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everything in this game are broken

From: GM-hrudey

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228052.22 in reply to 228052.20
Date: 10/27/2012 8:51:19 AM
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IMO the PR managers are broke. I've never seen or heard of a scenario where a PR manager earned his team enough to pay his salary. Well not a level 7 anyway. If you are making 200~400k a week 10% income bonus would be like 20~40k. Seroiusly nobody sees a 10% income bonus from a PR manager. Actually whatever bonus (if any) is so small its hard to notice. Maybe this is only true for teams at teh attendance cap. At lower leve lteh impact maybe is more noticable...but your incomes in general are I find it hard to imagine a scenario where PR manager means anything at al....and I kinda feel they are broken adn whatever impact they are suppose to have on income just doesn't happen from a bug (my own theory) or design flaw.

I had a 5 that I picked up cheaply a couple of seasons ago out of curiosity and I tend to agree - there's just not a significant enough difference between a 2 and a 5 to justify the salary in most cases. I could see possibly picking a higher level one up if a team has two home games in an economic week and manages to find one cheaply enough to justify it, but I'm already in the use of just using a basic one with National Appeal and flipping to a Crowd Involvement one before important home games.

From: GM-hrudey

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228052.24 in reply to 228052.23
Date: 10/27/2012 9:03:03 AM
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Depending on the schedule I wouldn't even use Pr at all at the lower level. 5~10k a week for Nat. appeal etc. seems like a waste. add 5~10k in salary/quality to one of your starters probably helps you more...and/or add anotehr guy to depth chart to manage GS etc.

I use NA/CI at my level cuz 10kish for a boost to the entire team is very much worth it when your budget is 500k~1million a week (depending on the time of year)

At a very low level (where one wins pretty much on autopilot) I'd concur. But if a team plays a lot of tight games (and I seem to have hit a few OT games this season), the additional performance boost from the national appeal may be the difference between a road win and a road loss, and I know you know how overly important that is for attendance. I'd be fine with level 0 PR skills but the benefit of the NA specialty comes with the road wins, and the CI speciasey is more useful to try to squeeze out an important win than for any financial purpose.

From: Mr. Glass

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228052.26 in reply to 228052.20
Date: 10/27/2012 1:42:21 PM
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well i went from making 87k in games to 250K$ when I upgrade my pr manager . The jesery sales went from 19k$ - 28 Kk$ respectivly. I upgraded my pr mamger last year as well as lower the seat cost now im selling near out all of my seats.

So i cant speak for the higher level manager or issues that be. I But i have seen success with it, my pr manager is making alot of money and so am i . Even with paying 30K a week to them im still pulling in 190K a week if not 150K. If i lower the pr manager as in fire them i would be making 300K a game that week, which is un natural for a small ball club from, my listening. Im also sitting on 2.5 mill and have spent 1.7 mill this season. @ seaosn ago i could afford a 3k player so pr manager and lowering seat cost helped me alot. Im not saying it the answer for him or nayone else but its working for me

So ill take what Im making while it still good lol

Last edited by Mr. Glass at 10/27/2012 1:46:41 PM

From: GM-hrudey

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228052.28 in reply to 228052.25
Date: 10/27/2012 7:38:29 PM
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Prolly for DIII its right on the borderline for useful/not useful~

wut is the difference between homegame incomes after loss vs. after a win?? If its more than the salary, well than its worth it I suppose.

The other question is does the boost help your team as much/more than adding another player/higher salary player.

The difference is often in the 20-25k range and occasionally more, so in those cases it can be worthwhile (even factoring the 1-2k to purchase the PR guy and the ~5-6k for severance for the prior guy). I look at increasing the salary/skill on my players more as a long-term thing than a game-to-game issue, so this is really my best way to squeeze a little more out of the roster based on competition.

But definitely I agree with the hypothesis that there's no reason to go for higher level PR guys, especially for lower level teams.

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228052.29 in reply to 228052.23
Date: 10/27/2012 10:19:28 PM
Headless Thompson Gunners
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Canada Purple Haze BC
I think my 5 PR guy with crowd appeal has been huge
I have struggled in my first go round at Div I (3-15)
but my attendance has hardly wavered at all
and at real big prices (18-55-180-1100)
off a few hundred from the first home game
and I was knocked out of the Cup earlier than last season after making the final.

This Post:
228052.30 in reply to 228052.29
Date: 10/28/2012 4:08:08 AM
Bisamberg Torpedos
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Bisamberg Torpedos II
Promotion bonus, won't be the case next season if your record doesn't improve
