I agree. Being one of those teams that still makes a profit, I suppose teams like mine (all 136 of them in the game) are partly responsible for prices rising instead of falling. ( For what it's worth, I have less than 1.5 million in my bank at the moment) The problem is as much as I would like to have a team where my income was equal to my expenses I refuse to pay a ridiculous salary to a player that I don't find very appealing for my team. What's more, I have to save (or sell and save) a long time to find players who are upgrades. So, I continue to save in order to afford an upgrade but then I have a surplus of cash which alerts the economic czars that prices still need to rise, even though I would never want nor buy a player whose prices I am partly responsible for escalating.
And we aren't poor small countries. We are rich, community-less, competition-starved countries.
Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.