You left the last number of de id, the guy that you are speaking about has this id
(2286861)And thats the big problem, how can you say that handling is a primary hability for a SG? This is a nonsense.
The salary increase for a SG happens when you combine JS, JR and OD, those are the 3 skills you have to take into account.
By the moment, they are not really much SG that have a triple proficience, not even in the market. Try to find them, not even one.
Look what the centers with those primary skills are
(2671723) ---> 15k
And with a few less primary skills..
(2455651) ---> 10k
(902188) ----> 9k
(2274834) ----> 12k
And you can find much more, but i am not going to copy-paste all the transfer list. Do you think really that if you put to these guys a prolific in JS and SB they are going to earn 25k??
There is a NT that trains to his SG the 3 primary habilities (JS, JR and OD). His name is Italy, they dont train JUST those 3 habilities, but they have spend lots of weeks training JS, JR and OD.
Look at this players.
(668688) ----> 19,5k
(752572) ----> 19k
(676015) ----> 22,5k
This thread has nonsense, i repeat it and the BBs can repeat it again.
The only thing that happens here is that SG trainers are stepping up PG habilities, and the PG are also training SG habilities. However, people who train centers, they JUST train center habilities, and that makes the wages to increase in this way for them.
Conclusion: outside players are not as developed in their primary skills as the inside players are.
End of the debate.
Try to start training secundary skills or you will lost your players, as easy as that ;)