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Potential and Salary

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117670.41 in reply to 117670.40
Date: 11/6/2009 12:08:34 PM
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that brings nothing because it is a soft cap, else i could show you an allstar with 180k salary, but i could tell you that 99,9% of the mangers would find the trainingspeed to slow to continue training to reach this level.

This Post:
117670.42 in reply to 117670.41
Date: 11/6/2009 12:32:42 PM
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As long as you realize it is a soft cap, you can get good information from a transfer list search. Doing a search for 6th man, salary 9000+, you get 37 players, with only 7 above 125000, and only 2 above 15000. Meanwhile, you have 22 players between 10000 and 12500. Of course, you can't get an exact value from this, as you don't know if that is the top because people don't want to risk hitting the cap, or if people continue training for a while after hitting the cap before it becomes noticable, but it is an approximation you could use to narrow down further research.

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117670.43 in reply to 117670.42
Date: 11/6/2009 1:17:26 PM
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if i do the same for allstars, you will notice the must guys around 20k is there the cap? Or is it around 40k, or is it around 190k? I think you need feedback about training for it.

This Post:
117670.44 in reply to 117670.36
Date: 11/6/2009 3:04:14 PM
River Legends
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There is no reason to think that this cap changes based on position. As a matter of fact, this would result in players getting uncapped, or capped worse by virtue of changing positions, which has never been reported.

I dont think that a player that gets capped can avoid his situation changing of position, my theory (and thats just speculation because I never saw a capped guy changing his position at Allstar level, the training is very very slow, and the age most of 22 probably) is that once a guy reach the cap, the guy activates a click to train slower the rest of his life : )

In other small potentials (benchwarmer, role player...), when this could happen (they are very weak and a simple training in JR can make a PG became a SG).. simply I didnt follow them very closely to see the reaction in the training. I would say that a capped guy wont be uncapped anymore, but potentials are a mystery and we dont know even close which is exactly the formula. We only know that is closely related to salaries.

When I talk about the SF "problem" (they get capped with minor salaries than the rest of positions is a simple observation, I dont know why it happens, simply.. it happens). I suggest everybody here to search some info about SF and compare their limits with the PGs.

Anyone knows an Allstar PG capped before the 50k? (I dont)

Last edited by LeYeNdiNhA at 11/6/2009 3:08:04 PM

This Post:
117670.45 in reply to 117670.44
Date: 11/6/2009 3:06:49 PM
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Anyone knows an Allstar PG capped before the 50k? (I dont)

i have two of them in the teams(and selled the third one, who train best in this area), and i see several of them in the NT(or they just stopped training by them, so that they didn't have much more).

I think the first missed skillups i get short after the 40/45k limit

Last edited by CrazyEye at 11/6/2009 3:07:34 PM

This Post:
117670.46 in reply to 117670.45
Date: 11/6/2009 3:10:18 PM
River Legends
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Are you sure that it wasnt an age problem?

Also take care that a player can have a wage of 45k in the middle of the season (is calculated when the season starts) but his true virtual wage can be more than 50k.

This Post:
117670.47 in reply to 117670.46
Date: 11/6/2009 3:25:46 PM
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with qualtinger is was close after his 21 birthday, three longer ups then normal* before the third one with massiv sub before. Schwartz startet slowing down short after him, so that i sold him for the U21 team. Rocha who is competing for a place in the portugese Nationalteams, also trouble to improve for more then a season and if i look on his competition in the portugese NT i would say it isn't just him.

* maybe four if you consider the one before his birthday to this who takes a bit longer then normal, the birthday salary was 43k with start of his 22 he was on 47,5k

Last edited by CrazyEye at 11/6/2009 3:27:52 PM

This Post:
117670.49 in reply to 117670.48
Date: 11/6/2009 7:33:07 PM
River Legends
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Ok, I suppose that you are going to keep training him, if he arrives to 30k+ I will definitevely be wrong. I made my observations being the NT of Spain, and maybe all those SF had too much JS (maybe SF with a skill combination of high JS and some reb reach the cap before than others?).

I would like to control your player, just to confirm what I believe. Ill send you a BBmail.

Last edited by LeYeNdiNhA at 11/6/2009 7:34:03 PM

This Post:
117670.51 in reply to 117670.48
Date: 11/6/2009 9:52:19 PM
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theres no way of telling whether you are cap or not because we dont know how much age and height affect training speed by.
