It's been pretty dead in here this season. But with four games left I thought I'd do some prognosticating to try and spark a little convo.
The bottom is looking pretty set. Southpaw looks to have locked down first draft pick and Warroad will get second.
Unless hell freezes over, Resurrected Fury has secured the top blue spot (and probably HCA for the whole playoffs), and can focus on winning the cup. Visionaries find themselves in the unfamiliar situation of fighting to hang onto the first playoff spot. It might come down to PD. But at this moment I guess is Visionaries stay first and Flashover supplants Mill City in second. On the blue side I think Splash Gang snags the 2 seed and WW ends up third.
Based on schedules, 10inch probably climbs into fourth, knocking Big Gulp into a very winnable relegation series with Deronimo. TarTeam, Dogs & Pitt will fight it out for fourth on the red side, with the losers facing another very winnable relegation series with HPH or a 6th-6th matchup with the Orcs. In this moment I pick Pitt to hang on to fourth despite trying to take home the cup. Since Dogs have three home games left, I pick them to take the 5th spot, leaving TarTeam to face the Orcs. But the middle of the pack is always the hardest to gauge.
I don't foresee a lot of playoff drama, but the crystal ball is hazy. And this is the time of the season where desperation makes managers do strange things. It's too early to crown Resurrected Fury, but things look to be going in their favor. And their losses to Flashover and Visionaries were both on the road.
What do you think?