Pittsburgh Pressure (267278)
Manager: FeelthePressure
Country: USA
League: II.3
Rival: Navajo Nation Advent
World Rank: 807
Country Rank: 23
BBM Tier: 1
Last Online: 9/20/2024

Second Team:
Chattanooga Locomotives
Country: Utopia
League: IV.54
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Season 66: More, more, more
Posted on 9/6/2024

After the initial loss to AZ Sunburn in game 1 of the season the team had a reassessment. A quick change by the GM and coach in training plans allowed us to win our next 21 games and secure the 4th auto promote spot into D2. While winning in the playoffs still, the Pressure continue to add more. Adding Guard/Forward Eduardo Morote to the roster ballooning our payroll to 530k per week and with more additions coming soon it is clear. There will be more, more, and more. More players, more money, more fans, more power, more wins, more titles! More, more, more!!!!

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