I´m training a SF in the third season now, he was my own draft. I can´t understand, why most of you are frustrated about the training. I started with one round of everything, so i could see how the sublevel was (a very successfully enterprise). Next, i trained him in the Pointguard-Skills (passing, od, driving). After season one, he could start at the 2 without high disadvantages (first half of the season in the cup), and because of his inside-skills, he was a very good option to play Look-Inside and meanwhile train him in range.
In the offseason he had to play inside, to push him a few stages in the inside-skills, focused in inside-shot. Now, in season three, he already can play almost everywhere, i just have to put his defense to 2 or 3, offense is no problem. I think i´m playing a very successfully season, and my 20 yo trainee is no obstacle, but rather U21-player.
There is only one point SF-training sucks: If u have a very good SF, trained this SF for years, u get no reasonable price for this player. At the moment, my league opponent tries to sell his national-player Uyigarli, this player has a price evaluation about 1,25 Mio., which is really ridiculous.
(Pls apologize my bad english, school is some years ago ;) )