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Suggestions > Free Agents vs. Payer Market

Free Agents vs. Payer Market

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From: Prathis

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305863.6 in reply to 305863.5
Date: 9/7/2020 2:23:07 PM
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I understand how auctions work and the goal. That is not the point of my post.

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305863.10 in reply to 305863.2
Date: 9/7/2020 4:57:32 PM
Le Cotiche
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sorry, this "create your dream player" idea would be terrible
tankers are already a problem, but at least now they have to find their players on the market and give their money to other managers

i agree buying on the market is frustrating, mostly because the market is dead, but there's a reason it was implemented like this

Last edited by mark_lenders at 9/7/2020 4:59:05 PM

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305863.11 in reply to 305863.10
Date: 9/7/2020 5:19:10 PM
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Thank you for the replay and explaining why you think its bad. Feedback is appreciated. Is the tanking thing something that happens in the upper divisions? I haven't run across that really.

From: Kylar

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305863.13 in reply to 305863.2
Date: 9/8/2020 5:46:51 PM
CB Underdogs
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Underdogs Academy
I agree with the rest, it's not a really good idea.

And with those charts you madeā€¦ I could make a player with every skill legendary by less than 300k. I know that it's just an example, but it should be put more expensive than if you just go to bids, because if not no one would bid.

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From: Naeem

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305863.14 in reply to 305863.9
Date: 9/8/2020 10:22:01 PM
Detroit Mercy Mavericks
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GoFarsr Revolutions
His idea may not be a good one but at least he is trying to positively affect the game. If you comment on someone else's suggestion there should be something constructive about it, not just you being negative. You can disagree with someone's idea all day, but when you say someone else's idea is nonsense and then following it up with an equally bad if not worse idea you only make yourself look like an a-hole and you add poison into an otherwise intelligent buzzer beater community.

As someone else already mentioned, Overbidding is not a solution. Creating your own player is not a solution either since the teams at the very top in every country would indefinitely remain there since they'd have the most money to just continually create 18yr olds that have maxed out stats like players already in their 30s. The current bidding system isnt without flaw but it works well enough for now.

Just have a little more tact if your going to comment on other peoples post.

This Post:
305863.16 in reply to 305863.15
Date: 9/17/2020 1:21:40 AM
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I like that idea a lot better, there have been times where I went ahead and bid the max amount I was willing to pay just because I didn't have all day to sit there in a bidding war with someone.
