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Trying to set line up error page

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From: MrChoo
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277383.8 in reply to 277383.7
Date: 2/19/2016 10:52:04 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I keep getting this error, set lineup, read bb mail, etc

This Post:
277383.9 in reply to 277383.1
Date: 2/19/2016 11:02:03 PM
Caerbannog Bunnies
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I'm having the same problem. This is not good for my blood pressure.

This Post:
277383.10 in reply to 277383.1
Date: 2/19/2016 11:41:26 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Same issue here in Taiwan when I tried to set my lineup.


This Post:
277383.11 in reply to 277383.9
Date: 2/19/2016 11:51:20 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I tried to set my lineup more then 100 times in last 4 hours but nothing happen!

I.O.U. One (1) Error Page

A useful error page should go here eventually. Until then, we suggest you hit back in your browser and try again, and if the problem continues, let us know in the bugs forum.

But when I go back and try again I got the very same result (> 100x)

So, if I lose a game because none is willing to fix this problem I demand that BB stuff pay me (everyone) $1 mil from their account each.

When you take money from me they don't gave me any explanation at all. So let be fair once and pay me for your mistake.

I have only one more hour. If You don't fix this I'm gonna lose my game by BB stuff mistake.

From: LDR

This Post:
277383.12 in reply to 277383.1
Date: 2/19/2016 11:59:58 PM
Sandersville Preyers
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Second Team:
Faulknersburg Friars
Same issue. Been going awhile now.

This Post:
277383.14 in reply to 277383.13
Date: 2/20/2016 1:05:26 AM
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It loooooks like my line-up just got set okay. W'll see if it is there in the morning.

This Post:
277383.15 in reply to 277383.14
Date: 2/20/2016 5:42:48 AM
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Second Team:
This is the same error we had this week already. It is related to some background offseason maintenance that has gone awry. We're doing the best we can to prevent it are sorry for the inconvenience. It goes without saying that we're working on ways to do this maintenance without causing such problems again in the future.

From: Bommy

This Post:
277383.16 in reply to 277383.15
Date: 2/20/2016 1:56:30 PM
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Okey, i set up my lineup 3 days ago. It went smoothly without any problems. It also showed me by the sign, that the line up was set. And now its just my standart lineup. This is pretty bad for me because now, my season start is literally f***** up. Training and minutes wasted. :-(

Could that also be a result of the background maintenance?

Best regards

This Post:
277383.17 in reply to 277383.14
Date: 2/20/2016 2:11:30 PM
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It loooooks like my line-up just got set okay. W'll see if it is there in the morning.

Woohoo! Still okay. Keeping my fingers crossed for six more hours...

This Post:
277383.18 in reply to 277383.17
Date: 2/20/2016 10:31:37 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Lost out on a great 18 yo and he only went for like 800k which was a damn bargain. I would have paid at least 1.5 mill.
