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Optimizing JS and JR / IS

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311358.9 in reply to 311358.8
Date: 7/29/2021 10:42:56 AM
Detroit Mercy Mavericks
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GoFarsr Revolutions
Sounds like you need more of a Jerami Grant type of player... i just wanted to throw a pistons player into the conversation

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311358.10 in reply to 311358.8
Date: 7/29/2021 11:06:21 AM
Szepiz Playground
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Ground Zero
One of the beauty of the game is that you can (actually need to) build a team for a type of strategy. You can not have only all around players and be successful. You need some sort of specialization and be dominant with that.
Those type of training that your guy has is a bit (for me and this is my only private opinion) odd and does not make sense.

Also consider this:
- if you want a well trained good set up player high in everything you will end up looking in a very small pool for players with extremely high salaries and cost. These are the type of players that are trained for good / top nations national team. Long and logical training aiming 135-140+ TSP with a good setup.
You only need these type of players if you want to compete in the very high end, BBB or you are dedicated trainers for NT.

- if you step back one or two from this small group, now you are aiming those players that were still well trained with some sort of logic and could be used in many positions and will be solid players for your team. Still relatively pricy.

- and then you can look for / build / train for beside a specific logic. Let`s say that you want to have a team be able to dominate with 3-2 zone defense, or you want a team for LI strictly. Now you are targeting certain skills trained well, not everything. Price range will be totally different, but you need some logic around them.

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311358.12 in reply to 311358.1
Date: 8/2/2021 10:52:47 AM
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Vilkiukai II
It is not ideal but for DIV III it should be killing. Try run and gun, princeton tactics him as SG and SF. Or reverse patient.

Idealy i would like 18JS+15JR, or 19JS+14JR and as much IS and PA as possible. IS and PA increase FG% alot. PA slightly decreases shot attempts, it doesnt shoot bat shots.

But 18+11 and 9IS is very nice player and manageable in competetive DIV II. Maybe your tactics are wrong.

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311358.14 in reply to 311358.1
Date: 8/7/2021 6:55:22 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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Which of your players is he, is it Goins? If so, get him in good gameshape, he's been in 7 for the whole season it seems and that's not a way for him to be effective.

How is his stamina? If it's below 5, get that up so he can be more effective.

I'm assuming his PA isn't very bad otherwise he wouldn't be listed as PG, but low PA can also lead to bad shot selection because he's not able to make a good pass so he's forced to take bad shots.

Your offensive flow doesn"t seem bad either, but good flow (good HA/PA on most players) can lead to better shots because assisted shots have a higher %.

His shooting skills are plenty good for your division.

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311358.16 in reply to 311358.1
Date: 8/11/2021 12:06:04 PM
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Tue question to address is:
Are JS and JR added or multiplied?
Anything else is a pointless babbling.

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311358.17 in reply to 311358.8
Date: 8/13/2021 4:21:21 PM
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Smallfries II
There’s no proof behind this, but something I’ve been noticing lately is that guys with high JS and lower DR shoot at a better % than those with high JS and DR.

I’m not sure what the reason may be for this, but I’ve noticed it with my team. Feel free to look at my team, as I can guaranty you my guys don’t have the greatest shooting. Pretty average at best, honestly, compared to other in the league.

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311358.18 in reply to 311358.17
Date: 8/14/2021 2:35:37 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Vilkiukai II
guys with high JS and lower DR shoot at a better % than those with high JS and DR.

This is natural when 20IS guard can only manage to actualy lay in or dunk 1 out of 4 dunks/layups Imagine what is the difference with low IS, exactly one you are having now. You have better shot distribution because lower DR. It used to be dunks, layups and assisted shots most efficient, nowadays they are LEAST efficient.

Last edited by Vilkai [LTU NT] at 8/14/2021 2:36:58 AM
