So, I can not understand how the TV/merchandising/arena incomes are the same in Spain and in a country with only 23 teams.
I also do not know why there are no teams from Spain in the top 10 of the world. Sure, competition is tougher, but the USA got 2 teams, also being one of the best and largest countries. Germany got one, Hellas got one. Portugal got one. Those are all big countries. Maybe it's not the system, maybe it's the manager's culture. We saw Italian teams being dominant a few seasons ago, but then their competition got tougher. This lead to managers strengthen their line-ups, instead of expanding arenas. Germany was doing the opposite, and increased their revenue by a lot, they caught up with Italy in no time.
Managers culture????
I lost by one, 104-105, to the Number 1ยบ of the world
in his court with my entire team in
respectable game shape.
(19970605)I had that game shape because I didnt want to lose ACBB league, and if I want to be competitive in the B3, Im forced to pass cup games, wich means that Im forced to overplay my guys resulting in demential game shapes.
There is one way to play the B3 in good game shape and be able to win it, playing the relegation PO of my league. But if this happens I wont have the incomes that people from easy leagues has, and I will be less cometitive for the future.
They can TIE all their league/cup matches, they can train what they want and they have huge incomes because they have always positive records (most of the time full wins). Also they are not forced to pay huge salaries while they dont play B3 and they can spend the rest of the year saving money.
You are playing with maxed out prices in a sold out 11k arena in Spain, I guess that's where you lack of income comes from. You might start to expand your arena.
If he invest in stadium he goes straight to the 2nd division, he has to sell actives to do it. Our current money is close to 0 (huge competition forces us to spend all we have to remain competitive). I know that playing in Cyprus with a roster that costs weekly less than 150k while you save money allows you to build your stadium in 2 seasons but this doesnt happen in Spain, where most of the top players started in a Vth division.
If a great player starts in a small paradise and optimizes his strategy with the training and his wages the time he doesnt play the B3 he will be able to dominate
easily the game. Luckily we dont have lots of elite managers in little countries, is easier to see them in huge comunities, we are more, statistically we have more type of players, but if a guy optimizates his strategy in a little country we could say good bye to the B3 for 10-15 seasons in a row (until he gets bored).
Also the HCA in 1/4 finals or 1/8 finals is something that I really cant understand. Today, most of the top teams can easily beat anyone of the world in his court. I really thought that this year I had a team to fight for the B3, but in this conditions is imposible for me, unless I have court advantage in key matches and good game shapes (not compiting in my country league).