Last season we have started a ambitious training plan to elevate our country among the best nations in the BB world. Belgium doesn't have a lot of users which means very few top draftees. The goal of this plan is to put the best ones in the best training conditions (coach L6, younth trainer, gym L3, training court L3,...). If your are interested to participate, feel free to contact me. And don't forget, if take part to the plan means sacrifices during the first seasons, in the long term your team will receive benefits from it.
To go with the plan we welcome this season the best logo ever made in BB! It's my advise but I'm sure a lot of managers will agree with me, because mkapa has made an incredible job for our NT. Feel free to give your advise on this page or on the forum.
NT Staff:
(89796)Last edited by JoeMaverick at 8/24/2019 1:17:35 PM