League Schedule -- Season 67
Date/Time Away team Status Home team
12/28/2024 4:00:00 AM Attwood Wattles The Sharp Shooter
12/28/2024 4:00:00 AM Narre Stingers Lakers2020
12/28/2024 4:00:00 AM Rupertswood Sharks Melbourne City Dragons
12/28/2024 4:00:00 AM Indsutry Lilydale Falcons
12/28/2024 4:00:00 AM Bad Company Tassie Lakers
12/28/2024 4:00:00 AM ultamar Deepdene Dogs
12/28/2024 4:00:00 AM Ashmore Raiders Clodav
12/28/2024 4:00:00 AM dcRising grapists TV
12/31/2024 4:00:00 AM The Sharp Shooter Narre Stingers TV
12/31/2024 4:00:00 AM Lakers2020 Rupertswood Sharks
12/31/2024 4:00:00 AM Melbourne City Dragons Indsutry
12/31/2024 4:00:00 AM Lilydale Falcons Attwood Wattles
12/31/2024 4:00:00 AM Tassie Lakers ultamar
12/31/2024 4:00:00 AM Deepdene Dogs Ashmore Raiders
12/31/2024 4:00:00 AM Clodav dcRising
12/31/2024 4:00:00 AM grapists Bad Company
1/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Rupertswood Sharks The Sharp Shooter
1/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Indsutry Lakers2020 TV
1/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Attwood Wattles Melbourne City Dragons
1/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Narre Stingers Lilydale Falcons
1/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Ashmore Raiders Tassie Lakers
1/4/2025 4:00:00 AM dcRising Deepdene Dogs
1/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Bad Company Clodav
1/4/2025 4:00:00 AM ultamar grapists
1/7/2025 4:00:00 AM The Sharp Shooter Indsutry
1/7/2025 4:00:00 AM Lakers2020 Attwood Wattles
1/7/2025 4:00:00 AM Melbourne City Dragons Narre Stingers
1/7/2025 4:00:00 AM Lilydale Falcons Rupertswood Sharks
1/7/2025 4:00:00 AM Tassie Lakers dcRising
1/7/2025 4:00:00 AM Deepdene Dogs Bad Company TV
1/7/2025 4:00:00 AM Clodav ultamar
1/7/2025 4:00:00 AM grapists Ashmore Raiders
1/11/2025 4:00:00 AM Melbourne City Dragons The Sharp Shooter
1/11/2025 4:00:00 AM Lilydale Falcons Lakers2020
1/11/2025 4:00:00 AM Rupertswood Sharks Attwood Wattles TV
1/11/2025 4:00:00 AM Indsutry Narre Stingers
1/11/2025 4:00:00 AM Clodav Tassie Lakers TV
1/11/2025 4:00:00 AM grapists Deepdene Dogs
1/11/2025 4:00:00 AM Ashmore Raiders Bad Company
1/11/2025 4:00:00 AM dcRising ultamar
1/14/2025 4:00:00 AM The Sharp Shooter Lilydale Falcons
1/14/2025 4:00:00 AM Lakers2020 Melbourne City Dragons
1/14/2025 4:00:00 AM Attwood Wattles Indsutry
1/14/2025 4:00:00 AM Narre Stingers Rupertswood Sharks
1/14/2025 4:00:00 AM Tassie Lakers grapists
1/14/2025 4:00:00 AM Deepdene Dogs Clodav
1/14/2025 4:00:00 AM Bad Company dcRising
1/14/2025 4:00:00 AM ultamar Ashmore Raiders TV
1/18/2025 4:00:00 AM Lakers2020 The Sharp Shooter
1/18/2025 4:00:00 AM Lilydale Falcons Melbourne City Dragons TV
1/18/2025 4:00:00 AM Narre Stingers Attwood Wattles
1/18/2025 4:00:00 AM Indsutry Rupertswood Sharks
1/18/2025 4:00:00 AM Deepdene Dogs Tassie Lakers
1/18/2025 4:00:00 AM grapists Clodav
1/18/2025 4:00:00 AM ultamar Bad Company
1/18/2025 4:00:00 AM dcRising Ashmore Raiders
1/21/2025 4:00:00 AM The Sharp Shooter Tassie Lakers
1/21/2025 4:00:00 AM Lakers2020 Deepdene Dogs
1/21/2025 4:00:00 AM Melbourne City Dragons Clodav
1/21/2025 4:00:00 AM Lilydale Falcons grapists
1/21/2025 4:00:00 AM Attwood Wattles Bad Company
1/21/2025 4:00:00 AM Narre Stingers ultamar
1/21/2025 4:00:00 AM Rupertswood Sharks Ashmore Raiders
1/21/2025 4:00:00 AM Indsutry dcRising TV
1/25/2025 4:00:00 AM Deepdene Dogs The Sharp Shooter
1/25/2025 4:00:00 AM Clodav Lakers2020
1/25/2025 4:00:00 AM grapists Melbourne City Dragons TV
1/25/2025 4:00:00 AM Bad Company Lilydale Falcons
1/25/2025 4:00:00 AM ultamar Attwood Wattles
1/25/2025 4:00:00 AM Ashmore Raiders Narre Stingers
1/25/2025 4:00:00 AM dcRising Rupertswood Sharks
1/25/2025 4:00:00 AM Tassie Lakers Indsutry
1/28/2025 4:00:00 AM The Sharp Shooter Clodav
1/28/2025 4:00:00 AM Lakers2020 grapists
1/28/2025 4:00:00 AM Melbourne City Dragons Bad Company
1/28/2025 4:00:00 AM Lilydale Falcons ultamar
1/28/2025 4:00:00 AM Attwood Wattles Ashmore Raiders
1/28/2025 4:00:00 AM Narre Stingers dcRising
1/28/2025 4:00:00 AM Rupertswood Sharks Tassie Lakers
1/28/2025 4:00:00 AM Indsutry Deepdene Dogs
2/1/2025 4:00:00 AM grapists The Sharp Shooter
2/1/2025 4:00:00 AM Bad Company Lakers2020
2/1/2025 4:00:00 AM ultamar Melbourne City Dragons
2/1/2025 4:00:00 AM Ashmore Raiders Lilydale Falcons TV
2/1/2025 4:00:00 AM dcRising Attwood Wattles
2/1/2025 4:00:00 AM Tassie Lakers Narre Stingers
2/1/2025 4:00:00 AM Deepdene Dogs Rupertswood Sharks
2/1/2025 4:00:00 AM Clodav Indsutry
2/4/2025 4:00:00 AM The Sharp Shooter Bad Company
2/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Lakers2020 ultamar
2/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Melbourne City Dragons Ashmore Raiders
2/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Lilydale Falcons dcRising
2/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Attwood Wattles Tassie Lakers
2/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Narre Stingers Deepdene Dogs TV
2/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Rupertswood Sharks Clodav
2/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Indsutry grapists
2/8/2025 4:00:00 AM ultamar The Sharp Shooter TV
2/8/2025 4:00:00 AM Ashmore Raiders Lakers2020
2/8/2025 4:00:00 AM dcRising Melbourne City Dragons
2/8/2025 4:00:00 AM Tassie Lakers Lilydale Falcons
2/8/2025 4:00:00 AM Deepdene Dogs Attwood Wattles
2/8/2025 4:00:00 AM Clodav Narre Stingers
2/8/2025 4:00:00 AM grapists Rupertswood Sharks
2/8/2025 4:00:00 AM Bad Company Indsutry
2/15/2025 4:00:00 AM The Sharp Shooter Ashmore Raiders
2/15/2025 4:00:00 AM Lakers2020 dcRising
2/15/2025 4:00:00 AM Melbourne City Dragons Tassie Lakers
2/15/2025 4:00:00 AM Lilydale Falcons Deepdene Dogs
2/15/2025 4:00:00 AM Attwood Wattles Clodav TV
2/15/2025 4:00:00 AM Narre Stingers grapists
2/15/2025 4:00:00 AM Rupertswood Sharks Bad Company TV
2/15/2025 4:00:00 AM Indsutry ultamar
2/18/2025 4:00:00 AM dcRising The Sharp Shooter
2/18/2025 4:00:00 AM Tassie Lakers Lakers2020 TV
2/18/2025 4:00:00 AM Deepdene Dogs Melbourne City Dragons
2/18/2025 4:00:00 AM Clodav Lilydale Falcons
2/18/2025 4:00:00 AM grapists Attwood Wattles
2/18/2025 4:00:00 AM Bad Company Narre Stingers
2/18/2025 4:00:00 AM ultamar Rupertswood Sharks
2/18/2025 4:00:00 AM Ashmore Raiders Indsutry
2/22/2025 4:00:00 AM The Sharp Shooter Attwood Wattles
2/22/2025 4:00:00 AM Lakers2020 Narre Stingers
2/22/2025 4:00:00 AM Melbourne City Dragons Rupertswood Sharks
2/22/2025 4:00:00 AM Lilydale Falcons Indsutry
2/22/2025 4:00:00 AM Tassie Lakers Bad Company
2/22/2025 4:00:00 AM Deepdene Dogs ultamar
2/22/2025 4:00:00 AM Clodav Ashmore Raiders
2/22/2025 4:00:00 AM grapists dcRising TV
2/25/2025 4:00:00 AM Narre Stingers The Sharp Shooter TV
2/25/2025 4:00:00 AM Rupertswood Sharks Lakers2020
2/25/2025 4:00:00 AM Indsutry Melbourne City Dragons
2/25/2025 4:00:00 AM Attwood Wattles Lilydale Falcons
2/25/2025 4:00:00 AM ultamar Tassie Lakers
2/25/2025 4:00:00 AM Ashmore Raiders Deepdene Dogs TV
2/25/2025 4:00:00 AM dcRising Clodav
2/25/2025 4:00:00 AM Bad Company grapists
3/1/2025 4:00:00 AM The Sharp Shooter Rupertswood Sharks
3/1/2025 4:00:00 AM Lakers2020 Indsutry TV
3/1/2025 4:00:00 AM Melbourne City Dragons Attwood Wattles
3/1/2025 4:00:00 AM Lilydale Falcons Narre Stingers
3/1/2025 4:00:00 AM Tassie Lakers Ashmore Raiders
3/1/2025 4:00:00 AM Deepdene Dogs dcRising
3/1/2025 4:00:00 AM Clodav Bad Company
3/1/2025 4:00:00 AM grapists ultamar
3/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Indsutry The Sharp Shooter
3/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Attwood Wattles Lakers2020
3/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Narre Stingers Melbourne City Dragons
3/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Rupertswood Sharks Lilydale Falcons
3/4/2025 4:00:00 AM dcRising Tassie Lakers
3/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Bad Company Deepdene Dogs
3/4/2025 4:00:00 AM ultamar Clodav
3/4/2025 4:00:00 AM Ashmore Raiders grapists
3/8/2025 4:00:00 AM The Sharp Shooter Melbourne City Dragons
3/8/2025 4:00:00 AM Lakers2020 Lilydale Falcons
3/8/2025 4:00:00 AM Attwood Wattles Rupertswood Sharks TV
3/8/2025 4:00:00 AM Narre Stingers Indsutry
3/8/2025 4:00:00 AM Tassie Lakers Clodav TV
3/8/2025 4:00:00 AM Deepdene Dogs grapists
3/8/2025 4:00:00 AM Bad Company Ashmore Raiders
3/8/2025 4:00:00 AM ultamar dcRising
3/11/2025 4:00:00 AM Lilydale Falcons The Sharp Shooter
3/11/2025 4:00:00 AM Melbourne City Dragons Lakers2020
3/11/2025 4:00:00 AM Indsutry Attwood Wattles
3/11/2025 4:00:00 AM Rupertswood Sharks Narre Stingers
3/11/2025 4:00:00 AM grapists Tassie Lakers
3/11/2025 4:00:00 AM Clodav Deepdene Dogs
3/11/2025 4:00:00 AM dcRising Bad Company
3/11/2025 4:00:00 AM Ashmore Raiders ultamar
3/15/2025 4:00:00 AM The Sharp Shooter Lakers2020
3/15/2025 4:00:00 AM Melbourne City Dragons Lilydale Falcons TV
3/15/2025 4:00:00 AM Attwood Wattles Narre Stingers
3/15/2025 4:00:00 AM Rupertswood Sharks Indsutry
3/15/2025 4:00:00 AM Tassie Lakers Deepdene Dogs
3/15/2025 4:00:00 AM Clodav grapists
3/15/2025 4:00:00 AM Bad Company ultamar TV
3/15/2025 4:00:00 AM Ashmore Raiders dcRising
TV: Televised