Current Standings
Sunday, July 15, 2018
League Forum Sneak Peek
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By ComplexNo in 新手任務-自我介紹:
早幾日加入的 發現管理球隊好麻煩
By 蛋治奧 in 新手任務-自我介紹:
[quote]其實新手任務完成左之後有無咩獎賞? 不過算啦~希望大家一齊努力啦~(唔係真心話[/quote] 岩岩加入,唔係咁識玩
By Braves in 新手任務-自我介紹:
其實新手任務完成左之後有無咩獎賞? 不過算啦~希望大家一齊努力啦~(唔係真心話
By Duncan1991 in 報到><:
Minimum 15 games played
League Leaders - Average Points Per Game
Team Stats
X-Team 231 42.5-89.0 0.478 6.1-18.8 0.326 12.2-20.3 0.603 12.8 45.3 31.0 9.3 5.6 5.3 18.2 103.4 62.3
Toronto Rippers 229 44.5-87.7 0.508 7.5-18.3 0.412 13.7-23.3 0.591 12.1 43.2 29.7 9.5 5.5 6.2 17.8 110.3 57.6
Hang Tau Tai Po R... 231 47.7-88.7 0.538 8.6-18.4 0.467 8.8-18.2 0.482 10.9 41.7 32.6 10.1 5.6 4.4 17.6 112.9 64.9
195 The Hayes 232 43.9-85.6 0.513 7.0-18.8 0.370 15.0-22.2 0.676 10.0 41.3 29.6 12.2 6.8 5.3 16.7 109.7 49.8
Exhaust 229 40.3-87.4 0.462 8.7-21.6 0.403 9.9-17.5 0.563 11.3 40.4 27.3 11.7 5.5 4.3 16.2 99.3 54.5
The Blue Phoenix 231 43.0-88.8 0.485 7.0-19.3 0.363 12.3-21.4 0.572 12.4 43.9 31.3 11.2 5.6 4.3 16.1 105.3 55.5
Fantasy Star 231 43.0-89.2 0.482 7.9-19.3 0.407 9.5-16.7 0.570 10.4 41.7 31.2 9.8 5.8 6.4 15.7 103.4 56
爱转角快船 229 40.5-85.1 0.475 7.3-18.8 0.389 10.8-19.5 0.556 11.3 41.1 28.4 12.7 4.5 5.1 15.7 99.1 51
R21彗星 229 44.0-86.9 0.507 7.0-17.6 0.396 12.3-21.7 0.566 11.5 43.2 32.1 9.4 5.2 6.3 15.5 107.3 53.1
Anaheim Electronics 229 42.7-87.9 0.485 7.6-18.2 0.415 11.7-17.7 0.657 9.9 40.9 32.0 9.0 5.8 4.7 14.9 104.5 58.4
Annoying Orange 229 43.2-86.3 0.500 6.2-17.9 0.347 9.2-19.1 0.483 11.1 44.7 29.8 12.3 5.2 6.7 14.7 101.8 58.2
Tong Min Tsuen St... 233 44.5-88.4 0.503 6.7-18.3 0.369 11.5-20.7 0.558 11.6 44.1 32.9 10.3 5.6 7.1 14.2 107.3 54.7
HKG Team 230 42.7-87.5 0.488 6.8-18.8 0.360 7.9-19.4 0.408 11.0 42.4 30.0 10.9 3.4 4.8 14.1 100.1 51.8
newhome 231 45.9-87.4 0.525 7.1-16.5 0.430 13.7-23.2 0.590 10.2 40.4 33.7 10.2 8.7 2.9 13.9 112.6 54.6
WTimothyCF 231 45.0-86.0 0.524 7.0-18.1 0.387 9.8-20.0 0.491 9.3 41.4 31.7 11.8 6.5 6.4 12.4 106.8 56.1
Taiwan No.1 231 41.5-89.3 0.465 7.4-19.4 0.383 12.9-19.8 0.653 11.9 44.0 30.1 9.6 4.7 6.0 12.3 103.4 44.4
Best Performances
Ulf Spötter
67 Points
Arthur Fer
33 Rebounds
Paulin Lancelot
25 Assists
Cheung Ke Fu
10 Blocks