League Schedule -- Season 67
Date/Time Away team Status Home team
12/28/2024 12:35:00 PM Gang Anwilu SKS Sto kila skilla
12/28/2024 12:35:00 PM Gama sks Legendy Rocka
12/28/2024 12:35:00 PM Kings of the Basket KSF Zielona Góra
12/28/2024 12:35:00 PM orkiestra BezFormy
12/28/2024 12:35:00 PM LosPollosHermanos Big Blues Bialka
12/28/2024 12:35:00 PM Krasnostawiak Kuraż Zielona Góra
12/28/2024 12:35:00 PM Pizdeczki3000 KS Huzars
12/28/2024 12:35:00 PM niuiu UniqMats Czermno TV
12/31/2024 12:35:00 PM 2 SKS Sto kila skilla 4 Gama sks TV
12/31/2024 12:35:00 PM 5 Legendy Rocka 3 Kings of the Basket
12/31/2024 12:35:00 PM 6 KSF Zielona Góra 8 orkiestra
12/31/2024 12:35:00 PM 1 BezFormy 7 Gang Anwilu
12/31/2024 12:35:00 PM 1 Big Blues Bialka 3 Krasnostawiak
12/31/2024 12:35:00 PM 6 Kuraż Zielona Góra 5 Pizdeczki3000
12/31/2024 12:35:00 PM 4 KS Huzars 7 niuiu
12/31/2024 12:35:00 PM 2 UniqMats Czermno 8 LosPollosHermanos
1/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 Kings of the Basket 1 SKS Sto kila skilla
1/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 orkiestra 8 Legendy Rocka TV
1/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 4 Gang Anwilu 7 KSF Zielona Góra
1/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Gama sks 3 BezFormy
1/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 Pizdeczki3000 4 Big Blues Bialka
1/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 niuiu 5 Kuraż Zielona Góra
1/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 LosPollosHermanos 3 KS Huzars
1/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 Krasnostawiak 2 UniqMats Czermno
1/7/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 SKS Sto kila skilla 8 orkiestra
1/7/2025 12:35:00 PM 4 Legendy Rocka 7 Gang Anwilu
1/7/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 KSF Zielona Góra 3 Gama sks
1/7/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 BezFormy 2 Kings of the Basket
1/7/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Big Blues Bialka 7 niuiu
1/7/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 Kuraż Zielona Góra 8 LosPollosHermanos TV
1/7/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 KS Huzars 4 Krasnostawiak
1/7/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 UniqMats Czermno 6 Pizdeczki3000
1/11/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 KSF Zielona Góra 1 SKS Sto kila skilla
1/11/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 BezFormy 4 Legendy Rocka
1/11/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 Kings of the Basket 7 Gang Anwilu TV
1/11/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 orkiestra 3 Gama sks
1/11/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 KS Huzars 6 Big Blues Bialka TV
1/11/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 UniqMats Czermno 2 Kuraż Zielona Góra
1/11/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Pizdeczki3000 8 LosPollosHermanos
1/11/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 niuiu 4 Krasnostawiak
1/14/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 SKS Sto kila skilla 7 BezFormy
1/14/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 Legendy Rocka 6 KSF Zielona Góra
1/14/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Gang Anwilu 8 orkiestra
1/14/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 Gama sks 4 Kings of the Basket
1/14/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 Big Blues Bialka 5 UniqMats Czermno
1/14/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 Kuraż Zielona Góra 4 KS Huzars
1/14/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 LosPollosHermanos 7 niuiu
1/14/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 Krasnostawiak 3 Pizdeczki3000 TV
1/18/2025 12:35:00 PM 4 Legendy Rocka 1 SKS Sto kila skilla
1/18/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 BezFormy 6 KSF Zielona Góra TV
1/18/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 Gama sks 5 Gang Anwilu
1/18/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 orkiestra 2 Kings of the Basket
1/18/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 Kuraż Zielona Góra 4 Big Blues Bialka
1/18/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 UniqMats Czermno 6 KS Huzars
1/18/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 Krasnostawiak 8 LosPollosHermanos
1/18/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 niuiu 2 Pizdeczki3000
1/21/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 SKS Sto kila skilla 3 Big Blues Bialka
1/21/2025 12:35:00 PM 4 Legendy Rocka 1 Kuraż Zielona Góra
1/21/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 KSF Zielona Góra 6 KS Huzars
1/21/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 BezFormy 5 UniqMats Czermno
1/21/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Gang Anwilu 8 LosPollosHermanos
1/21/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 Gama sks 2 Krasnostawiak
1/21/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 Kings of the Basket 4 Pizdeczki3000
1/21/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 orkiestra 7 niuiu TV
1/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 Kuraż Zielona Góra 2 SKS Sto kila skilla
1/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 KS Huzars 6 Legendy Rocka
1/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 4 UniqMats Czermno 5 KSF Zielona Góra TV
1/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 LosPollosHermanos 7 BezFormy
1/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 Krasnostawiak 4 Gang Anwilu
1/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Pizdeczki3000 3 Gama sks
1/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 niuiu 1 Kings of the Basket
1/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 Big Blues Bialka 8 orkiestra
1/28/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 SKS Sto kila skilla 7 KS Huzars
1/28/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 Legendy Rocka 4 UniqMats Czermno
1/28/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 KSF Zielona Góra 8 LosPollosHermanos
1/28/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 BezFormy 2 Krasnostawiak
1/28/2025 12:35:00 PM 4 Gang Anwilu 6 Pizdeczki3000
1/28/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 Gama sks 5 niuiu
1/28/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 Kings of the Basket 3 Big Blues Bialka
1/28/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 orkiestra 1 Kuraż Zielona Góra
2/1/2025 12:35:00 PM 4 UniqMats Czermno 1 SKS Sto kila skilla
2/1/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 LosPollosHermanos 6 Legendy Rocka
2/1/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 Krasnostawiak 2 KSF Zielona Góra
2/1/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 Pizdeczki3000 7 BezFormy TV
2/1/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 niuiu 5 Gang Anwilu
2/1/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 Big Blues Bialka 4 Gama sks
2/1/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 Kuraż Zielona Góra 3 Kings of the Basket
2/1/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 KS Huzars 8 orkiestra
2/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 SKS Sto kila skilla 8 LosPollosHermanos
2/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 Legendy Rocka 1 Krasnostawiak
2/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 4 KSF Zielona Góra 6 Pizdeczki3000
2/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 BezFormy 5 niuiu
2/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Gang Anwilu 3 Big Blues Bialka
2/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 Gama sks 2 Kuraż Zielona Góra TV
2/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 Kings of the Basket 7 KS Huzars
2/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 orkiestra 4 UniqMats Czermno
2/8/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 Krasnostawiak 1 SKS Sto kila skilla TV
2/8/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Pizdeczki3000 6 Legendy Rocka
2/8/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 niuiu 4 KSF Zielona Góra
2/8/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 Big Blues Bialka 7 BezFormy
2/8/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 Kuraż Zielona Góra 5 Gang Anwilu
2/8/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 KS Huzars 3 Gama sks
2/8/2025 12:35:00 PM 4 UniqMats Czermno 2 Kings of the Basket
2/8/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 LosPollosHermanos 8 orkiestra
2/15/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 SKS Sto kila skilla 5 Pizdeczki3000
2/15/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 Legendy Rocka 6 niuiu
2/15/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 KSF Zielona Góra 2 Big Blues Bialka
2/15/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 BezFormy 3 Kuraż Zielona Góra
2/15/2025 12:35:00 PM 4 Gang Anwilu 7 KS Huzars TV
2/15/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Gama sks 4 UniqMats Czermno
2/15/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 Kings of the Basket 8 LosPollosHermanos TV
2/15/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 orkiestra 1 Krasnostawiak
2/18/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 niuiu 1 SKS Sto kila skilla
2/18/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 Big Blues Bialka 6 Legendy Rocka TV
2/18/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 Kuraż Zielona Góra 3 KSF Zielona Góra
2/18/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 KS Huzars 7 BezFormy
2/18/2025 12:35:00 PM 4 UniqMats Czermno 5 Gang Anwilu
2/18/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 LosPollosHermanos 4 Gama sks
2/18/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 Krasnostawiak 2 Kings of the Basket
2/18/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Pizdeczki3000 8 orkiestra
2/22/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 SKS Sto kila skilla 5 Gang Anwilu
2/22/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 Legendy Rocka 4 Gama sks
2/22/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 KSF Zielona Góra 1 Kings of the Basket
2/22/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 BezFormy 8 orkiestra
2/22/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 Big Blues Bialka 8 LosPollosHermanos
2/22/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 Kuraż Zielona Góra 1 Krasnostawiak
2/22/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 KS Huzars 5 Pizdeczki3000
2/22/2025 12:35:00 PM 4 UniqMats Czermno 6 niuiu TV
2/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Gama sks 2 SKS Sto kila skilla TV
2/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 Kings of the Basket 6 Legendy Rocka
2/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 orkiestra 3 KSF Zielona Góra
2/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 4 Gang Anwilu 7 BezFormy
2/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 Krasnostawiak 1 Big Blues Bialka
2/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Pizdeczki3000 2 Kuraż Zielona Góra TV
2/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 niuiu 7 KS Huzars
2/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 LosPollosHermanos 4 UniqMats Czermno
3/1/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 SKS Sto kila skilla 1 Kings of the Basket
3/1/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 Legendy Rocka 8 orkiestra TV
3/1/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 KSF Zielona Góra 5 Gang Anwilu
3/1/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 BezFormy 4 Gama sks
3/1/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 Big Blues Bialka 5 Pizdeczki3000
3/1/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 Kuraż Zielona Góra 7 niuiu
3/1/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 KS Huzars 8 LosPollosHermanos
3/1/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 UniqMats Czermno 4 Krasnostawiak
3/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 orkiestra 4 SKS Sto kila skilla
3/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Gang Anwilu 6 Legendy Rocka
3/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 Gama sks 3 KSF Zielona Góra
3/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 Kings of the Basket 7 BezFormy
3/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 niuiu 2 Big Blues Bialka
3/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 LosPollosHermanos 1 Kuraż Zielona Góra
3/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 Krasnostawiak 6 KS Huzars
3/4/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Pizdeczki3000 4 UniqMats Czermno
3/8/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 SKS Sto kila skilla 3 KSF Zielona Góra
3/8/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 Legendy Rocka 7 BezFormy
3/8/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Gang Anwilu 1 Kings of the Basket TV
3/8/2025 12:35:00 PM 4 Gama sks 8 orkiestra
3/8/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 Big Blues Bialka 6 KS Huzars TV
3/8/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 Kuraż Zielona Góra 4 UniqMats Czermno
3/8/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 LosPollosHermanos 5 Pizdeczki3000
3/8/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 Krasnostawiak 7 niuiu
3/11/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 BezFormy 2 SKS Sto kila skilla
3/11/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 KSF Zielona Góra 6 Legendy Rocka
3/11/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 orkiestra 5 Gang Anwilu
3/11/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 Kings of the Basket 4 Gama sks
3/11/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 UniqMats Czermno 3 Big Blues Bialka
3/11/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 KS Huzars 1 Kuraż Zielona Góra
3/11/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 niuiu 8 LosPollosHermanos
3/11/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Pizdeczki3000 4 Krasnostawiak
3/15/2025 12:35:00 PM 2 SKS Sto kila skilla 6 Legendy Rocka
3/15/2025 12:35:00 PM 4 KSF Zielona Góra 7 BezFormy TV
3/15/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Gang Anwilu 3 Gama sks
3/15/2025 12:35:00 PM 1 Kings of the Basket 8 orkiestra
3/15/2025 12:35:00 PM 3 Big Blues Bialka 1 Kuraż Zielona Góra
3/15/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 KS Huzars 4 UniqMats Czermno
3/15/2025 12:35:00 PM 8 LosPollosHermanos 2 Krasnostawiak TV
3/15/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Pizdeczki3000 7 niuiu
3/18/2025 12:35:00 PM KSF Zielona Góra Kings of the Basket PO
3/18/2025 12:35:00 PM Gama sks SKS Sto kila skilla PO
3/18/2025 12:35:00 PM Big Blues Bialka Kuraż Zielona Góra PO
3/18/2025 12:35:00 PM UniqMats Czermno Krasnostawiak PO
3/18/2025 12:35:00 PM KS Huzars Gang Anwilu RL
3/18/2025 12:35:00 PM BezFormy Pizdeczki3000 RL
3/18/2025 12:35:00 PM Legendy Rocka niuiu RL
3/22/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Gang Anwilu 7 KS Huzars RL
3/22/2025 12:35:00 PM 5 Pizdeczki3000 7 BezFormy RL
3/22/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 niuiu 6 Legendy Rocka RL
3/22/2025 12:35:00 PM SKS Sto kila skilla Kings of the Basket SF
3/22/2025 12:35:00 PM Krasnostawiak Kuraż Zielona Góra SF
3/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 KS Huzars 5 Gang Anwilu TB
3/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 7 BezFormy 5 Pizdeczki3000 TB
3/25/2025 12:35:00 PM 6 Legendy Rocka 6 niuiu TB
PO: Playoff RL: Relegation Match TB: Tie-Breaker SF: Semi-Final TV: Televised