League Schedule -- Season 67
Date/Time Away team Status Home team
12/28/2024 8:00:00 PM Delaware Ballers Washington DC Rangers
12/28/2024 8:00:00 PM Topeka Golden City Warriors Edmond Comets
12/28/2024 8:00:00 PM LA Hooperz Skuwap
12/28/2024 8:00:00 PM Cotton Pickers LI Ballerz
12/28/2024 8:00:00 PM Phoenix FireBAA Houston Below The Net
12/28/2024 8:00:00 PM Wheaton Shagon C9S1mp
12/28/2024 8:00:00 PM The Philadelphia Oreos Mighty Groundstompers
12/28/2024 8:00:00 PM Hello Kitty Kushers Bunyips TV
12/31/2024 8:00:00 PM 1 Washington DC Rangers 7 Topeka Golden City Warriors TV
12/31/2024 8:00:00 PM 2 Edmond Comets 4 LA Hooperz
12/31/2024 8:00:00 PM 5 Skuwap 6 Cotton Pickers
12/31/2024 8:00:00 PM 3 LI Ballerz 8 Delaware Ballers
12/31/2024 8:00:00 PM 6 Houston Below The Net 3 Wheaton Shagon
12/31/2024 8:00:00 PM 5 C9S1mp 8 The Philadelphia Oreos
12/31/2024 8:00:00 PM 1 Mighty Groundstompers 7 Hello Kitty Kushers
12/31/2024 8:00:00 PM 2 Bunyips 4 Phoenix FireBAA
1/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 LA Hooperz 1 Washington DC Rangers
1/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 8 Cotton Pickers 3 Edmond Comets TV
1/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 Delaware Ballers 5 Skuwap
1/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 Topeka Golden City Warriors 4 LI Ballerz
1/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 The Philadelphia Oreos 7 Houston Below The Net
1/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 Hello Kitty Kushers 8 C9S1mp
1/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 Phoenix FireBAA 3 Mighty Groundstompers
1/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 Wheaton Shagon 1 Bunyips
1/7/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 Washington DC Rangers 8 Cotton Pickers
1/7/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 Edmond Comets 6 Delaware Ballers
1/7/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Skuwap 7 Topeka Golden City Warriors
1/7/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 LI Ballerz 5 LA Hooperz
1/7/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 Houston Below The Net 8 Hello Kitty Kushers
1/7/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 C9S1mp 6 Phoenix FireBAA TV
1/7/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 Mighty Groundstompers 1 Wheaton Shagon
1/7/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Bunyips 4 The Philadelphia Oreos
1/11/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 Skuwap 1 Washington DC Rangers
1/11/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 LI Ballerz 3 Edmond Comets
1/11/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 LA Hooperz 6 Delaware Ballers TV
1/11/2025 8:00:00 PM 8 Cotton Pickers 7 Topeka Golden City Warriors
1/11/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Mighty Groundstompers 8 Houston Below The Net TV
1/11/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 Bunyips 4 C9S1mp
1/11/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 The Philadelphia Oreos 7 Phoenix FireBAA
1/11/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 Hello Kitty Kushers 1 Wheaton Shagon
1/14/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 Washington DC Rangers 5 LI Ballerz
1/14/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Edmond Comets 4 Skuwap
1/14/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 Delaware Ballers 8 Cotton Pickers
1/14/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 Topeka Golden City Warriors 2 LA Hooperz
1/14/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 Houston Below The Net 2 Bunyips
1/14/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 C9S1mp 3 Mighty Groundstompers
1/14/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 Phoenix FireBAA 7 Hello Kitty Kushers
1/14/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 Wheaton Shagon 8 The Philadelphia Oreos TV
1/18/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Edmond Comets 1 Washington DC Rangers
1/18/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 LI Ballerz 6 Skuwap TV
1/18/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 Topeka Golden City Warriors 5 Delaware Ballers
1/18/2025 8:00:00 PM 8 Cotton Pickers 2 LA Hooperz
1/18/2025 8:00:00 PM 8 C9S1mp 6 Houston Below The Net
1/18/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 Bunyips 3 Mighty Groundstompers
1/18/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 Wheaton Shagon 4 Phoenix FireBAA
1/18/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 Hello Kitty Kushers 7 The Philadelphia Oreos
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 Washington DC Rangers 6 Houston Below The Net
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Edmond Comets 8 C9S1mp
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 Skuwap 3 Mighty Groundstompers
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 LI Ballerz 2 Bunyips
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 Delaware Ballers 4 Phoenix FireBAA
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 Topeka Golden City Warriors 1 Wheaton Shagon
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 LA Hooperz 5 The Philadelphia Oreos
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM 8 Cotton Pickers 7 Hello Kitty Kushers TV
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 8 C9S1mp 2 Washington DC Rangers
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Mighty Groundstompers 3 Edmond Comets
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 Bunyips 6 Skuwap TV
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 Phoenix FireBAA 4 LI Ballerz
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 Wheaton Shagon 5 Delaware Ballers
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 The Philadelphia Oreos 7 Topeka Golden City Warriors
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 Hello Kitty Kushers 1 LA Hooperz
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 Houston Below The Net 8 Cotton Pickers
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 Washington DC Rangers 3 Mighty Groundstompers
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Edmond Comets 2 Bunyips
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 Skuwap 4 Phoenix FireBAA
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 LI Ballerz 1 Wheaton Shagon
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 Delaware Ballers 6 The Philadelphia Oreos
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 Topeka Golden City Warriors 7 Hello Kitty Kushers
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 LA Hooperz 5 Houston Below The Net
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM 8 Cotton Pickers 8 C9S1mp
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 Bunyips 2 Washington DC Rangers
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 Phoenix FireBAA 3 Edmond Comets
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 Wheaton Shagon 7 Skuwap
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 The Philadelphia Oreos 4 LI Ballerz TV
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 Hello Kitty Kushers 5 Delaware Ballers
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 Houston Below The Net 6 Topeka Golden City Warriors
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM 8 C9S1mp 1 LA Hooperz
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Mighty Groundstompers 8 Cotton Pickers
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 Washington DC Rangers 4 Phoenix FireBAA
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Edmond Comets 2 Wheaton Shagon
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 Skuwap 7 The Philadelphia Oreos
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 LI Ballerz 6 Hello Kitty Kushers
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 Delaware Ballers 5 Houston Below The Net
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 Topeka Golden City Warriors 8 C9S1mp TV
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 LA Hooperz 3 Mighty Groundstompers
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 8 Cotton Pickers 1 Bunyips
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 Wheaton Shagon 2 Washington DC Rangers TV
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 The Philadelphia Oreos 3 Edmond Comets
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 Hello Kitty Kushers 7 Skuwap
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 Houston Below The Net 4 LI Ballerz
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM 8 C9S1mp 5 Delaware Ballers
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Mighty Groundstompers 6 Topeka Golden City Warriors
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 Bunyips 1 LA Hooperz
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 Phoenix FireBAA 8 Cotton Pickers
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 Washington DC Rangers 7 The Philadelphia Oreos
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Edmond Comets 6 Hello Kitty Kushers
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 Skuwap 5 Houston Below The Net
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 LI Ballerz 8 C9S1mp
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 Delaware Ballers 2 Mighty Groundstompers TV
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 Topeka Golden City Warriors 1 Bunyips
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 LA Hooperz 4 Phoenix FireBAA TV
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM 8 Cotton Pickers 3 Wheaton Shagon
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 Hello Kitty Kushers 2 Washington DC Rangers
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 Houston Below The Net 4 Edmond Comets TV
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM 8 C9S1mp 7 Skuwap
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Mighty Groundstompers 3 LI Ballerz
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 Bunyips 5 Delaware Ballers
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 Phoenix FireBAA 6 Topeka Golden City Warriors
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 Wheaton Shagon 1 LA Hooperz
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 The Philadelphia Oreos 8 Cotton Pickers
2/22/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 Washington DC Rangers 5 Delaware Ballers
2/22/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 Edmond Comets 6 Topeka Golden City Warriors
2/22/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 Skuwap 1 LA Hooperz
2/22/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 LI Ballerz 8 Cotton Pickers
2/22/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 Houston Below The Net 5 Phoenix FireBAA
2/22/2025 8:00:00 PM 8 C9S1mp 2 Wheaton Shagon
2/22/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Mighty Groundstompers 7 The Philadelphia Oreos
2/22/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 Bunyips 6 Hello Kitty Kushers TV
2/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 Topeka Golden City Warriors 3 Washington DC Rangers TV
2/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 LA Hooperz 4 Edmond Comets
2/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 8 Cotton Pickers 7 Skuwap
2/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 Delaware Ballers 2 LI Ballerz
2/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 Wheaton Shagon 4 Houston Below The Net
2/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 The Philadelphia Oreos 8 C9S1mp TV
2/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 Hello Kitty Kushers 3 Mighty Groundstompers
2/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 Phoenix FireBAA 1 Bunyips
3/1/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 Washington DC Rangers 1 LA Hooperz
3/1/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Edmond Comets 8 Cotton Pickers TV
3/1/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 Skuwap 5 Delaware Ballers
3/1/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 LI Ballerz 7 Topeka Golden City Warriors
3/1/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 Houston Below The Net 6 The Philadelphia Oreos
3/1/2025 8:00:00 PM 8 C9S1mp 7 Hello Kitty Kushers
3/1/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Mighty Groundstompers 5 Phoenix FireBAA
3/1/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 Bunyips 2 Wheaton Shagon
3/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 8 Cotton Pickers 2 Washington DC Rangers
3/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 Delaware Ballers 3 Edmond Comets
3/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 Topeka Golden City Warriors 7 Skuwap
3/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 LA Hooperz 5 LI Ballerz
3/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 Hello Kitty Kushers 5 Houston Below The Net
3/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 Phoenix FireBAA 8 C9S1mp
3/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 Wheaton Shagon 3 Mighty Groundstompers
3/4/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 The Philadelphia Oreos 2 Bunyips
3/8/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 Washington DC Rangers 6 Skuwap
3/8/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Edmond Comets 5 LI Ballerz
3/8/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 Delaware Ballers 1 LA Hooperz TV
3/8/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 Topeka Golden City Warriors 8 Cotton Pickers
3/8/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 Houston Below The Net 3 Mighty Groundstompers TV
3/8/2025 8:00:00 PM 8 C9S1mp 1 Bunyips
3/8/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 Phoenix FireBAA 6 The Philadelphia Oreos
3/8/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 Wheaton Shagon 7 Hello Kitty Kushers
3/11/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 LI Ballerz 2 Washington DC Rangers
3/11/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 Skuwap 3 Edmond Comets
3/11/2025 8:00:00 PM 8 Cotton Pickers 4 Delaware Ballers
3/11/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 LA Hooperz 6 Topeka Golden City Warriors
3/11/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 Bunyips 5 Houston Below The Net
3/11/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Mighty Groundstompers 8 C9S1mp
3/11/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 Hello Kitty Kushers 4 Phoenix FireBAA
3/11/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 The Philadelphia Oreos 2 Wheaton Shagon
3/15/2025 8:00:00 PM 2 Washington DC Rangers 3 Edmond Comets
3/15/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 Skuwap 5 LI Ballerz TV
3/15/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 Delaware Ballers 6 Topeka Golden City Warriors
3/15/2025 8:00:00 PM 1 LA Hooperz 8 Cotton Pickers
3/15/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 Houston Below The Net 8 C9S1mp
3/15/2025 8:00:00 PM 3 Mighty Groundstompers 1 Bunyips
3/15/2025 8:00:00 PM 4 Phoenix FireBAA 2 Wheaton Shagon TV
3/15/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 The Philadelphia Oreos 7 Hello Kitty Kushers
3/18/2025 8:00:00 PM Delaware Ballers LA Hooperz PO
3/18/2025 8:00:00 PM Edmond Comets Washington DC Rangers PO
3/18/2025 8:00:00 PM Phoenix FireBAA Bunyips PO
3/18/2025 8:00:00 PM Mighty Groundstompers Wheaton Shagon PO
3/18/2025 8:00:00 PM Hello Kitty Kushers LI Ballerz RL
3/18/2025 8:00:00 PM Skuwap Houston Below The Net RL
3/18/2025 8:00:00 PM Topeka Golden City Warriors The Philadelphia Oreos RL
3/22/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 LI Ballerz 7 Hello Kitty Kushers RL
3/22/2025 8:00:00 PM 5 Houston Below The Net 7 Skuwap RL
3/22/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 The Philadelphia Oreos 6 Topeka Golden City Warriors RL
3/22/2025 8:00:00 PM Washington DC Rangers LA Hooperz SF
3/22/2025 8:00:00 PM Phoenix FireBAA Wheaton Shagon SF
3/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 Hello Kitty Kushers 5 LI Ballerz TB
3/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 7 Skuwap 5 Houston Below The Net TB
3/25/2025 8:00:00 PM 6 Topeka Golden City Warriors 6 The Philadelphia Oreos TB
PO: Playoff RL: Relegation Match TB: Tie-Breaker SF: Semi-Final TV: Televised