Draft summary for league V.200 in season 65
Draft Round 1
Morin, Kyle Ghost Peppers 1 1
Libby, David ProClaberators 2 1
Fernandes, Jeremy Strapped 3 1
Waugh, Quinn Kentucky Bulls 4 1
Maturana, Alejandro Los Angels AQuA 5 1
Gay, Cordell Gorskinators 6 1
Chappell, Lloyd Minnesota Tigers 7 2
Yee, Leo golden spicy meat 8 1
Chaney, Isaac watts warriors 9 1
Landers, Kermit East Frankfort Gladiators 10 2
Wallis, Virgil chosenfewbeaversselect 11 1
Winston, Mikey Fighting Hurricanes 12 1
Kruger, Tommy Tapdogs 13 1
Miller, Ken Atlanta 96ers 14 1
Bowden, Noah new york jokes smart 15 1
Sandoval, Austin The cosmics 16 3
Draft Round 2
Castro, Brandon Ghost Peppers 17 2
Coker, Mac ProClaberators 18 2
Becerra, Stephen Strapped 19 3
Hay, Shawn Kentucky Bulls 20 2
Horne, Wilfred Los Angels AQuA 21 4
Duff, Daron Gorskinators 22 3
Strickland, Samuel Minnesota Tigers 23 3
Gravel, Ariel golden spicy meat 24 2
Cloud, Anthony watts warriors 25 3
Mora, Edgar East Frankfort Gladiators 26 3
Jingkai, Xie chosenfewbeaversselect 27 6
Christenson, Hans Fighting Hurricanes 28 5
Matthews, Jeff Tapdogs 29 2
Calloway, Fletcher Atlanta 96ers 30 4
McKinnon, Maxwell new york jokes smart 31 2
Samson, Salisu The cosmics 32 7
Draft Round 3
Bradshaw, Lewis Ghost Peppers 33 11
Grimm, Ty ProClaberators 34 7
Guanqin, Chang Strapped 35 7
McEwan, Evans Kentucky Bulls 36 5
Sauer, Willis Los Angels AQuA 37 11
Jordan, Freddy Gorskinators 38 11
Arredondo, Lorenzo Minnesota Tigers 39 4
Calloway, Braxton golden spicy meat 40 8
Todd, Marquis watts warriors 41 5
Esposito, Casey East Frankfort Gladiators 42 11
Voss, Christian chosenfewbeaversselect 43 7
Rosado, Morton Fighting Hurricanes 44 21
Lewis, Benjamin Tapdogs 45 7
Crowell, Jim Atlanta 96ers 46 31
Woods, Everett new york jokes smart 47 14
Collier, Mitchell The cosmics 48 17