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League Schedule -- Season 67
Date/Time Away team Status Home team
12/28/2024 2:00:00 PM The Devils Inside los manso 1410
12/28/2024 2:00:00 PM Castellon Beef Ultima Polaris
12/28/2024 2:00:00 PM Badalona Senses55C dkv blasko7
12/28/2024 2:00:00 PM LOS DUMILDES Jotuners
12/28/2024 2:00:00 PM 5 Stars Basket Test Team
12/28/2024 2:00:00 PM Black Summer0A0 flo fc
12/28/2024 2:00:00 PM Jalufos desbocados ourense cob
12/28/2024 2:00:00 PM The Jailbrazzers Zorrilla Valladolid TV
12/31/2024 2:00:00 PM 7 los manso 1410 3 Castellon Beef TV
12/31/2024 2:00:00 PM 6 Ultima Polaris 5 Badalona Senses55C
12/31/2024 2:00:00 PM 4 dkv blasko7 8 LOS DUMILDES
12/31/2024 2:00:00 PM 1 Jotuners 2 The Devils Inside
12/31/2024 2:00:00 PM 5 Test Team 8 Black Summer0A0
12/31/2024 2:00:00 PM 1 flo fc 7 Jalufos desbocados
12/31/2024 2:00:00 PM 2 ourense cob 3 The Jailbrazzers
12/31/2024 2:00:00 PM 6 Zorrilla Valladolid 4 5 Stars Basket
1/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Badalona Senses55C 7 los manso 1410
1/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 LOS DUMILDES 6 Ultima Polaris TV
1/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 The Devils Inside 2 dkv blasko7
1/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 Castellon Beef 3 Jotuners
1/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Jalufos desbocados 4 Test Team
1/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 The Jailbrazzers 3 flo fc
1/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 5 Stars Basket 5 ourense cob
1/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Black Summer0A0 7 Zorrilla Valladolid
1/7/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 los manso 1410 8 LOS DUMILDES
1/7/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Ultima Polaris 5 The Devils Inside
1/7/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 dkv blasko7 3 Castellon Beef
1/7/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 Jotuners 4 Badalona Senses55C
1/7/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 Test Team 5 The Jailbrazzers
1/7/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 flo fc 3 5 Stars Basket TV
1/7/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 ourense cob 8 Black Summer0A0
1/7/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Zorrilla Valladolid 7 Jalufos desbocados
1/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 dkv blasko7 7 los manso 1410
1/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 Jotuners 6 Ultima Polaris
1/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Badalona Senses55C 3 The Devils Inside TV
1/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 LOS DUMILDES 4 Castellon Beef
1/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 ourense cob 5 Test Team TV
1/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Zorrilla Valladolid 4 flo fc
1/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Jalufos desbocados 2 5 Stars Basket
1/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 The Jailbrazzers 8 Black Summer0A0
1/14/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 los manso 1410 2 Jotuners
1/14/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Ultima Polaris 1 dkv blasko7
1/14/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 The Devils Inside 8 LOS DUMILDES
1/14/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 Castellon Beef 5 Badalona Senses55C
1/14/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 Test Team 7 Zorrilla Valladolid
1/14/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 flo fc 4 ourense cob
1/14/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 5 Stars Basket 5 The Jailbrazzers
1/14/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Black Summer0A0 6 Jalufos desbocados TV
1/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Ultima Polaris 6 los manso 1410
1/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 Jotuners 2 dkv blasko7 TV
1/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Castellon Beef 3 The Devils Inside
1/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 LOS DUMILDES 5 Badalona Senses55C
1/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 flo fc 5 Test Team
1/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Zorrilla Valladolid 2 ourense cob
1/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Black Summer0A0 1 5 Stars Basket
1/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 The Jailbrazzers 7 Jalufos desbocados
1/21/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 los manso 1410 5 Test Team
1/21/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Ultima Polaris 4 flo fc
1/21/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 dkv blasko7 2 ourense cob
1/21/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 Jotuners 6 Zorrilla Valladolid
1/21/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 The Devils Inside 1 5 Stars Basket
1/21/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Castellon Beef 8 Black Summer0A0
1/21/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Badalona Senses55C 7 Jalufos desbocados
1/21/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 LOS DUMILDES 3 The Jailbrazzers TV
1/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 flo fc 6 los manso 1410
1/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 ourense cob 7 Ultima Polaris
1/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Zorrilla Valladolid 4 dkv blasko7 TV
1/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 5 Stars Basket 1 Jotuners
1/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Black Summer0A0 2 The Devils Inside
1/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Jalufos desbocados 5 Castellon Beef
1/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 The Jailbrazzers 3 Badalona Senses55C
1/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Test Team 8 LOS DUMILDES
1/28/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 los manso 1410 1 ourense cob
1/28/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Ultima Polaris 7 Zorrilla Valladolid
1/28/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 dkv blasko7 3 5 Stars Basket
1/28/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 Jotuners 6 Black Summer0A0
1/28/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 The Devils Inside 8 Jalufos desbocados
1/28/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Castellon Beef 2 The Jailbrazzers
1/28/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Badalona Senses55C 5 Test Team
1/28/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 LOS DUMILDES 4 flo fc
2/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Zorrilla Valladolid 6 los manso 1410
2/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 5 Stars Basket 7 Ultima Polaris
2/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Black Summer0A0 3 dkv blasko7
2/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Jalufos desbocados 1 Jotuners TV
2/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 The Jailbrazzers 2 The Devils Inside
2/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Test Team 5 Castellon Beef
2/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 flo fc 4 Badalona Senses55C
2/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 ourense cob 8 LOS DUMILDES
2/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 los manso 1410 2 5 Stars Basket
2/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Ultima Polaris 8 Black Summer0A0
2/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 dkv blasko7 7 Jalufos desbocados
2/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 Jotuners 3 The Jailbrazzers
2/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 The Devils Inside 5 Test Team
2/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Castellon Beef 4 flo fc TV
2/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Badalona Senses55C 1 ourense cob
2/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 LOS DUMILDES 6 Zorrilla Valladolid
2/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Black Summer0A0 6 los manso 1410 TV
2/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Jalufos desbocados 7 Ultima Polaris
2/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 The Jailbrazzers 3 dkv blasko7
2/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Test Team 1 Jotuners
2/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 flo fc 2 The Devils Inside
2/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 ourense cob 4 Castellon Beef
2/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Zorrilla Valladolid 5 Badalona Senses55C
2/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 5 Stars Basket 8 LOS DUMILDES
2/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 los manso 1410 7 Jalufos desbocados
2/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Ultima Polaris 3 The Jailbrazzers
2/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 dkv blasko7 5 Test Team
2/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 Jotuners 4 flo fc
2/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 The Devils Inside 1 ourense cob TV
2/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Castellon Beef 6 Zorrilla Valladolid
2/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Badalona Senses55C 2 5 Stars Basket TV
2/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 LOS DUMILDES 8 Black Summer0A0
2/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 The Jailbrazzers 6 los manso 1410
2/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Test Team 7 Ultima Polaris TV
2/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 flo fc 3 dkv blasko7
2/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 ourense cob 1 Jotuners
2/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Zorrilla Valladolid 2 The Devils Inside
2/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 5 Stars Basket 4 Castellon Beef
2/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Black Summer0A0 5 Badalona Senses55C
2/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Jalufos desbocados 8 LOS DUMILDES
2/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 los manso 1410 2 The Devils Inside
2/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Ultima Polaris 5 Castellon Beef
2/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 dkv blasko7 4 Badalona Senses55C
2/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 Jotuners 8 LOS DUMILDES
2/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Test Team 1 5 Stars Basket
2/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 flo fc 8 Black Summer0A0
2/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 ourense cob 6 Jalufos desbocados
2/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Zorrilla Valladolid 3 The Jailbrazzers TV
2/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Castellon Beef 7 los manso 1410 TV
2/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Badalona Senses55C 6 Ultima Polaris
2/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 LOS DUMILDES 3 dkv blasko7
2/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 The Devils Inside 1 Jotuners
2/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Black Summer0A0 5 Test Team
2/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Jalufos desbocados 4 flo fc TV
2/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 The Jailbrazzers 2 ourense cob
2/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 5 Stars Basket 6 Zorrilla Valladolid
3/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 los manso 1410 4 Badalona Senses55C
3/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Ultima Polaris 8 LOS DUMILDES TV
3/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 dkv blasko7 3 The Devils Inside
3/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 Jotuners 5 Castellon Beef
3/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Test Team 7 Jalufos desbocados
3/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 flo fc 3 The Jailbrazzers
3/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 ourense cob 2 5 Stars Basket
3/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Zorrilla Valladolid 8 Black Summer0A0
3/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 LOS DUMILDES 7 los manso 1410
3/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 The Devils Inside 6 Ultima Polaris
3/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Castellon Beef 2 dkv blasko7
3/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Badalona Senses55C 1 Jotuners
3/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 The Jailbrazzers 5 Test Team
3/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 5 Stars Basket 4 flo fc
3/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Black Summer0A0 2 ourense cob
3/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Jalufos desbocados 6 Zorrilla Valladolid
3/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 los manso 1410 2 dkv blasko7
3/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Ultima Polaris 1 Jotuners
3/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 The Devils Inside 5 Badalona Senses55C TV
3/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Castellon Beef 8 LOS DUMILDES
3/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Test Team 2 ourense cob TV
3/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 flo fc 5 Zorrilla Valladolid
3/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 5 Stars Basket 7 Jalufos desbocados
3/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Black Summer0A0 3 The Jailbrazzers
3/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 Jotuners 7 los manso 1410
3/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 dkv blasko7 6 Ultima Polaris
3/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 LOS DUMILDES 5 The Devils Inside
3/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 Badalona Senses55C 4 Castellon Beef
3/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Zorrilla Valladolid 5 Test Team
3/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 ourense cob 6 flo fc
3/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 The Jailbrazzers 1 5 Stars Basket
3/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Jalufos desbocados 8 Black Summer0A0
3/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 los manso 1410 6 Ultima Polaris
3/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 dkv blasko7 1 Jotuners TV
3/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 The Devils Inside 3 Castellon Beef
3/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Badalona Senses55C 8 LOS DUMILDES
3/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Test Team3B1 5 flo fc
3/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 ourense cob 4 Zorrilla Valladolid
3/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 5 Stars Basket 8 Black Summer0A0 TV
3/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Jalufos desbocados 3 The Jailbrazzers
3/18/2025 2:00:00 PM The Devils Inside Jotuners PO
3/18/2025 2:00:00 PM Castellon Beef dkv blasko7 PO
3/18/2025 2:00:00 PM Zorrilla Valladolid 5 Stars Basket PO
3/18/2025 2:00:00 PM The Jailbrazzers ourense cob PO
3/18/2025 2:00:00 PM Jalufos desbocados Badalona Senses55C RL
3/18/2025 2:00:00 PM los manso 1410 flo fc RL
3/18/2025 2:00:00 PM Ultima Polaris Test Team3B1 RL
3/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Badalona Senses55C 7 Jalufos desbocados RL
3/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 flo fc 7 los manso 1410 RL
3/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Test Team3B1 6 Ultima Polaris RL
3/22/2025 2:00:00 PM dkv blasko7 Jotuners SF
3/22/2025 2:00:00 PM ourense cob 5 Stars Basket SF
3/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Jalufos desbocados 5 Badalona Senses55C TB
3/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 los manso 1410 5 flo fc TB
3/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Ultima Polaris 6 Test Team3B1 TB
PO: Playoff RL: Relegation Match TB: Tie-Breaker SF: Semi-Final TV: Televised