IV.26 Great 8

Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games

Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
Sneak Peek
Season Schedule
12/28/2024 7:00:00 PM  BIG Bruzerz  The Gigantics  119 - 136
12/28/2024 7:00:00 PM  Toronto Strong  laldlglk  119 - 120
12/28/2024 7:00:00 PM  OTG Killahs  Nation of Domination  92 - 102
12/28/2024 7:00:00 PM  Regina Knights  TeamBC  121 - 116
12/31/2024 7:00:00 PM  laldlglk  OTG Killahs  120 - 127
12/31/2024 7:00:00 PM  Nation of Domination  Regina Knights  97 - 118
12/31/2024 7:00:00 PM  TeamBC  BIG Bruzerz  103 - 122
12/31/2024 7:00:00 PM  The Gigantics  Toronto Strong  140 - 137
1/4/2025 7:00:00 PM  Regina Knights  laldlglk  124 - 143
1/4/2025 7:00:00 PM  OTG Killahs  The Gigantics  132 - 140
1/4/2025 7:00:00 PM  BIG Bruzerz  Nation of Domination  110 - 107
1/4/2025 7:00:00 PM  Toronto Strong  TeamBC  117 - 125
1/7/2025 7:00:00 PM  The Gigantics  Regina Knights  131 - 138
1/7/2025 7:00:00 PM  laldlglk  BIG Bruzerz  114 - 116
1/7/2025 7:00:00 PM  Nation of Domination  Toronto Strong  95 - 120
1/7/2025 7:00:00 PM  TeamBC  OTG Killahs  112 - 107
1/11/2025 7:00:00 PM  Nation of Domination  The Gigantics  98 - 109
1/11/2025 7:00:00 PM  TeamBC  laldlglk  127 - 134
1/11/2025 7:00:00 PM  Regina Knights  Toronto Strong  150 - 145
1/11/2025 7:00:00 PM  OTG Killahs  BIG Bruzerz  127 - 140
1/14/2025 7:00:00 PM  The Gigantics  TeamBC  122 - 125
1/14/2025 7:00:00 PM  laldlglk  Nation of Domination  101 - 100
1/14/2025 7:00:00 PM  BIG Bruzerz  Regina Knights  105 - 125
1/14/2025 7:00:00 PM  Toronto Strong  OTG Killahs  91 - 108
1/18/2025 7:00:00 PM  laldlglk  The Gigantics  104 - 122
1/18/2025 7:00:00 PM  Toronto Strong  BIG Bruzerz  117 - 108
1/18/2025 7:00:00 PM  Regina Knights  OTG Killahs  143 - 141
1/18/2025 7:00:00 PM  TeamBC  Nation of Domination  98 - 106
1/21/2025 7:00:00 PM  Regina Knights  BeastMode2787  103 - 118
1/21/2025 7:00:00 PM  The Gigantics  Capital City Capitals  121 - 114
1/21/2025 7:00:00 PM  laldlglk  Toronto Toro  141 - 146
1/21/2025 7:00:00 PM  Nation of Domination  Summerside Storm  105 - 114
1/21/2025 7:00:00 PM  TeamBC  Richmond Pork Chops  99 - 107
1/21/2025 7:00:00 PM  BIG Bruzerz  zozikings  136 - 131
1/21/2025 7:00:00 PM  Toronto Strong  炮轰大师®TM  106 - 118
1/21/2025 7:00:00 PM  OTG Killahs  mousketeers  100 - 99
1/25/2025 7:00:00 PM  Toronto Toro  The Gigantics 
1/25/2025 7:00:00 PM  Summerside Storm  laldlglk 
1/25/2025 7:00:00 PM  zozikings  TeamBC 
1/25/2025 7:00:00 PM  炮轰大师®TM  BIG Bruzerz 
1/25/2025 7:00:00 PM  mousketeers  Toronto Strong 
1/25/2025 7:00:00 PM  BeastMode2787  OTG Killahs 
1/25/2025 7:00:00 PM  Capital City Capitals  Regina Knights 
1/25/2025 7:00:00 PM  Richmond Pork Chops  Nation of Domination 
1/28/2025 7:00:00 PM  The Gigantics  Summerside Storm 
1/28/2025 7:00:00 PM  laldlglk  Richmond Pork Chops 
1/28/2025 7:00:00 PM  Nation of Domination  zozikings 
1/28/2025 7:00:00 PM  TeamBC  炮轰大师®TM 
1/28/2025 7:00:00 PM  BIG Bruzerz  mousketeers 
1/28/2025 7:00:00 PM  Toronto Strong  BeastMode2787 
1/28/2025 7:00:00 PM  OTG Killahs  Capital City Capitals 
1/28/2025 7:00:00 PM  Regina Knights  Toronto Toro 
2/1/2025 7:00:00 PM  Richmond Pork Chops  The Gigantics 
2/1/2025 7:00:00 PM  zozikings  laldlglk 
2/1/2025 7:00:00 PM  炮轰大师®TM  Nation of Domination 
2/1/2025 7:00:00 PM  BeastMode2787  BIG Bruzerz 
2/1/2025 7:00:00 PM  Capital City Capitals  Toronto Strong 
2/1/2025 7:00:00 PM  Toronto Toro  OTG Killahs 
2/1/2025 7:00:00 PM  Summerside Storm  Regina Knights 
2/1/2025 7:00:00 PM  mousketeers  TeamBC 
2/4/2025 7:00:00 PM  Toronto Strong  Toronto Toro 
2/4/2025 7:00:00 PM  The Gigantics  zozikings 
2/4/2025 7:00:00 PM  laldlglk  炮轰大师®TM 
2/4/2025 7:00:00 PM  Nation of Domination  mousketeers 
2/4/2025 7:00:00 PM  TeamBC  BeastMode2787 
2/4/2025 7:00:00 PM  BIG Bruzerz  Capital City Capitals 
2/4/2025 7:00:00 PM  OTG Killahs  Summerside Storm 
2/4/2025 7:00:00 PM  Regina Knights  Richmond Pork Chops 
2/8/2025 7:00:00 PM  mousketeers  laldlglk 
2/8/2025 7:00:00 PM  BeastMode2787  Nation of Domination 
2/8/2025 7:00:00 PM  Capital City Capitals  TeamBC 
2/8/2025 7:00:00 PM  Toronto Toro  BIG Bruzerz 
2/8/2025 7:00:00 PM  Summerside Storm  Toronto Strong 
2/8/2025 7:00:00 PM  Richmond Pork Chops  OTG Killahs 
2/8/2025 7:00:00 PM  zozikings  Regina Knights 
2/8/2025 7:00:00 PM  炮轰大师®TM  The Gigantics 
2/15/2025 7:00:00 PM  BIG Bruzerz  Summerside Storm 
2/15/2025 7:00:00 PM  OTG Killahs  zozikings 
2/15/2025 7:00:00 PM  The Gigantics  mousketeers 
2/15/2025 7:00:00 PM  laldlglk  BeastMode2787 
2/15/2025 7:00:00 PM  Nation of Domination  Capital City Capitals 
2/15/2025 7:00:00 PM  TeamBC  Toronto Toro 
2/15/2025 7:00:00 PM  Toronto Strong  Richmond Pork Chops 
2/15/2025 7:00:00 PM  Regina Knights  炮轰大师®TM 
2/18/2025 7:00:00 PM  BeastMode2787  The Gigantics 
2/18/2025 7:00:00 PM  Toronto Toro  Nation of Domination 
2/18/2025 7:00:00 PM  Summerside Storm  TeamBC 
2/18/2025 7:00:00 PM  Richmond Pork Chops  BIG Bruzerz 
2/18/2025 7:00:00 PM  zozikings  Toronto Strong 
2/18/2025 7:00:00 PM  炮轰大师®TM  OTG Killahs 
2/18/2025 7:00:00 PM  mousketeers  Regina Knights 
2/18/2025 7:00:00 PM  Capital City Capitals  laldlglk 
2/22/2025 7:00:00 PM  The Gigantics  BIG Bruzerz 
2/22/2025 7:00:00 PM  laldlglk  Toronto Strong 
2/22/2025 7:00:00 PM  Nation of Domination  OTG Killahs 
2/22/2025 7:00:00 PM  TeamBC  Regina Knights 
2/25/2025 7:00:00 PM  OTG Killahs  laldlglk 
2/25/2025 7:00:00 PM  Regina Knights  Nation of Domination 
2/25/2025 7:00:00 PM  BIG Bruzerz  TeamBC 
2/25/2025 7:00:00 PM  Toronto Strong  The Gigantics 
3/1/2025 7:00:00 PM  laldlglk  Regina Knights 
3/1/2025 7:00:00 PM  The Gigantics  OTG Killahs 
3/1/2025 7:00:00 PM  Nation of Domination  BIG Bruzerz 
3/1/2025 7:00:00 PM  TeamBC  Toronto Strong 
3/4/2025 7:00:00 PM  Regina Knights  The Gigantics 
3/4/2025 7:00:00 PM  BIG Bruzerz  laldlglk 
3/4/2025 7:00:00 PM  Toronto Strong  Nation of Domination 
3/4/2025 7:00:00 PM  OTG Killahs  TeamBC 
3/8/2025 7:00:00 PM  The Gigantics  Nation of Domination 
3/8/2025 7:00:00 PM  laldlglk  TeamBC 
3/8/2025 7:00:00 PM  Toronto Strong  Regina Knights 
3/8/2025 7:00:00 PM  BIG Bruzerz  OTG Killahs 
3/11/2025 7:00:00 PM  TeamBC  The Gigantics 
3/11/2025 7:00:00 PM  Nation of Domination  laldlglk 
3/11/2025 7:00:00 PM  Regina Knights  BIG Bruzerz 
3/11/2025 7:00:00 PM  OTG Killahs  Toronto Strong 
3/15/2025 7:00:00 PM  The Gigantics  laldlglk 
3/15/2025 7:00:00 PM  BIG Bruzerz  Toronto Strong 
3/15/2025 7:00:00 PM  OTG Killahs  Regina Knights 
3/15/2025 7:00:00 PM  Nation of Domination  TeamBC 