League Schedule -- Season 67
Date/Time Away team Status Home team
12/28/2024 1:35:00 PM WW Blacks Devs The Bombers23F
12/28/2024 1:35:00 PM RC Belboys Hits Tiegem
12/28/2024 1:35:00 PM Racing Belboys Omaha BC
12/28/2024 1:35:00 PM Clube do Prédio Espoirs Asquillies
12/28/2024 1:35:00 PM Buzzeeerz The CUNIT Buccaneers
12/28/2024 1:35:00 PM Ciney Brewers Celtics Boston nbaAB9
12/28/2024 1:35:00 PM bbc erembodegem Antwerp Tigers
12/28/2024 1:35:00 PM The giants bcA67 Years Balei TV
12/31/2024 1:35:00 PM 4 The Bombers23F 7 RC Belboys TV
12/31/2024 1:35:00 PM 2 Hits Tiegem 1 Racing Belboys
12/31/2024 1:35:00 PM 8 Omaha BC 3 Clube do Prédio
12/31/2024 1:35:00 PM 5 Espoirs Asquillies 6 WW Blacks Devs
12/31/2024 1:35:00 PM 1 The CUNIT Buccaneers 4 Ciney Brewers
12/31/2024 1:35:00 PM 5 Celtics Boston nbaAB9 6 bbc erembodegem
12/31/2024 1:35:00 PM 3 Antwerp Tigers 7 The giants bcA67
12/31/2024 1:35:00 PM 2 Years Balei 8 Buzzeeerz
1/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 Racing Belboys 2 The Bombers23F
1/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 Clube do Prédio 5 Hits Tiegem TV
1/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 WW Blacks Devs 7 Omaha BC
1/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 8 RC Belboys 6 Espoirs Asquillies
1/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 bbc erembodegem 1 The CUNIT Buccaneers
1/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 The giants bcA67 7 Celtics Boston nbaAB9
1/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 8 Buzzeeerz 3 Antwerp Tigers
1/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 Ciney Brewers 2 Years Balei
1/7/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 The Bombers23F 4 Clube do Prédio
1/7/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 Hits Tiegem 7 WW Blacks Devs
1/7/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 Omaha BC 8 RC Belboys
1/7/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 Espoirs Asquillies 2 Racing Belboys
1/7/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 The CUNIT Buccaneers 7 The giants bcA67
1/7/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 Celtics Boston nbaAB9 8 Buzzeeerz TV
1/7/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 Antwerp Tigers 6 Ciney Brewers
1/7/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 Years Balei 5 bbc erembodegem
1/11/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 Omaha BC 1 The Bombers23F
1/11/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 Espoirs Asquillies 3 Hits Tiegem
1/11/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 Racing Belboys 8 WW Blacks Devs TV
1/11/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 Clube do Prédio 7 RC Belboys
1/11/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 Antwerp Tigers 1 The CUNIT Buccaneers TV
1/11/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 Years Balei 3 Celtics Boston nbaAB9
1/11/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 bbc erembodegem 8 Buzzeeerz
1/11/2025 1:35:00 PM 7 The giants bcA67 5 Ciney Brewers
1/14/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 The Bombers23F 8 Espoirs Asquillies
1/14/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 Hits Tiegem 7 Omaha BC
1/14/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 WW Blacks Devs 6 Clube do Prédio
1/14/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 RC Belboys 3 Racing Belboys
1/14/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 The CUNIT Buccaneers 2 Years Balei
1/14/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 Celtics Boston nbaAB9 6 Antwerp Tigers
1/14/2025 1:35:00 PM 8 Buzzeeerz 7 The giants bcA67
1/14/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 Ciney Brewers 5 bbc erembodegem TV
1/18/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 Hits Tiegem 2 The Bombers23F
1/18/2025 1:35:00 PM 7 Espoirs Asquillies 8 Omaha BC TV
1/18/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 RC Belboys 5 WW Blacks Devs
1/18/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 Clube do Prédio 3 Racing Belboys
1/18/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 Celtics Boston nbaAB9 1 The CUNIT Buccaneers
1/18/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 Years Balei 6 Antwerp Tigers
1/18/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 Ciney Brewers 8 Buzzeeerz
1/18/2025 1:35:00 PM 7 The giants bcA67 4 bbc erembodegem
1/21/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 The Bombers23F 1 The CUNIT Buccaneers
1/21/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 Hits Tiegem 6 Celtics Boston nbaAB9
1/21/2025 1:35:00 PM 8 Omaha BC 4 Antwerp Tigers
1/21/2025 1:35:00 PM 7 Espoirs Asquillies 2 Years Balei
1/21/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 WW Blacks Devs 8 Buzzeeerz
1/21/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 RC Belboys 5 Ciney Brewers
1/21/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 Racing Belboys 3 bbc erembodegem
1/21/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 Clube do Prédio 7 The giants bcA67 TV
1/25/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 Celtics Boston nbaAB9 2 The Bombers23F
1/25/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 Antwerp Tigers 3 Hits Tiegem
1/25/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 Years Balei 8 Omaha BC TV
1/25/2025 1:35:00 PM 8 Buzzeeerz 7 Espoirs Asquillies
1/25/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 Ciney Brewers 4 WW Blacks Devs
1/25/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 bbc erembodegem 6 RC Belboys
1/25/2025 1:35:00 PM 7 The giants bcA67 1 Racing Belboys
1/25/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 The CUNIT Buccaneers 5 Clube do Prédio
1/28/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 The Bombers23F 2 Antwerp Tigers
1/28/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 Hits Tiegem 3 Years Balei
1/28/2025 1:35:00 PM 8 Omaha BC 8 Buzzeeerz
1/28/2025 1:35:00 PM 7 Espoirs Asquillies 6 Ciney Brewers
1/28/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 WW Blacks Devs 4 bbc erembodegem
1/28/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 RC Belboys 7 The giants bcA67
1/28/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 Racing Belboys 1 The CUNIT Buccaneers
1/28/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 Clube do Prédio 5 Celtics Boston nbaAB9
2/1/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 Years Balei 2 The Bombers23F
2/1/2025 1:35:00 PM 8 Buzzeeerz 3 Hits Tiegem
2/1/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 Ciney Brewers 8 Omaha BC
2/1/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 bbc erembodegem 7 Espoirs Asquillies TV
2/1/2025 1:35:00 PM 7 The giants bcA67 5 WW Blacks Devs
2/1/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 The CUNIT Buccaneers 4 RC Belboys
2/1/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 Celtics Boston nbaAB9 1 Racing Belboys
2/1/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 Antwerp Tigers 6 Clube do Prédio
2/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 The Bombers23F 8 Buzzeeerz
2/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 Hits Tiegem 4 Ciney Brewers
2/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 8 Omaha BC 3 bbc erembodegem
2/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 7 Espoirs Asquillies 7 The giants bcA67
2/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 WW Blacks Devs 2 The CUNIT Buccaneers
2/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 RC Belboys 6 Celtics Boston nbaAB9 TV
2/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 Racing Belboys 1 Antwerp Tigers
2/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 Clube do Prédio 5 Years Balei
2/8/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 Ciney Brewers 2 The Bombers23F TV
2/8/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 bbc erembodegem 3 Hits Tiegem
2/8/2025 1:35:00 PM 7 The giants bcA67 8 Omaha BC
2/8/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 The CUNIT Buccaneers 7 Espoirs Asquillies
2/8/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 Celtics Boston nbaAB9 5 WW Blacks Devs
2/8/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 Antwerp Tigers 4 RC Belboys
2/8/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 Years Balei 1 Racing Belboys
2/8/2025 1:35:00 PM 8 Buzzeeerz 6 Clube do Prédio
2/15/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 The Bombers23F 2 bbc erembodegem
2/15/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 Hits Tiegem 7 The giants bcA67
2/15/2025 1:35:00 PM 8 Omaha BC 3 The CUNIT Buccaneers
2/15/2025 1:35:00 PM 7 Espoirs Asquillies 5 Celtics Boston nbaAB9
2/15/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 WW Blacks Devs 1 Antwerp Tigers TV
2/15/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 RC Belboys 4 Years Balei
2/15/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 Racing Belboys 8 Buzzeeerz TV
2/15/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 Clube do Prédio 6 Ciney Brewers
2/18/2025 1:35:00 PM 7 The giants bcA67 2 The Bombers23F
2/18/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 The CUNIT Buccaneers 3 Hits Tiegem TV
2/18/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 Celtics Boston nbaAB9 8 Omaha BC
2/18/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 Antwerp Tigers 7 Espoirs Asquillies
2/18/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 Years Balei 6 WW Blacks Devs
2/18/2025 1:35:00 PM 8 Buzzeeerz 4 RC Belboys
2/18/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 Ciney Brewers 1 Racing Belboys
2/18/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 bbc erembodegem 5 Clube do Prédio
2/22/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 The Bombers23F 6 WW Blacks Devs
2/22/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 Hits Tiegem 4 RC Belboys
2/22/2025 1:35:00 PM 8 Omaha BC 1 Racing Belboys
2/22/2025 1:35:00 PM 7 Espoirs Asquillies 5 Clube do Prédio
2/22/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 The CUNIT Buccaneers 8 Buzzeeerz
2/22/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 Celtics Boston nbaAB9 6 Ciney Brewers
2/22/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 Antwerp Tigers 2 bbc erembodegem
2/22/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 Years Balei 7 The giants bcA67 TV
2/25/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 RC Belboys 2 The Bombers23F TV
2/25/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 Racing Belboys 3 Hits Tiegem
2/25/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 Clube do Prédio 8 Omaha BC
2/25/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 WW Blacks Devs 7 Espoirs Asquillies
2/25/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 Ciney Brewers 2 The CUNIT Buccaneers
2/25/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 bbc erembodegem 4 Celtics Boston nbaAB9 TV
2/25/2025 1:35:00 PM 7 The giants bcA67 1 Antwerp Tigers
2/25/2025 1:35:00 PM 8 Buzzeeerz 5 Years Balei
3/1/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 The Bombers23F 1 Racing Belboys
3/1/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 Hits Tiegem 5 Clube do Prédio TV
3/1/2025 1:35:00 PM 8 Omaha BC 6 WW Blacks Devs
3/1/2025 1:35:00 PM 7 Espoirs Asquillies 4 RC Belboys
3/1/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 The CUNIT Buccaneers 5 bbc erembodegem
3/1/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 Celtics Boston nbaAB9 7 The giants bcA67
3/1/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 Antwerp Tigers 8 Buzzeeerz
3/1/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 Years Balei 6 Ciney Brewers
3/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 Clube do Prédio 2 The Bombers23F
3/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 WW Blacks Devs 3 Hits Tiegem
3/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 RC Belboys 8 Omaha BC
3/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 Racing Belboys 7 Espoirs Asquillies
3/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 7 The giants bcA67 2 The CUNIT Buccaneers
3/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 8 Buzzeeerz 3 Celtics Boston nbaAB9
3/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 Ciney Brewers 1 Antwerp Tigers
3/4/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 bbc erembodegem 4 Years Balei
3/8/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 The Bombers23F 8 Omaha BC
3/8/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 Hits Tiegem 7 Espoirs Asquillies
3/8/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 WW Blacks Devs 1 Racing Belboys TV
3/8/2025 1:35:00 PM 4 RC Belboys 5 Clube do Prédio
3/8/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 The CUNIT Buccaneers 1 Antwerp Tigers TV
3/8/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 Celtics Boston nbaAB9 4 Years Balei
3/8/2025 1:35:00 PM 8 Buzzeeerz 5 bbc erembodegem
3/8/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 Ciney Brewers 7 The giants bcA67
3/11/2025 1:35:00 PM 8 Espoirs Asquillies 3 The Bombers23F
3/11/2025 1:35:00 PM 7 Omaha BC 2 Hits Tiegem
3/11/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 Clube do Prédio 6 WW Blacks Devs
3/11/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 Racing Belboys 4 RC Belboys
3/11/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 Years Balei 2 The CUNIT Buccaneers
3/11/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 Antwerp Tigers 4 Celtics Boston nbaAB9
3/11/2025 1:35:00 PM 7 The giants bcA67 8 Buzzeeerz
3/11/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 bbc erembodegem 6 Ciney Brewers
3/15/2025 1:35:00 PM 3 The Bombers23F 2 Hits Tiegem
3/15/2025 1:35:00 PM 7 Omaha BC 8 Espoirs Asquillies TV
3/15/2025 1:35:00 PM 6 WW Blacks Devs 4 RC Belboys
3/15/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 Racing Belboys 5 Clube do Prédio
3/15/2025 1:35:00 PM 2 The CUNIT Buccaneers 3 Celtics Boston nbaAB9
3/15/2025 1:35:00 PM 1 Antwerp Tigers 4 Years Balei
3/15/2025 1:35:00 PM 8 Buzzeeerz 6 Ciney Brewers TV
3/15/2025 1:35:00 PM 5 bbc erembodegem 7 The giants bcA67
TV: Televised