League Schedule -- Season 67
Date/Time Away team Status Home team
12/28/2024 5:00:00 PM LoSMoNoS Doctors Minuano
12/28/2024 5:00:00 PM 2+1 BBC Karroch
12/28/2024 5:00:00 PM Tarariras Wanderers Basket Club
12/28/2024 5:00:00 PM the champs 9639 Texans Paguero
12/28/2024 5:00:00 PM la pelotita T.I. Master
12/28/2024 5:00:00 PM CallOfDutyBallers C.A Aguada
12/28/2024 5:00:00 PM A Lo Verde Manyacarbon
12/28/2024 5:00:00 PM TROUVILLE 05 Trappers Aguas Corrientes TV
12/31/2024 5:00:00 PM 3 Doctors Minuano 8 2+1 BBC TV
12/31/2024 5:00:00 PM 1 Karroch 5 Tarariras
12/31/2024 5:00:00 PM 4 Wanderers Basket Club 2 the champs 9639
12/31/2024 5:00:00 PM 7 Texans Paguero 6 LoSMoNoS
12/31/2024 5:00:00 PM 4 T.I. Master 3 CallOfDutyBallers
12/31/2024 5:00:00 PM 6 C.A Aguada 8 A Lo Verde
12/31/2024 5:00:00 PM 1 Manyacarbon 7 TROUVILLE 05
12/31/2024 5:00:00 PM 2 Trappers Aguas Corrientes 5 la pelotita
1/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 5 Tarariras 4 Doctors Minuano
1/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 the champs 9639 2 Karroch TV
1/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 LoSMoNoS 6 Wanderers Basket Club
1/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 2+1 BBC 8 Texans Paguero
1/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 5 A Lo Verde 6 T.I. Master
1/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 TROUVILLE 05 8 C.A Aguada
1/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 la pelotita 4 Manyacarbon
1/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 CallOfDutyBallers 2 Trappers Aguas Corrientes
1/7/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 Doctors Minuano 1 the champs 9639
1/7/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 Karroch 2 LoSMoNoS
1/7/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 Wanderers Basket Club 8 2+1 BBC
1/7/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 Texans Paguero 5 Tarariras
1/7/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 T.I. Master 5 TROUVILLE 05
1/7/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 C.A Aguada 8 la pelotita TV
1/7/2025 5:00:00 PM 2 Manyacarbon 4 CallOfDutyBallers
1/7/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes 3 A Lo Verde
1/11/2025 5:00:00 PM 8 Wanderers Basket Club 3 Doctors Minuano
1/11/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 Texans Paguero 7 Karroch
1/11/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 Tarariras 2 LoSMoNoS TV
1/11/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 the champs 9639 5 2+1 BBC
1/11/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 Manyacarbon 8 T.I. Master TV
1/11/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes 7 C.A Aguada
1/11/2025 5:00:00 PM 5 A Lo Verde 6 la pelotita
1/11/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 TROUVILLE 05 2 CallOfDutyBallers
1/14/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 Doctors Minuano 6 Texans Paguero
1/14/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 Karroch 8 Wanderers Basket Club
1/14/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 LoSMoNoS 2 the champs 9639
1/14/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 2+1 BBC 5 Tarariras
1/14/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 T.I. Master 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes
1/14/2025 5:00:00 PM 8 C.A Aguada 5 Manyacarbon
1/14/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 la pelotita 2 TROUVILLE 05
1/14/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 CallOfDutyBallers 6 A Lo Verde TV
1/18/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 Karroch 3 Doctors Minuano
1/18/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 Texans Paguero 8 Wanderers Basket Club TV
1/18/2025 5:00:00 PM 5 2+1 BBC 2 LoSMoNoS
1/18/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 the champs 9639 4 Tarariras
1/18/2025 5:00:00 PM 8 C.A Aguada 7 T.I. Master
1/18/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes 4 Manyacarbon
1/18/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 CallOfDutyBallers 3 la pelotita
1/18/2025 5:00:00 PM 2 TROUVILLE 05 5 A Lo Verde
1/21/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 Doctors Minuano 8 T.I. Master
1/21/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 Karroch 7 C.A Aguada
1/21/2025 5:00:00 PM 8 Wanderers Basket Club 5 Manyacarbon
1/21/2025 5:00:00 PM 5 Texans Paguero 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes
1/21/2025 5:00:00 PM 2 LoSMoNoS 2 la pelotita
1/21/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 2+1 BBC 6 CallOfDutyBallers
1/21/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 Tarariras 3 A Lo Verde
1/21/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 the champs 9639 4 TROUVILLE 05 TV
1/25/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 C.A Aguada 3 Doctors Minuano
1/25/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 Manyacarbon 7 Karroch
1/25/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes 8 Wanderers Basket Club TV
1/25/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 la pelotita 5 Texans Paguero
1/25/2025 5:00:00 PM 5 CallOfDutyBallers 2 LoSMoNoS
1/25/2025 5:00:00 PM 2 A Lo Verde 6 2+1 BBC
1/25/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 TROUVILLE 05 4 Tarariras
1/25/2025 5:00:00 PM 8 T.I. Master 1 the champs 9639
1/28/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 Doctors Minuano 3 Manyacarbon
1/28/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 Karroch 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes
1/28/2025 5:00:00 PM 8 Wanderers Basket Club 5 la pelotita
1/28/2025 5:00:00 PM 5 Texans Paguero 4 CallOfDutyBallers
1/28/2025 5:00:00 PM 2 LoSMoNoS 2 A Lo Verde
1/28/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 2+1 BBC 6 TROUVILLE 05
1/28/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 Tarariras 8 T.I. Master
1/28/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 the champs 9639 7 C.A Aguada
2/1/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes 2 Doctors Minuano
2/1/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 la pelotita 6 Karroch
2/1/2025 5:00:00 PM 5 CallOfDutyBallers 8 Wanderers Basket Club
2/1/2025 5:00:00 PM 2 A Lo Verde 4 Texans Paguero TV
2/1/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 TROUVILLE 05 1 LoSMoNoS
2/1/2025 5:00:00 PM 8 T.I. Master 7 2+1 BBC
2/1/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 C.A Aguada 5 Tarariras
2/1/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 Manyacarbon 3 the champs 9639
2/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 Doctors Minuano 4 la pelotita
2/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 Karroch 3 CallOfDutyBallers
2/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 8 Wanderers Basket Club 2 A Lo Verde
2/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 Texans Paguero 5 TROUVILLE 05
2/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 2 LoSMoNoS 8 T.I. Master
2/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 2+1 BBC 6 C.A Aguada TV
2/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 5 Tarariras 7 Manyacarbon
2/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 the champs 9639 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes
2/8/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 CallOfDutyBallers 2 Doctors Minuano TV
2/8/2025 5:00:00 PM 2 A Lo Verde 6 Karroch
2/8/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 TROUVILLE 05 8 Wanderers Basket Club
2/8/2025 5:00:00 PM 8 T.I. Master 4 Texans Paguero
2/8/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 C.A Aguada 1 LoSMoNoS
2/8/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 Manyacarbon 7 2+1 BBC
2/8/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes 5 Tarariras
2/8/2025 5:00:00 PM 5 la pelotita 3 the champs 9639
2/15/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 Doctors Minuano 2 A Lo Verde
2/15/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 Karroch 6 TROUVILLE 05
2/15/2025 5:00:00 PM 8 Wanderers Basket Club 8 T.I. Master
2/15/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 Texans Paguero 4 C.A Aguada
2/15/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 LoSMoNoS 7 Manyacarbon TV
2/15/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 2+1 BBC 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes
2/15/2025 5:00:00 PM 5 Tarariras 5 la pelotita TV
2/15/2025 5:00:00 PM 2 the champs 9639 3 CallOfDutyBallers
2/18/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 TROUVILLE 05 3 Doctors Minuano
2/18/2025 5:00:00 PM 8 T.I. Master 6 Karroch TV
2/18/2025 5:00:00 PM 5 C.A Aguada 8 Wanderers Basket Club
2/18/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 Manyacarbon 4 Texans Paguero
2/18/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes 1 LoSMoNoS
2/18/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 la pelotita 7 2+1 BBC
2/18/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 CallOfDutyBallers 5 Tarariras
2/18/2025 5:00:00 PM 2 A Lo Verde 2 the champs 9639
2/22/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 Doctors Minuano 1 LoSMoNoS
2/22/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 Karroch 7 2+1 BBC
2/22/2025 5:00:00 PM 8 Wanderers Basket Club 5 Tarariras
2/22/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 Texans Paguero 2 the champs 9639
2/22/2025 5:00:00 PM 8 T.I. Master 5 la pelotita
2/22/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 C.A Aguada 3 CallOfDutyBallers
2/22/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 Manyacarbon 2 A Lo Verde
2/22/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes 6 TROUVILLE 05 TV
2/25/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 2+1 BBC 3 Doctors Minuano TV
2/25/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 Tarariras 6 Karroch
2/25/2025 5:00:00 PM 2 the champs 9639 8 Wanderers Basket Club
2/25/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 LoSMoNoS 5 Texans Paguero
2/25/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 CallOfDutyBallers 7 T.I. Master
2/25/2025 5:00:00 PM 2 A Lo Verde 6 C.A Aguada TV
2/25/2025 5:00:00 PM 5 TROUVILLE 05 8 Manyacarbon
2/25/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 la pelotita 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes
3/1/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 Doctors Minuano 5 Tarariras
3/1/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 Karroch 2 the champs 9639 TV
3/1/2025 5:00:00 PM 8 Wanderers Basket Club 1 LoSMoNoS
3/1/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 Texans Paguero 7 2+1 BBC
3/1/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 T.I. Master 2 A Lo Verde
3/1/2025 5:00:00 PM 5 C.A Aguada 4 TROUVILLE 05
3/1/2025 5:00:00 PM 8 Manyacarbon 6 la pelotita
3/1/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes 3 CallOfDutyBallers
3/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 2 the champs 9639 3 Doctors Minuano
3/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 LoSMoNoS 6 Karroch
3/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 2+1 BBC 8 Wanderers Basket Club
3/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 5 Tarariras 4 Texans Paguero
3/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 TROUVILLE 05 7 T.I. Master
3/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 la pelotita 5 C.A Aguada
3/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 CallOfDutyBallers 8 Manyacarbon
3/4/2025 5:00:00 PM 2 A Lo Verde 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes
3/8/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 Doctors Minuano 8 Wanderers Basket Club
3/8/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 Karroch 4 Texans Paguero
3/8/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 LoSMoNoS 5 Tarariras TV
3/8/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 2+1 BBC 2 the champs 9639
3/8/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 T.I. Master 8 Manyacarbon TV
3/8/2025 5:00:00 PM 5 C.A Aguada 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes
3/8/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 la pelotita 3 A Lo Verde
3/8/2025 5:00:00 PM 2 CallOfDutyBallers 4 TROUVILLE 05
3/11/2025 5:00:00 PM 5 Texans Paguero 3 Doctors Minuano
3/11/2025 5:00:00 PM 8 Wanderers Basket Club 6 Karroch
3/11/2025 5:00:00 PM 2 the champs 9639 1 LoSMoNoS
3/11/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 Tarariras 7 2+1 BBC
3/11/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes 8 T.I. Master
3/11/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 Manyacarbon 5 C.A Aguada
3/11/2025 5:00:00 PM 2 TROUVILLE 05 6 la pelotita
3/11/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 A Lo Verde 3 CallOfDutyBallers
3/15/2025 5:00:00 PM 3 Doctors Minuano 6 Karroch
3/15/2025 5:00:00 PM 8 Wanderers Basket Club 5 Texans Paguero TV
3/15/2025 5:00:00 PM 1 LoSMoNoS 7 2+1 BBC
3/15/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 Tarariras 2 the champs 9639
3/15/2025 5:00:00 PM 8 T.I. Master 5 C.A Aguada
3/15/2025 5:00:00 PM 7 Manyacarbon 1 Trappers Aguas Corrientes
3/15/2025 5:00:00 PM 6 la pelotita 3 CallOfDutyBallers TV
3/15/2025 5:00:00 PM 4 A Lo Verde 2 TROUVILLE 05
TV: Televised