Salary History
Player History

Event Date Season Details
All-Star 10/28/2020 51 Appeared in the league III.5 All-Star Game
MVP Voting 2/24/2020 48 Ranked 15 in the League II.3 Season 48 MVP vote with 2 points
All-Star 1/8/2020 48 Appeared in the league II.3 All-Star Game
MVP Voting 8/12/2019 46 Ranked 2 in the League II.2 Season 46 MVP vote with 109 points
All-Star 6/26/2019 46 Appeared in the league II.2 All-Star Game
All-Star 3/20/2019 45 Appeared in the league Kõrgliiga All-Star Game
Rebounds 3/2/2019 45 Collected 25 rebounds in a League Game against BC Elkaaria
MVP Voting 10/22/2018 43 Ranked 1 in the League II.2 Season 43 MVP vote with 190 points
Rebounds 9/18/2018 43 Collected 26 rebounds in a League Game against BC Kummivenitajad
All-Star 9/5/2018 43 Appeared in the league II.2 All-Star Game
MVP Voting 7/17/2018 42 Ranked 3 in the League II.2 Season 42 MVP vote with 98 points
All-Star 5/30/2018 42 Appeared in the league II.2 All-Star Game
MVP Voting 4/10/2018 41 Ranked 1 in the League II.2 Season 41 MVP vote with 172 points
All-Star 2/21/2018 41 Appeared in the league II.2 All-Star Game
Rebounds 1/6/2018 41 Collected 27 rebounds in a League Game against BC Põltsamaa lakers
MVP Voting 1/2/2018 40 Ranked 1 in the League III.2 Season 40 MVP vote with 184 points
Rebounds 11/21/2017 40 Collected 25 rebounds in a League Game against BC Winners
All-Star 11/15/2017 40 Appeared in the league III.2 All-Star Game
MVP Voting 9/26/2017 39 Ranked 2 in the League III.2 Season 39 MVP vote with 127 points
Rebounds 8/19/2017 39 Collected 25 rebounds in a League Game against Kalev Cramo III
All-Star 8/9/2017 39 Appeared in the league III.2 All-Star Game
All-Star 1/25/2017 37 Appeared in the league III.1 All-Star Game
NT Appearance 12/19/2016 37 First appearance with the Eesti National Team
Rebounds 9/24/2016 36 Collected 25 rebounds in a League Game against BC Pihlaka CSKA
Rebounds 7/23/2016 35 Collected 29 rebounds in a League Game (Televised) against Karud
Rebounds 6/28/2016 35 Collected 26 rebounds in a League Game against ShvedA
Rebounds 6/18/2016 35 Collected 25 rebounds in a League Game against Basket Hoops
Rebounds 5/5/2016 34 Collected 27 rebounds in a Scrimmage against I fenerbahçe I
Rebounds 2/27/2016 34 Collected 25 rebounds in a League Game against Seinbergi sõdalased
Rebounds 2/13/2016 33 Collected 27 rebounds in a Scrimmage against Kändude akadeemia
U21 Appearance 11/23/2015 33 First appearance with the Eesti U21 National Team
Rebounds 11/7/2015 32 Collected 27 rebounds in a Scrimmage against BC Piraaja
Rebounds 6/25/2015 31 Collected 27 rebounds in a Scrimmage against zeljko obradovic
Blocks 4/16/2015 30 Blocked 10 shots in a Scrimmage against 3asteres
Triple-Double 4/16/2015 30 Achieved a triple-double in a Scrimmage against 3asteres
Drafted 1/20/2015 29 Drafted as pick 9 of 48 by kk vpl in the Season 29 Draft

Gleb Skoryukov has played in 72 competitive National Team games.
Gleb Skoryukov has played in 35 National Team scrimmages.
Gleb Skoryukov has played in 13 competitive U21 games.
Gleb Skoryukov has played in 7 U21 scrimmages.
Gleb Skoryukov has made 10 All-Star appearances.

MVP Voting    

Injury Tracker
# Injury Date Heal Date Estimated (Days) Actual (Days) Doctor Level Details

There are currently no injuries to show. Note that only injuries from games after November 20th, 2017 are recorded.