Salary History
Player History

Event Date Season Details
Triple-Double 11/12/2024 66 Achieved a triple-double in a League Game against Eruthros Asteras
All-Star 7/31/2024 65 Appeared in the league IV.9 All-Star Game
Assists 6/22/2024 65 Dished out 17 assists in a League Game against apokalipsi as
Assists 6/15/2024 65 Dished out 15 assists in a League Game against Kamínia Bystanders
Triple-Double 6/15/2024 65 Achieved a triple-double in a League Game against Kamínia Bystanders
Triple-Double 6/1/2024 64 Achieved a triple-double in a League Relegation Game against Greece B.C.
Triple-Double 5/18/2024 64 Achieved a triple-double in a League Game against Abaluben
All-Star 4/24/2024 64 Appeared in the league IV.9 All-Star Game
Triple-Double 4/6/2024 64 Achieved a triple-double in a League Game against koukoubagies
Drafted 11/28/2023 62 Drafted as pick 1 of 48 by Pouthenades Bc in the Season 62 Draft

Yiorgos Chatzimanolis has played in 0 competitive National Team games.
Yiorgos Chatzimanolis has played in 1 U21 scrimmages.
Yiorgos Chatzimanolis has made 2 All-Star appearances.


Injury Tracker
# Injury Date Heal Date Estimated (Days) Actual (Days) Doctor Level Details

There are currently no injuries to show. Note that only injuries from games after November 20th, 2017 are recorded.