Reghin Bulls (105319)
Manager: GM-jokeru
Country: România
League: RBBA
Rival: The Defenders
World Rank: 473
Country Rank: 9
BBM Tier: 1
Last Online: 9/21/2024

Second Team:
Avântul Reghin
Country: Utopia
League: IV.33
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Season 65
Posted on 9/13/2024

Everybody who reads these words knows already that this weekend is the last day, the last moments of season 65. We hope most of you had a successful season. For us, it was a better one than we expected.

After we won League II.3 last season and were promoted back to RBBA League, we thought that we would fight to avoid relegation. Immediately we transferred Liviu Ilie and from the promotion money we bought Marian Voinescu and our outside defense was stronger. Later we convinced Cosmin Iancu and Bujor Albulescu to come back and help us to reach the playoffs. Besides Roman Vilenchik and Cicerone Ganescu, we became one of the strongest teams in Romania.

This way we won many games and lost some games by very few points difference. Unfortunately, in the BBM Tournament, we lost two games by such a points difference and we were out from the first phase of it.

The Romanian Cup Tournament was not a goal and we were eliminated before Cosmin Iancu and Bujor Albulescu rejoined us.

But we ...

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