486 online at 14:34:26
List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Alberto Urzáiz Benito Bought Watchthis 1/19/2009 $ 21 000
Aleksander Macuh Sold KK Vilniaus Sviesa - Savanoris 12/30/2009 $ 118 700
Aleksander Veselak Bought KK Šiška 7/28/2009 $ 400 000
Aleksandras Samukaitis Bought Panathinaikos B.C 9/10/2011 $ 110 000
Alex Kussel Sold Chengdu City 1/18/2009 $ 71 400
Amedej Skale Sold Revolucion 1/18/2009 $ 300 000
Andre Slovak Sold Dinamo wcülőke 6/21/2009 $ 612 000
Ángel Galdo Sold cacereño 3/22/2009 $ 714 000
Ángel Galdo Bought Castellón Wolves 1/18/2009 $ 687 200
Argirakis Vozikis Bought Hegemonia Białystok 8/2/2010 $ 1 100
Arnau Llansana Bought SF Team 12/27/2009 $ 285 000
Arnold Zombori Sold La Sallle 7/31/2009 $ 200 000
Arnold Zombori Bought Budapest BT 7/1/2009 $ 60 000
Bartug Kemal Güneray Bought AL Plouzané. 8/16/2011 $ 140 000
Benjamin Fogle Sold Hamersley 3/9/2009 $ 300 000
Benjamin Fogle Bought Monstars 1/15/2009 $ 250 000
Bobby Joe Duckworth Sold KS Górnik Wałbrzych 7/31/2009 $ 500 000
Bobby Joe Duckworth Bought Yabanim 4/5/2009 $ 306 000
Branko Justin Bought Black Eagles 59 3/24/2010 $ 5 000
Chaker Abdelhafid Bought A.A.A FC 7/14/2009 $ 320 000
Cristian Mirescu Sold Affenteam 6/26/2009 $ 21 000
Cristian Mirescu Bought Dinamo Ploiesti 1/16/2009 $ 1 000
Dani Nedelcu Bought Fc.Asesoft Ploiesti 1/22/2009 $ 2 000
David Velilla Bought Los Stark 4/3/2010 $ 1 000
David Oriols Sold KK Torm 1/27/2009 $ 40 000
David Oriols Bought les brelots 1/17/2009 $ 10 000
Dimitrij Šuštarcic Bought Gladni Vukovi 1/18/2009 $ 3 000
Emanuel Klinger Bought zgube1 4/4/2010 $ 100 000
Florjon Dhamo Sold Daria 7/31/2009 $ 153 000
Florjon Dhamo Bought AC MILAN 69 7/16/2009 $ 100 000
Frédéric Grave Bought UE Països Catalans 3/28/2010 $ 76 600
Gašper Lovro Sold Rovers team 1/18/2009 $ 42 000
Gauthier Willems Bought Gladni Vukovi 2/6/2009 $ 10 000
Giampietro Rechichi Bought JoYo 1/18/2009 $ 20 000
Gian Luca Musumeci Bought Pepper BC 9/28/2009 $ 8 500
Gianfrancesco Gargano Bought Les Ornithorynques dAngoulême 1/11/2012 $ 320 000
Gregor Leskovar Sold The Governance of Ace 3/25/2010 $ 264 200
Heiki Sooäär Bought BC Ventilatsioonimehed 7/1/2009 $ 1 000
Ignacio Ballesteros Bought Orillia Lions 10/26/2010 $ 208 100
Ingmars Rokjanis Bought LisbonTigers 4/20/2010 $ 10 000
Ingvar Poh Bought mir-mar 6/23/2009 $ 480 000
Jaka Korat Sold ProLakers 6/26/2009 $ 7 000
Jakša Kitarovic Bought los vengadores de la bondiola 12/27/2012 $ 250 000
Javier Ángel Lacoste Vignalet Bought LA-CATZ 7/10/2009 $ 52 100
Jon van Veldhoven Sold Pards 7/13/2009 $ 510 000
Jon van Veldhoven Bought FCB Marteko 3/28/2009 $ 800 000
José Portillo Bought Cat Jumpers 1/31/2009 $ 3 200
Krištof Mihorko Sold Iberia B.C 1/21/2009 $ 80 000
Leif Schrader Bought Flightline 1/18/2009 $ 2 000
Leon Miklic Bought KK Fast 3/27/2010 $ 23 000
Lovro Klasinc Bought zeljo1 2/3/2009 $ 200 000
Manuel Bergua Bought Free Agent 1/11/2012 $ 190 000
Milenko Gregoric Sold philipine eagle 1/18/2009 $ 165 800
Miro Krmelj Sold VERATON 3/9/2009 $ 20 000
Nicolae Nãstasã Bought S.C CORINTHIANS 1/19/2009 $ 2 000
Nik Leskovec Bought KK Igman Istočna Ilidza 3/26/2010 $ 150 000
Nino Fatouros Sold Trabzon Heat 12/29/2012 $ 19 000
Nino Fatouros Bought sammymoving 9/10/2011 $ 70 000
Özgün Özler Bought HAZARD CF 6/23/2009 $ 112 200
Pablo Payá Bought ATL Steelers 3/31/2010 $ 100 000
Pasi Törnilä Sold BC Wings 2/10/2009 $ 11 000
Pasi Törnilä Bought Gladni Vukovi 2/6/2009 $ 30 000
Peter Matsson Sold BC "Kurmaičiai" 10/1/2009 $ 344 300
Peter Matsson Bought Stockholm Summoners 9/28/2009 $ 255 000
Radosław Pachulski Bought ATV Dortmund 09 8/22/2012 $ 900 000
Rok Korenc Sold Stacks GrowingACA 3/28/2010 $ 208 100
Salvatore Manzoni Bought Limassol Flying Donkeys 6/23/2009 $ 100 000
Simeon Mula Bought Malabon Sais 4/3/2010 $ 10 000
Stefanos Maropoulos Bought Zucco 8/18/2011 $ 50 000
Sylvester Leeuw Sold Hounds of Justice43A 6/26/2009 $ 100 000
Sylvester Leeuw Bought hoom 1/18/2009 $ 122 400
Tejo Vindiš Sold R.B.C. FORTE 3/25/2010 $ 14 000
Tõnis Oper Bought Arzaac 8/24/2011 $ 160 000
Valentas Marciukaitis Sold lietuvos rytas 2k12 6/26/2009 $ 120 000
Valentas Marciukaitis Bought Galetonika 1/15/2009 $ 1 000
Valon Slavec Sold Zula FC 7/17/2009 $ 450 000
Valon Slavec Bought TJJTDS 6/30/2009 $ 400 000
Waldemar Kolsut Bought Les Marqueurs Fluos 8/23/2012 $ 300 000
Witold Pełka Bought 辽小虎 8/19/2011 $ 120 000
Žak Valenti Sold KK Novinci 1/18/2009 $ 299 800
Zheng Qingxing Bought Fresenius Vršac 4/17/2010 $ 122 400
Zlatko Rojec Sold FC Bombbaajat 8/5/2010 $ 6 000
Total Sales: $ 5 691 300
Total Purchases: $ 8 461 800
Transfer Balance: $ -2 770 500