List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Thomas Bouton Sold OPS Milan 5/10/2021 $ 600 000
Rui Bravo Sold Quarteira Swish BC 5/10/2021 $ 172 300
Ove Olofsson Sold Hanjin 5/10/2021 $ 402 300
Oddmund Hansen Sold Pixiya Bullies 5/10/2021 $ 6 000
Grant Ross Sold Buckets Galaxy 5/7/2021 $ 212 300
Alzen Maxhuni Sold Bolombombo Morcillo 5/7/2021 $ 3 000
Ed Koehler Sold Hurlingham 5/7/2021 $ 367 200
Kai Vestby Sold 8-8 Basketball 5/7/2021 $ 16 000
Eddie Brunborg Sold BC Elkaaria 5/7/2021 $ 811 000
Adrián Pacheco Sold LA Stallions 5/7/2021 $ 142 600
Kintautas Movcanas Sold Rudno Supersonics 5/7/2021 $ 250 000
Grant Ross Bought Old Town BC 4/21/2021 $ 510 000
Reier-Ola Ness Sold In the middle of nowhere 3/20/2021 $ 20 000
Ove Olofsson Bought Free Agent 1/20/2021 $ 618 600
Rui Bravo Bought bigsacocheteam 12/25/2020 $ 510 000
Randall Lentz Sold Taranto Basket 2008 12/18/2020 $ 150 000
Oddmund Hansen Sold SoloAirBall 10/23/2020 $ 1 000
Erling Gaustad Sold DiStampa 10/19/2020 $ 1 000
Randall Lentz Bought HAHA001 9/24/2020 $ 153 000
Adrián Pacheco Bought BC Flying Elephants 9/23/2020 $ 831 400
Arnold Sabalburo Sold La Roca Swimmers 9/10/2020 $ 364 200
Arminas Stiklius Sold Betisterapia 9/10/2020 $ 500 000
Llewellyn Welling Sold Inverness Cats 9/6/2020 $ 153 324
Ed Koehler Bought valensco 9/3/2020 $ 918 000
Michal Burák Sold Beniakovce Basket Team 6/25/2020 $ 113 000
Arnold Sabalburo Bought Bjeeys 6/20/2020 $ 968 000
Adam Clement Sold 高文 6/9/2020 $ 20 000
Thomas Bouton Bought Çanakkale Kordon 6/6/2020 $ 1 450 000
Llewellyn Welling Bought Želbrod 4/16/2020 $ 237 300
Arminas Stiklius Bought Kaunas Snipers 3/30/2020 $ 714 000
Knut Monsen Sold Gurdner 3/23/2020 $ 1 000
Vegard Opgård Sold Gurdner 3/23/2020 $ 1 000
Per Storholt Sold Gurdner 3/23/2020 $ 1 000
Christian Engelsvoll Sold Zajezdnicy 3/23/2020 $ 4 000
Eddie Brunborg Bought Kongsvinger Giants 2/28/2020 $ 394 100
Cai Cunming Sold 68 Yeni Aksaray Spor 2/25/2020 $ 113 500
Ivan Potisk Sold KK Angels 2/25/2020 $ 10 000
Víctor Baliña Sold Aston Birra BBC 2/25/2020 $ 214 200
Víctor Baliña Bought Lefortovo Rockets 1/30/2020 $ 357 000
Thor Alnes Sold Alameda Bay Stars 1/1/2020 $ 26 000
Michal Burák Bought Alcorcón Potters 12/25/2019 $ 200 000
Cai Cunming Bought Cucucu 2008 11/29/2019 $ 199 000
Kintautas Movcanas Bought verbano wildogs 11/16/2019 $ 1 938 000
Ivan Potisk Bought KK Frayers 11/13/2019 $ 250 000
Philippe Desson Sold RadianceF55 11/9/2019 $ 342 100
Gustavo Miguez Sold All Torn Down 11/9/2019 $ 99 511
Alexander Vanweersch Sold Maccabi Ramat-Gan 11/9/2019 $ 975 000
Jerardo Beltrán Sold Guatrache Basket Club 11/9/2019 $ 465 300
Johannes Kristengård Sold BK Zelts 11/9/2019 $ 208 100
Victor Carreon Sold Lima 43ers 11/9/2019 $ 650 000
Jerardo Beltrán Bought Sant Mateu 10/20/2019 $ 816 000
Alzen Maxhuni Bought Miami * Heat 9/18/2019 $ 816 000
Eser Erdal Olçum Sold Gandza Team 8/22/2019 $ 1 300 000
Gustavo Miguez Bought Aittakorven Torjunta & Heitto 7/27/2019 $ 832 200
Jinro Oishi Sold Os Confederados 7/26/2019 $ 208 100
Steven Ward Sold Arsenal 98 7/26/2019 $ 306 000
Linghu Zunping Sold Tři a půl chlapa 7/26/2019 $ 120 000
Victor Carreon Bought TeemoBoyz 7/23/2019 $ 1 490 700
Xu Ruoyou Sold Team Garance junior 7/19/2019 $ 10 000
Bud Richey Sold ΑΡΙΑΝΑΡΑ 7/14/2019 $ 378 800
Eser Erdal Olçum Bought Atletico National 5/24/2019 $ 1 377 000
Thomasz Klaussen Sold A.E.K. youth 5/13/2019 $ 1 515 600
Enzo Paolo Carinelli Sold Tamarillo Wings 5/6/2019 $ 157 200
Alexander Vanweersch Bought КК Ђија ИН 5/3/2019 $ 1 858 500
Atle Solheim Sold Grøa Allstars 4/21/2019 $ 2 000 000
Oren Shamai Sold Kaunas Eagles 3/12/2019 $ 3 000
Philippe Desson Bought Night City Renegades 3/9/2019 $ 562 200
Linghu Zunping Bought Ciervos C.B. 2/23/2019 $ 663 000
Adam Clement Bought Orlando Gladiators 2/11/2019 $ 717 800
Bud Richey Bought KK Pax 9e 1/31/2019 $ 622 200
Knut Bjørklund Sold Ph.AzkALz 1/30/2019 $ 22 000
Gytis Rupšis Sold BC Afganistanas 1/30/2019 $ 30 000
Jonas Toft Sold C.B. Gades 1/30/2019 $ 12 000
Steven Ward Bought mejdej 1/27/2019 $ 650 500
Felipe Viesca Bought Sexmo C.B 1/12/2019 $ 2 000
Zeng Lie Sold ilotomoi 12/7/2018 $ 89 500
Ove Arntsen Sold MFK'NIN PRENSESLERİ 12/2/2018 $ 5 000
Enzo Paolo Carinelli Bought PUCELANOAIRLINESCENTER 11/29/2018 $ 212 300
Karsten Hjortevik Sold BK Tesla Pardubice 11/5/2018 $ 16 000
Xu Ruoyou Bought Los Sabios 11/2/2018 $ 100 000
Du Ziyu Sold The Veggies 10/16/2018 $ 234 600
Choy Whei Ning Sold Les Chèvres 10/16/2018 $ 600 000
Sławomir Komoda Sold BC Dunărea Călăraşi 10/16/2018 $ 30 000
Henrik Karus Sold KK Buducnost Ivanjica 10/16/2018 $ 624 300
Jinro Oishi Bought BC BinicB0F73A 10/15/2018 $ 649 600
Konstantyn Lutkov Sold Defense MVT 7/9/2018 $ 156 100
Marcelino Alfaro Sold Katyushas Jr 7/9/2018 $ 1 000
Choy Whei Ning Bought Free Agent 7/7/2018 $ 1 094 000
Du Ziyu Bought Free Agent 5/18/2018 $ 264 100
Harald Wahl Sold Anderson Clout Lords 4/27/2018 $ 7 000
Oren Shamai Bought CRETE 4/19/2018 $ 408 100
Gytis Rupšis Bought Bananes Flambées 4/13/2018 $ 731 800
Andres Saar Sold CD Imperio 4/12/2018 $ 50 000
Valery Ozhigin Sold Vicktoria 4/12/2018 $ 16 000
Carlo Buonanno Sold AmsterdanWarriors 3/18/2018 $ 2 000
Manos Kakotaridis Sold JUJU BEATS 3/18/2018 $ 6 000
Konstantyn Lutkov Bought Drunken Penguins 2/28/2018 $ 687 200
Navid Nonbo Sold Bruce Gladiators IV 2/22/2018 $ 10 000
Antonio Serrizuela Bought Free Agent 1/26/2018 $ 267 410
Sławomir Komoda Bought B.C. AMPELWNA 1/26/2018 $ 400 000
Guglielmo Berto Sold venividiveni fb 1/26/2018 $ 1 000
Zeng Lie Bought Noob Squad Forever 1/18/2018 $ 867 000
Harry Tønsvik Sold SybTeam 1/5/2018 $ 1 219 000
Jon Hansen Sold Skyhard 1/5/2018 $ 50 000
Stian Mikkelsen Sold south side slammers 10/22/2017 $ 1 000
Eligio Marsala Sold Survivorship 10/3/2017 $ 290 000
Gergõ Gárdián Sold Rudupis 10/3/2017 $ 52 100
Arild Jensrud Bought Beardless Vikings 8/30/2017 $ 172 600
Rikard Grønning Sold Doppio Fastidio 8/13/2017 $ 1 000
Steinar Smestad Sold Ota Boca Juniors 8/13/2017 $ 22 000
David Ojea Sold Kis Mester 7/23/2017 $ 124 900
Valery Ozhigin Bought BC Bobcat 6/25/2017 $ 612 000
Marcelino Alfaro Bought FM Eleven07832 6/24/2017 $ 1 020 000
Viktor Størdal Sold KK Trnowest 6/22/2017 $ 238 807
Tormod Nordstrand Sold Kocamustafapaşa Kocaları 6/22/2017 $ 1 000
Henrik Karus Bought KK TapetijaEF0 6/21/2017 $ 2 381 400
John Grønvold Sold KK Ardor 6/19/2017 $ 1 113 300
Andres Saar Bought Fenerbahce Heat 5/12/2017 $ 612 000
Elliot Diffley Sold BC LAZERIS 1/19/2017 $ 23 000
David Ojea Bought Partizan Rizla 1/19/2017 $ 526 700
Manos Kakotaridis Bought Free Agent 1/14/2017 $ 809 400
Stig Sætre Sold Izzena 12/19/2016 $ 5 000
Gergõ Gárdián Bought Free Agent 11/15/2016 $ 424 000
Carlo Buonanno Bought Free Agent 10/20/2016 $ 324 900
Leung Lou An Sold Kratz Defenders 9/2/2016 $ 25 000
Ruedi Knoche Sold Porquinhos 9/2/2016 $ 138 100
Guglielmo Berto Bought 永倫 8/16/2016 $ 530 700
Knut Hjelle Sold KK GAZDA MILUTIN 7/19/2016 $ 10 000
Ruedi Knoche Bought BK Bērzs 7/13/2016 $ 265 500
Di Ôn Bought Ballergirls 6/14/2016 $ 449 999
John Grønvold Bought Vallerud 6/11/2016 $ 54 000
Sigvald Eresbødalen Sold Persevering Pride 5/28/2016 $ 3 000
Göran Säfbom Sold Holargos B.C 5/28/2016 $ 1 000
Adrian Rulski Sold Tommy II 5/28/2016 $ 1 000
Luigi Colonnello Sold 太湖新城 5/28/2016 $ 1 000
Anton Thorsen Sold Boomtowners 5/28/2016 $ 4 600
Thomas Tjemsland Bought Egenos 5/27/2016 $ 1 000
Stig Sætre Bought Herleix 5/26/2016 $ 1 000
Mosè Sinibaldi Sold Gijon Heat 5/11/2016 $ 75 000
Elliot Diffley Bought AlBaskNi 5/8/2016 $ 306 000
Eligio Marsala Bought Free Agent 4/21/2016 $ 294 000
Félix Bento Bought Free Agent 4/6/2016 $ 510 000
Adrian Rulski Bought Mad about Moldova Mud 3/14/2016 $ 61 000
Ilya Grevtsev Bought Free Agent 3/9/2016 $ 106 600
Luigi Colonnello Bought Trecate basket 3/8/2016 $ 53 200
Värner Antsov Sold Xudaclan 2/21/2016 $ 306 000
Leung Lou An Bought Free Agent 2/10/2016 $ 408 600
Mosè Sinibaldi Bought Zajci Zabijalci 12/19/2015 $ 114 400
Värner Antsov Bought KK Viira 11/18/2015 $ 318 500
Total Sales: $ 19 032 942
Total Purchases: $ 36 695 509
Transfer Balance: $ -17 662 567