List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Jack Glass Bought BC Raekyla 2/13/2020 $ 11 000
Hisayuki Kamitani Sold Zenaida dragons 10/26/2019 $ 813 200
Džonis Klivis-Ziedonis Sold C62 8/24/2019 $ 53 200
Anthony Turlan Sold TeamShoot 8/17/2019 $ 86 800
Kyrylo Kovalev Sold Canadian Steamrollers 11/30/2018 $ 510 000
Anthony Turlan Bought Free Agent 8/17/2018 $ 552 300
Zhong Chunlin Bought 蛋蛋卷 8/6/2018 $ 180 000
Charles Veysset Bought Free Agent 6/20/2018 $ 295 800
Chow Kian Tat Bought KK Trnowest 6/2/2018 $ 300 000
Hisayuki Kamitani Bought Free Agent 6/2/2018 $ 4 244 900
Lauris Burkans Sold Polka Perfection 10/9/2017 $ 3 000 000
Jan Włodarczyk Sold Bolivar 76ers 4/16/2017 $ 127 400
Ignacio Venet Bought Free Agent 4/14/2017 $ 574 700
Kyrylo Kovalev Bought Cosmic Comando 3/18/2017 $ 474 800
Kurt Wackerbarth Bought duckBC 3/17/2017 $ 1 689 500
Jorge Lins Sold Kentucky River 3/13/2017 $ 400 000
Zygmunt Czerwonka Bought Free Agent 2/4/2017 $ 221 900
Kris Chan Sold Altezza БК 1/24/2017 $ 1 200 000
Lelos Adamos Bought Free Agent 11/12/2016 $ 66 700
Yosi Gold Sold Maccabi Big Karmiel 10/31/2016 $ 125 000
Kris Chan Bought SolveRstarS 9/4/2016 $ 1 211 500
Yosi Gold Bought Podanici 7/31/2016 $ 333 333
Sébastien Prouveur Bought Free Agent 6/28/2016 $ 1 122 000
Gastons Ratelis Sold Arionas 8/7/2015 $ 30 000
Jorge Lins Bought La chubacarba 6/21/2015 $ 800 000
Daniel Grenier Sold Hezex BC 5/2/2015 $ 500 000
Deniss Cielavinš Sold 羞死屯火箭队EE4 3/31/2015 $ 974 400
Daniel Grenier Bought Zapatistas D.F. 2023 3/22/2015 $ 700 000
Paul Girard Sold Sologne All-Stars 1/22/2015 $ 510 000
Antons Vucans Sold *777* 12/12/2014 $ 108 400
Lauri Lundén Bought maccabi twelve 8/23/2014 $ 72 800
Paul Girard Bought Durham Wasps 8/17/2014 $ 585 900
Jan Włodarczyk Bought Cotsteam 8/17/2014 $ 796 100
Nándor Dugovics Bought Aranykezű Fijjúk 7/31/2014 $ 226 500
Andrejs Bruks Sold Guanzheng Goldfish 11/8/2013 $ 239 500
Herbert Dušak Sold BC Dzemik 9/23/2013 $ 122 400
Barry Welsh Sold Asparagus ´79ers 9/19/2013 $ 502 800
Herbert Dušak Bought The BulletsA1730C 8/11/2013 $ 221 000
Barry Welsh Bought BROLA 8/7/2013 $ 510 000
Karlis Klenders Sold Bk something 4/9/2013 $ 208 100
Del Laver Sold LorniM 4/9/2013 $ 261 000
Mihaitã Suciu Sold Atletico Balbettante 4/6/2013 $ 400 000
Leonids Maigonis Sold Perth Power 2/28/2013 $ 44 000
Aivars Bidermanis Sold The wild oxen 10/14/2012 $ 2 000
Aivis Lizbovskis Sold Basket Châteaubourg 8/14/2012 $ 500 000
Rolands Bizbardis Sold Miami0Heat 2/28/2012 $ 11 000
Del Laver Bought Free Agent 1/5/2012 $ 304 600
Per Karlbratt Sold Wloclawek Kasztelan 10/25/2011 $ 160 000
Per Karlbratt Bought Pigasara 10/10/2011 $ 207 600
Mihaitã Suciu Bought ББК Рівне 8/20/2011 $ 643 600
Egons Paškevics Sold Ota Boca Juniors 8/20/2011 $ 51 000
Raitis Brambats Sold BC Kargajad 8/20/2011 $ 50 000
Heiko Neeskens Sold Elan Sportif Chalonnais 8/18/2011 $ 51 000
Angelo Vignozzi Sold Cheesecakes 7/25/2011 $ 510 000
Albert Terrades Sold hefest0 7/17/2011 $ 212 300
Angelo Vignozzi Bought 傲寒九诀 7/2/2011 $ 465 300
Kornel Keczmerski Sold Koci Land 5/20/2011 $ 2 000
Albert Terrades Bought Free Agent 3/30/2011 $ 265 500
Vaclavs Johansons Sold ZINI BASKE =T 3 2/10/2011 $ 350 000
Kornel Keczmerski Bought KILLER`S 1/16/2011 $ 2 000
Indulis Brunovskis Sold Krakow Hedgehogs 12/10/2010 $ 12 000
Bartolomeo Solari Sold ONE TREE HILL 10/15/2010 $ 200 000
Bartolomeo Solari Bought Free Agent 8/4/2010 $ 457 800
Gvido Eihenbergs-Ozolkalns Sold Legione ITD 2/28/2010 $ 20 000
Nicolas Martin Bought Parkmegyei Tehenek 11/1/2009 $ 34 000
Marcin Madaj Bought Lakers Vilanów Team 10/30/2009 $ 4 000
Osvalds Pindars Bought B-TM 6/13/2009 $ 1 500
Uldis Ogle Bought Lohatroni lv 12/29/2008 $ 295 800
Liudvikas Akulevicius Bought Lohatroni lv 12/23/2008 $ 40 000
Anan Shariff Sold Tartu Mavericks 12/22/2008 $ 150 000
Mirko Pocuca Sold Partenope 1926 12/18/2008 $ 65 400
Yao Baoqi Sold bk falun 12/18/2008 $ 135 000
Žaibas Prakofjevas Sold Death KnightsD83 12/17/2008 $ 35 000
Anan Shariff Bought KK Manžan 12/12/2008 $ 180 400
Žaibas Prakofjevas Bought Hurricane Harbor 12/12/2008 $ 11 000
Gatis Dublis Sold Flashing Heat 12/12/2008 $ 265 600
Massimo Cavedon Sold Libertas LivornoC3021A 12/6/2008 $ 61 200
Mirko Pocuca Bought Uzice Pigeons 10/24/2008 $ 208 100
Ernests Timošenko Sold GRAUZĒJI 10/22/2008 $ 440 000
Lou Giordano Bought Buzz Killers Dolphines 10/19/2008 $ 9 000
Mark Kamanin Sold Adderalls 10/18/2008 $ 48 000
Yao Baoqi Bought Wostoneta 10/12/2008 $ 82 900
Aldis Radiševics Sold 一猪猪一 10/8/2008 $ 74 400
Nils Zembahs Sold Rock bottom 10/8/2008 $ 1 200
Aldonis Biravs Sold Guardions of Hell 10/6/2008 $ 55 400
Normando Pino Mata Bought LosCamisasRojas 10/5/2008 $ 39 000
Sante Friscia Bought Hua Hin Bobcats 10/3/2008 $ 3 000
Didzis Žvinklis Sold kk anarh 9/29/2008 $ 27 000
Mark Kamanin Bought AS.Ribelli 9/24/2008 $ 51 000
Cleisson Queirós Bought Campinas B.F.C 9/23/2008 $ 69 400
Francisco Candas Bought hamon 9/23/2008 $ 6 000
Gian Gastone Tambini Bought Hiesfeld Mavericks 9/20/2008 $ 52 100
Grigorijs Tellans Sold KK BARSTYCIAI 9/17/2008 $ 104 100
Rasels Klavs Sold padina city 9/17/2008 $ 3 003
Massimo Cavedon Bought gli impotenti 9/9/2008 $ 326 400
Total Sales: $ 13 812 803
Total Purchases: $ 18 950 733
Transfer Balance: $ -5 137 930