Dinamo wcülőke - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the Dinamo wcülőke Hall of Fame.

Tivadar Boross
9/23/2008 - 6/20/2009
Kwok Chang Lin
11/22/2008 - 6/9/2009
Ibán Condines
11/29/2008 - Present

Elias Arinos
4/25/2009 - 6/13/2010
Raúl Xicoténcatl Márquez
6/18/2009 - Present
Manuel Ramos Cerro
4/3/2010 - 9/22/2011

Steve Wen
12/7/2010 - 10/24/2011
Tadeusz Wasiljew
2/11/2012 - 7/20/2013
Georgi Chalúmov
4/7/2012 - 6/22/2014

Kyle Rusheild
12/29/2013 - 2/23/2017
József Virágh
7/10/2014 - 9/2/2016
Ferdinandas Bulderis
11/11/2014 - Present

Weng Guilun
10/11/2019 - Present
Muhammed Hanifi Türkü
7/17/2020 - 1/9/2022
Yan Harvey
10/24/2020 - 7/28/2022

Beniamin Kepczynski
3/24/2021 - 3/20/2022
