List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Dániel Iványi Bought AC Clippers 10/2/2008 $ 24 000
Tomasz Ciejka Sold AC_Milan 4/7/2010 $ 5 400 000
Bodo Wilschdorf Bought AMPASKET 9/23/2008 $ 1 000
Fabian Peron Bought Bad Girls 9/18/2008 $ 35 000
Xepe Barrero Bought Bankoa Urrunaga 12/24/2013 $ 11 000
Gabriele Di Caro Bought Basket Wloclawek 8/25/2011 $ 650 000
Antonio Pellegrino Sold BC Windows 7XP 10/21/2009 $ 15 000
Kornel Zys Beniaminek 12/19/2009 $ 5 600
Konštantín Šepela Bought BK ELIX 9/6/2008 $ 45 000
Antonio Pellegrino Bought Black Stallion 9/27/2009 $ 200 000
Luigi Fumarola Bought Boston Bird Celtics 4/4/2010 $ 800 000
Ng Yau Tang Bought Braunschweigs Rasta ButtervögelD05 12/31/2013 $ 70 000
Basar Simten Bought Call To Victory 11/4/2008 $ 117 400
Sauro Igliozzi Bought Castrum BK 12/24/2013 $ 5 000
Alcebíades Cavalcante Bought Caucaia Dinos 2/5/2009 $ 500 000
Emanuels Rudzajs Sold Chiavo Veronica 1/19/2010 $ 52 100
Clodomiro Berzal Bought Clermont mercy 12/22/2013 $ 24 000
Jan Uršnik Bought Club Atlético Goes305 9/6/2008 $ 30 000
Mieczyslaw Jasiewicz Sold Corinthians BasqueteB4D 6/13/2009 $ 16 000
Alessandro Tropeano Sold Escuela austríaca 8/8/2010 $ 187 000
Ugo Pisanu Bought espagne10 8/9/2009 $ 450 000
Martí Hinojosa Bought Foodies 4/13/2010 $ 1 250 000
Chai Huaiguang Bought fred galaxy 4/8/2010 $ 1 200 000
Rafael Ocampo Bought Free Agent 4/8/2010 $ 825 600
Jerzy Jamroz Sold FTD红魔 6/24/2009 $ 1 000
Lukasz Zuchniak Sold Gladiatorii 10/4/2008 $ 2 000
Paride Cardelli Sold grei heat 9/23/2009 $ 81 600
Demóstenes Campanha Bought High Tops 1/2/2009 $ 176 100
Emanuels Rudzajs Bought Hospitāļu ielas bruģis 9/6/2008 $ 31 000
Columbus Odonnell Bought Hossiers 9/6/2008 $ 1 000
Tomas Cerpas Bought Inter Kraków 1/7/2014 $ 93 700
Klaudiusz Adamkowski Sold KK Saare Viiner 11/13/2008 $ 5 000
Krzysztof Szaj Sold Knicks Slupsk 5/31/2010 $ 100 000
Adam Wszołek Sold Kurce Pompy Nie Moge Wytrzymac 4/4/2011 $ 100 000
Ulises Publio Villarreal Bought LABOULAYE BC 12/22/2013 $ 100 000
Józef Aleksandrowski Bought Legendy Wrocław 5/25/2013 $ 990 000
Ziedonis Zibinš Bought Liedags 10/18/2009 $ 498 400
Quentin Gourichon Bought long shots 12/22/2013 $ 23 300
Argirios Laftsis Bought Megan HS 3/13/2011 $ 1 236 400
Ritche Estrologo Sold Mision abortion 9/11/2008 $ 30 000
Ugo Pisanu Sold Neptūnas Optibet 3/30/2010 $ 550 000
Fabian Peron Sold New York Renaissance 1/29/2009 $ 45 000
Rojs Kimze Sold Nietzsche Sporting Club 9/22/2008 $ 30 000
Sergio Báez Bought Oby nie do zera 9/6/2008 $ 3 000
Sascha Atzmüller Bought Omiya Ardija B.K 3/9/2014 $ 120 000
Jeffrey Bleasdale Bought pallasosB0A 12/10/2008 $ 7 000
Anatael Sierra Bought Pink Leopards 10/15/2009 $ 265 500
Stanislaw Plesiak Sold Piperkari 1/4/2009 $ 52 100
Herschel Falkiner Bought Quilmes Mar Del Plata 12/11/2008 $ 72 900
Alcebíades Cavalcante Sold Ram! 4/11/2010 $ 260 200
Paride Cardelli Bought robres 5/6/2009 $ 110 600
Jeffrey Bleasdale Sold Rudupis 2/1/2009 $ 40 000
Rojs Kimze Bought saulesstarinsh 9/6/2008 $ 22 000
Henrique Silva Bought SKORPOXORI 12/22/2013 $ 75 000
Peker Alpsoy Bought soproni team 12/25/2013 $ 70 000
Florian Chrusciak Sold Stella Rossa JapigiaDAF 9/9/2008 $ 11 600
Alessandro Tropeano Bought Texas Rangers 9/14/2008 $ 27 000
Łukasz Rządkowski Bought The Blue Phoenix 2/19/2013 $ 799 999
Mustapha Bouhouda Bought The Cocks 4/7/2010 $ 1 950 000
Charlélie Turpin Bought The Nba Stars 9/6/2008 $ 25 000
Basar Simten Sold Touring 12/31/2008 $ 55 000
Leroy Leyva Bought Trini Manicou 12/22/2013 $ 56 200
Peter Mostmans Bought UMK PIASECZNO 12/24/2013 $ 3 000
Ritche Estrologo Bought VoltZ 9/7/2008 $ 25 000
Edis Dzedzevicius Bought Wibac celtics 1/4/2014 $ 45 000
Bodo Wilschdorf Sold WOLKADOV 6/19/2009 $ 1 000
Herschel Falkiner Sold Wściekłe dziki 2/1/2009 $ 580 000
Sotiris Mastorakis Bought ΣΠΑΡΤΙΑΤΕΣ 9/27/2008 $ 105 000
Total Sales: $ 7 614 600
Total Purchases: $ 13 170 099
Transfer Balance: $ -5 555 499