List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Harald Niec Bought Carolinitos 9/7/2012 $ 150 000
Jasper Dohet Bought Super Pescara 6/27/2012 $ 50 000
Dani Pereira Bought flofloA04 6/27/2012 $ 7 000
Raido Kõiv Bought kosmoskale 6/5/2012 $ 200 000
Siniša Savović Bought kosmoskale 6/5/2012 $ 100 000
Stéphane Poulin Bought 洛阳马刺 6/5/2012 $ 20 000
Gintaras Pesliakas Bought 21 Nations Army 4/22/2012 $ 300 000
Anton Burcík Bought Hapoel Bank Yahav Jerusalem 4/16/2012 $ 104 100
Ertan Öklü Bought FC Raiviens 4/11/2012 $ 5 000
Harel Chassidim Bought Novigrad Legion 4/10/2012 $ 25 000
Oddone Radivo Bought UltraSar 10/13/2011 $ 2 000
Gediminas Plehavicius Bought Lizardai 10/13/2011 $ 2 000
Jaime Alcaina Bought LaPackers 10/8/2011 $ 306 000
Florian Hersent Sold Gli Squalotti 9/27/2011 $ 204 000
Odin Ujaković Sold TAIPANI 9/27/2011 $ 371 500
Jean-Didier Demedts Sold IQ33 9/27/2011 $ 20 000
Odin Ujaković Bought Belica Dragons 4/1/2011 $ 142 800
Otia Diasamidze Sold IcE‧BreaKerS 3/19/2011 $ 650 000
Svajus Sunaitis Bought Castello Stars 2/6/2011 $ 7 000
Roberto Argo Bought Scarsons 2/6/2011 $ 21 000
Lu Xiuzhi Bought Ateneo Green Eagles 2/4/2011 $ 510 000
Miguel Antonio Cadalso Bought FC Bidule Pornichet 2/4/2011 $ 1 122 000
Mirosław Stopka Sold Young Wolves 2/3/2011 $ 2 000 000
Dariusz Korytkowski Sold Yellow submarines 12/23/2010 $ 2 000
Kasper Polka Sold Dream Snoopy Team 12/23/2010 $ 3 000
Heliodor Miksza Sold berlio basket 12/23/2010 $ 2 000
Florian Hersent Bought TNT89 11/28/2010 $ 30 000
José Hernández Luna Sold FlosMariae 11/26/2010 $ 104 100
Otia Diasamidze Bought Przystojne Karły 10/19/2010 $ 714 600
Hei Zhongming Sold U.D los loco 10/12/2010 $ 936 400
Pablo Henche Bought Medlanky 9/5/2010 $ 397 800
Piotr Haza Sold Gladiators Roma 7/16/2010 $ 1 111
Fernando Amadeu Bought The 21st Squad 7/16/2010 $ 20 000
Radosław Okrasiec Sold 撒丁岛 7/2/2010 $ 10 000
Antoni Pogoda Sold Country Dons Club 6/21/2010 $ 4 000
Nikodem Slawek Sold pogon sztutowo 6/21/2010 $ 1 000
Ryszard Skonecki Sold Panolethriakos 6/21/2010 $ 20 000
Hei Zhongming Bought Perverznjaci 6/18/2010 $ 909 400
Baltazar Zawisza Sold Lotos Gdynia 6/14/2010 $ 1 000
Hubert Dzirba Sold Lotos Gdynia 6/14/2010 $ 10 000
Łukasz Stefanik Sold The Thunders 6/6/2010 $ 1 450 000
Seweryn Oberski Sold Kohmerdised 3/25/2010 $ 10 000
Jean-Didier Demedts Bought The Brotherhood 2/24/2010 $ 340 000
Garifallos Tragos Sold Newcastle-Under-Lyme 12/28/2009 $ 408 000
José Hernández Luna Bought C.B.Canarista 10/22/2009 $ 770 000
Garifallos Tragos Bought camellot 8/29/2009 $ 459 800
Total Sales: $ 6 208 111
Total Purchases: $ 6 715 500
Transfer Balance: $ -507 389